An absolute is like the north star when you're lost. When you… When you've lost your directions, and you want to find your way back, the north star is an absolute. Now, there's other stars, but they turn with the world. As the world turns around them, the… it turns away from them. And the… You know, the same morning star is the evening star also, because the world just turned around. But there's one star that does not move, and it's centered right in the middle of the earth. And therefore the… It's a—it's a sure star. If you know the north star, you can always find your way around. But, oh, that's when a man is lost, and he doesn't know just which way to go. Now, I know a Star. Oh, it's more than a north star. And to be tied and see His Presence, no matter how you're lost or where you are, you can find your way back by His guidance, that's His Word. It's the way out of all troubles. It's the way to peace. It's the way to success. It's the way to Life, itself, is to follow this Star, the Lord Jesus. And now, if you are tied to that Star, the Holy Spirit is the Compass that'll only point to the Star. The Holy… A compass, it is magnetized to that North Pole. And the only way, no matter how much jungle you're in, or how deep the thickets are around you, or how foggy it is at sea, that compass hand, you can turn it any way you want to, and it'll swing right back and point to the north star. And when we're in trouble, and trusting Christ, there's one thing sure: the Holy Spirit will point us to the Word that will guide us to the North Star, and to deliver of everything we have need of. He is our Absolute.A Absolute - 63-0304 - William Branham
It's the way out of all troubles
That's wrong, brother
No matter how long you've been a Christian, do you still got those little old spirits that talk to you, makes you fly loose, makes you talk about somebody? When somebody comes up and goes to speaking about somebody else, you join right in with them and oh, just run them down? That's wrong, brother; don't do that. That'll finally keep you out of the promised land. If you just got that little old things that you oughtn't to have, if the love of God really isn't in your heart, won't you be lady and men, walk up and say, "God, right here I'm going to dump it out this morning, right here. I'm going away from this altar a different person." Would you come?Enticing Spirits - 55-0724 - William Branham
Your life tells what you are
So a hypocrite, an impostor, he can go to the world and affiliate with the world, and act like the world, and live in the world, and enjoy the pleasures of the world, and come to church and pretend to be a Christian. But the real Christian can't go out into the world and come back; there's something wrong. So that shows... Show me your company, I will tell you who you are. Let me go into your house and see what you read, let me listen to--see what kind of music you--you have playing. Let me see what kind of magazines, what kind of literature you read. Let me look in your office and see if it's a big bunch of these vulgar pictures of pin-ups and things. And you tell me you're a Christian, I won't say nothing to you; but in my heart I will watch what kind of fruit you're bearing (See?), 'cause that's your diet. Oh, you say, "I belong to the church. Well now, you no business judging me, Brother Branham." I am not judging you; the Word is a judging you. That's right. Your fruit, your life tells what you are.Pride - 55-0807A - William Branham
Hold on to it
Some people has great big faith like this, anything can happen. The next has faith that deep, takes a little longer. Next has faith that deep, takes quite a little while. Some has faith like a mustard seed. But if it's mustard seed faith, genuine faith, hold on to it; just keep believing it; it'll become marble faith; then it'll become grapefruit faith; and then it'll become mountain faith. It'll bring you right out if you just stay with it. Hold on to it; it'll bring you right straight to the light, if you'll stay with it.The Second Miracle - 51-0729E - William Branham
Show the devil what you're made out of
Refuse to sign for anything the devil brings. He will have to take it back. Say, "I refuse to have it. I just won't have it, no, sir." He will have to take it back in the Name of the Lord. If you believe it, and confess it, and say, "I've accept Jesus Christ as my Healer," there's no affliction or disease can stay on you. Stay right with it. But the first time that you get weak and say, "Well, yes, I've still got it." Then you drop right down to where you was at. You signed for it, then took it back. Say, "Yes, Mr. Devil, I--I'll have it back." Oh, brother. You stand right there as--as long as there's a breath in your body, say, "I refuse to have it. I refuse to have it." How do you feeling? "Wonderful, hallelujah." That's it. That's right. Show the devil what you're made out of; you're borned again by the Spirit of God, and you don't have to bow down to his images. Stay right there, say, "I don't want your stuff." "Why, here's your name on it, the doctor said..." "I don't care what he said. I know what God said. Get away from here with it." That's right, that's the way to treat him; hand it back. He was the one give it to you, he will have to be the one take it back.The Second Miracle - 51-0729E - William Branham
We're ready to fly away
The same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness, the same Angel of God that come into the--the place and delivered Peter from the bars, the same Lord Jesus that stood before Paul and sent the shining light that blinded his eyes. And the men around him couldn't see no light at all. But Paul; it put his eyes out. And he was blind and had to be led by the hands to the city, the light was so bright around him. That same Light, the Lord Jesus Christ is here tonight in His resurrected Being and proving Himself by infallible signs and wonders that He's here. Oh, people, put your faith into action. Don't be a scared. Why, shame on you; don't be scared. Stand fast in the liberty wherein Christ has made you free. Don't entangle yourself in a bird cage any longer. Come on out of it. Break down the walls. Christ tore down the middle walls of partition, made us free. We're ready to fly away. Amen. I like that.Faith In Action - 55-1003 - William Branham
That's what makes us love Him
Why God picked on little Bethlehem, and then did not choose these greater cities...?... They had greater names, and more of a spiritual background. But, you know, God has a way of doing things, just His Own way about things. I'm so glad He does. See? Sometimes He takes things that doesn't have a spiritual background, or doesn't have any background at all. And that's why He is God; He can take something that's nothing, and make something out of it. And then that's what makes Him God. That's what makes us love Him. That's what makes us poor people appreciate Him, because that even though we, poor, with no background, yet God can do great things with us if He ever gets us under His control.God's Wrapped Gift - 60-1225 - William Branham
Let Him be Lord
It's the greatest present that was ever give. Oh, of course, you give your friends Christmas presents. That's good. That's tokens. But, brother, there's a Present offered you tonight that no money could ever buy. It's a free gift come from God: His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Would you receive Him as your personal Guider, as your personal Saviour, as your God, as your—as your Redeemer, as your King? He heals the soul and the body. He takes the control room. If you got fears and doubts, just let it go now. Let Him be King. Let Him come in and take over. Let Him be Lord. "Lord" is "Ruler." Lordship is rulership.The Unity Of One God In The One Church - 58-1221E - William Branham
Your very breath holds in His hand
Oh, how we could only stop just a minute! Who are you, anyhow? What does that job you got mean? Or what does that little house we own mean? What does the car we own mean? Pretty little girl, you little sassy thing, what does that little look that you have now? You young men with a shiny, slick hair, straight shoulders; you'll bend down someday, when stooped with age. But, blessed be the Lord! You've got a soul that's born again. You'll live forever and ever, because He become you, that you through His grace might become Him, and make a place for you. Oh, we who think that we got a change of clothes, and a few groceries in the house, what are we? God could take it in a second. Your very breath holds in His hand. And here in our midst to heal the sick, to proclaim and profess, and to foretell, and every time perfect. And even concerned enough to bring a little, dead fish back to its life again, in the midst of us. Jehovah around us, Jehovah in us, the great and mighty I AM.Hebrews Chapter Two #2 - 57-0825E - William Branham
Today this Scripture is fulfilled
Now, how could those people ever fail to see Who He was? How did they ever miss it? How could it be, when it was so plainly made known and showed? How could they have ever missed seeing? When He... What a Word! Think of it, "This day is this Scripture fulfilled before your eyes." Who said it? God Himself, Who is the interpreter of His Own Word. "This day is this Scripture fulfilled." The Messiah, Himself, standing in the presence of the congregation and reading a Word out of the Bible, pertaining to Himself, and then saying, "Today this Scripture is fulfilled," and they still failed to see It.This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled - 65-0219 - William Branham
It will be so
When, we think sometimes it's all "we got to do this and do that" to make the clock tick just right. God's timepiece is ticking perfectly, and Jesus will be here right on time. He won't be one second behind. Everything will happen just exactly the way God said it would. So, whether we do it or whether we do not do it, it will be here just the same, 'cause God has spoke it, and it will be so.We Have Seen His Star And Have Come To Worship Him - 63-1216 - William Branham
It's to them that believe
137 I just wonder tonight, brother, sister, if we sometime, we're always trying to see how much we can get ourself, when we ought to be giving what we got, to Christ. See, not learning how smart we can be, and how we can outwit the other fellow, but how all that we've got we can surrender to Him. 138 "God give me a dream, I wouldn't even believe it," I heard some people say. 139 "I don't believe in Divine healing." I was showing a fellow the other day about it. He said, "I don't care how many doctors would sign their names, I don't care how many you say, and what would be, or whatever more," said, "I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" I said, "Certainly not. It was not for you." 140 Divine healing was not sent to unbelievers. It was sent to believers. Christ is to believers. The Holy Ghost is to them that believe, only; not for unbelievers, wasn't intended for them. It's a blind stumbling block to them, always will be, always was. It's not to unbelievers. It's to them that believe! That's it.We Have Seen His Star And Have Come To Worship Him - 63-1216 - William Branham
We need to go back to a power of God
And Brother Lyle and I, as we set out there, that's Sister Moore's father, and how he told me that in the early days, back in those days when they were persecuted and turned out from everywhere, that he was in a meeting once to where they were—had forbid them to worship the Lord in the Spirit. And a group of people come up and shot through the windows with pistols and rifles. And an old sister standing in the floor with her hands up in the air praising God while the windows was being riddled with bullets from rifles. And the bullets struck the woman's dress and fell to the floor without harming her. We need to go back to a power of God, and a—something that can do the same thing today. Although in our numbers… Persecution always gives strength to the church. We've had it too easy. We get slothful. We get to a place where we don't want to move on, because everything's just handed to us. It takes sorrow, and tears, and sweat, and prayer, and faith, and promise to move forward in the power of the Holy Spirit. That zeal and power that they had in those days has long time vanished from our assemblies. I'm afraid if the windows would be shot out tonight, people'd run every way and never come back again.Return And Jubilee - 62-1122 - William Branham
I was sent to you
But remember, brother, that message is supposed to shake the nation or shake the church. Don't you look for some great something to come down on corridors. The message of God will be exactly to the elected church. These signs and wonders will never be done before the world; they're not supposed to be. President of the Four Rose Whiskey Company, his wife was... She's a--a Missionary Alliance. And she was in one of the meetings; she called Brother Bosworth, which was a Missionary Alliance, and said, "The thing of it is, you're not letting that gift get started out." Said, "What I seen last night would be done in the capitals and so forth, of the nation, why," said, "it would convert--bring the whole world to Christianity." But you see, it's not sent to capitals of nations. See? It's sent to the elected church. You see, you're not... "Oh," they say, "put your name on great big signs, and hit the big nerve centers; get on television." It wasn't meant for that. I was just sent to you, the church, and that's it. Now, you believe it with all your heart.Balm In Gilead - 61-0218 - William Branham
It can't sink
I was saying somewhere, maybe here a few nights ago, I wanted to preach so bad, I preached to my wife in bed till twelve o'clock, just telling her of how glorious Jesus was. A text come in my heart. It kept burning me so great till I just couldn't rest with it. And I just said, "Honey, I want to preach to you a little while." And she roused up; by grace she listened. I said, "The Christian faith is based solidly upon rest. That's right. A Christian is not tossed about. A Christian doesn't run from place to place. A Christian doesn't fuss, and fume, and worry about things. A Christian rests. It's all over. It's all finished for the believer at Calvary. That's right. Oh, sickness may comes and disappointments; but the Christian's at rest knowing this, that God's able to keep that which He has performed, knowing that no matter what the thing is, or how it looks, there's neither sickness, sorrow, death; there's neither starvation or anything that can separate us from the love of God that's in Jesus Christ. We're at rest. Just let the old ship toss any way she wants to; the anchor holds.Why Are People So Tossed About? - 56-0101 - William Branham
I come by a harbor one time and seen that. We was flying in a plane. The great... Coming down low, there was a big old ship there. The sails had been let down, you know. And, oh, what a storm on the sea. My, she was tossing. And I seen that old ship there rocking back and forth, and some waves that would go in, and some waves that would go under, and everything. And I said, "Wonder why that is?" And a fellow setting said, "It's got a sea anchor on it. Therefore," said, "the ship can't sink." He said, "It can go through the waves, but it can't sink, because it's anchored." I said, "Oh, praise be to God; we got a anchor." Some waves we can go over, and some we can go under; but regardless, if the anchor holds... It isn't the ship doing the holding; it's the anchor doing the holding. It isn't what I am, or what I will be, or what I was; it's what He is now, and what He did for me and you. It ain't what I can do; it's what He has done.
My faith doesn't anchor in what the coming meetings will be. My faith doesn't rest in only--any ability that I would have, or upon what church I should join, or what people I should associate with. My faith anchors and rests entirely upon the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, already been received. God justified Him by raising Him from the dead. "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm well pleased," and God raised Him up from the dead for our justification. No wonder the poet said:"Living He loved me; dying, He saved me; Buried, He carried my sins far away; Rising, He justified, freely forever: Someday He's coming--oh, glorious day."The Christian rests in that hope upon the stormy seas. There... Sure, storms rise, all kinds of troubles, but we're anchored. That's all. It'll never sink. It can't sink.
It's only based on one thing
Now, if the same person, another person, approaches on that same basis, He's got to do the same thing. Or, if it didn't, then He did wrong. He did wrong then when He healed that—that one woman, and healed her that way, then He did wrong when He—when He healed her, if He—if He did—if He didn't do the… If He—if He did—healed her, then if He doesn't heal you, He acted wrong then when He healed the first one, if you'll meet the same requirements of faith that she did. It's only based on one thing, "I can if ye believe." That's all. So, see, then it all lays back, no matter how much strain or what we put on it, it's not that; it's relax and believe.The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God #1 - 61-0216 - William Branham
God's still got mercy open
348. Brother Branham, some say mercy is over and no one can be saved. Now, is this true? (I'm glad I got this one.) We watch and pray--we watch the prayer lines, and it seems some are still finding mercy. Now, that's the first question, you got two. "Is mercy over?" Don't never think that. See? Just keep right on doing everything you can until you're taken away. See? "We notice in the prayer line some's finds mercy." Sure. Mercy's--the doors are open. See? I think where you got this--this thought might lay between... See, I don't have time to give each one of these Scriptures their right place (You see?), each one of these things their right place. They... In the prayer line you find mercy, certainly. If I knowed Jesus was coming this afternoon, I'd be doing just the thing I'm doing right now (See?), just continuing right on. Mercy is always open. See?Questions And Answers #3 COD - 64-0830 - William Branham
And now, where I think you get it, is about the finishing of the Seven Church Ages and the Seven Seals being loosed. See? The Seven Seals, it's manifested what takes place has--what has took place. The seventh church age, we're at the end of the seventh church age. When I say the end, that doesn't mean it's this very hour, this very minute. You remember, the Bible said, back in the times of--of the Lord Jesus, Paul said, "For the time is at hand." Do you realize how long that was in God's time? That was yesterday. My time, it's been two thousand years. See? The time is at hand. See? What God calls at hand is not what we call at hand. See? So just keep on believing, keep on praying, keep on... God's still got mercy open; just keep flowing into it as fast as you can. God will do the stopping when it's time to stop. See?
349. Now. Brother Branham, is it true that no one should preach but you? We have seen your--we have seen you ordain men. We do--don't believe you would do that if there were not--if they were not to preach. Mercy. Brother, sister, ever who told you that nobody's to preach but me, I'd sure be a poor subject to God with all that. No. Every man or that feels a call of God upon his life, get into the ministry and start preaching; we need them. Men of God are anointed all over the world to preach the Gospel. See? I'm just one little pebble on the beach among many big stones. See? So I... There's just many that's more eligible, more worthy, more of anything to preach than me; I'm just one little, humble person laying out here. I'm one grain of wheat in a whole garner. See? So that just a... You know what I mean. Any man that's called of God needs to preach the Gospel.
The hour is at hand
And remember, the very time that the sleeping virgin went to buy the oil, that's when the Bridegroom came. Glory. Don't you see it? If the Presbyterians and the Episcopalians and those others, are come seeking for the Holy Ghost, you'd better get your lamp trimmed. Trimmed, trimmed, yes, it needs trimming. Pentecost, better be trimming some lamps. Amen. Get a lot of this world cut away from you. You done got corroded over. The wicks got in bad shape. You know that wick is a great thing. I used to watch. What a real wick of God is a--a believer, is a wick. Look, he's got a fire on one end, up here, and the other end's dipped into oil, drawing oil and making fire. What a--what a church, what a power. What a place to be. Hallelujah. Shining that same Gospel light that shines in the east, is shining in the west. It shall be light in the evening time. Rise, trim your lamp, Pentecost. Trim off the world; trim off the fashions of the world; trim off the things of the world. Get ready; the hour is at hand.The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God #1 - 61-0216 - William Branham
Act like gentlemen
Abel died on the same rock with his lamb. Every believer has to do the same thing: die on the rock with your lamb. A lamb don't have but one thing, and that's wool. And he has to forfeit all he's got. He don't kick up a fuss about it. You take the little fellow and throw him up there, like I said, the lamb dumb before its shearers. He gets sheared off. He don't fuss about it. Only thing he's got, he forfeits it willing. And we say we're Christians. Somebody wrote me a little letter the other day and--little note, and funny isn't it, I got it down there, said, "I got a right; I'm a American citizen; I wear any kind of clothes I want to." Go right ahead, it's all right. That shows you're a goat. That's right. You just go ahead and wear them if you wish. But remember, if you're a lamb, you have got a right to it, but you forfeit your rights for Christ. I got a right to get drunk tonight too; I'm American citizen. I got a right to smoke cigarettes; I'm American citizen. You have too, but we forfeit our rights. Be shaved off of those things. Act like gentlemen, like ladies, dress like it, and act like it and live like it. Forfeit your rights.The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God #1 - 61-0216 - William Branham
It's your faith
Now, the people, you see, it's your faith. It's never your feelings. It's nothing, whether it's so, if my hand isn't straight. That doesn't have one thing to do with it. It's my faith that does that. See? Right before us, we see the image of a perfect healed person, by faith. And then we just make step by step till we step right into that person, and just walk right on with it. See? There you are. And that, that's what does it, your faith; not your feelings. Your faith does it. The thanks and praise be to God!What Shall I Do With Jesus Called Christ - 63-1124 - William Branham
He's looking for time-tested material
And Jesus Christ came from heaven to glory, from glory down here to build a Church. And the material that He's putting in it is time-tested material. You might come to the altar and make a confession, but when He finds blow holes and everything else in to where the world's blown the maggots in you, and so forth, you cannot stand; He just pitches you to one side. God wants a time-tested church, not somebody's a Christian today and a backslider tomorrow, and is in-and-out, up-and-down; He can't place you nowhere. But He's got a church that's tested, went through the trials, through losses, through sickness, through sorrow, through death, and still standing with a testimony. That's the man. Yes, that's the man He's looking for. I don't care if you're a pauper; I don't care if you're a beggar. I don't care if you're a ragpicker. Whatever you are, God puts the test to you. He's looking for time-tested material.Time Tested Memorials Of God - 57-0818 - William Branham
He knows your needs
He knows your needs. He knows how to bring it to you. But the trouble of it is, because it don't come the way you think it ought to come, then you're all discouraged, and you hand it back to Him. Let's ask Him, and believe that He will send it just the way He wants to send it. And accept it upon the basis. That's right. See? If you ask Him, don't make Him a liar. He can't lie. He promised, "Ask the Father anything in My Name, I'll do it." Now, God can't lie. Ask Him and it shall be done. "Seek, ye shall find; knock, it'll be opened." We believe that. Certainly we do.The Unchangeable God Working In An Unexpectable Way - 62-0120 - William Branham
You just have to get alone once in a while with Jesus
You know there's something about getting alone to yourself. Many people never pray until they come to church. Many people thinks that the only place to pray is at church, but the Bible said for men to pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands. And then when we get by ourself, we'll usually pray different than what we would if we pray it in church. It's the secret prayer that Jesus spoke of, saying, "Enter ye into a secret closet, and close the door, and when you have did so, pray to your Father Who sees in secret; and He that seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." And when we're praying like that, there seems to be something to the prayer that takes all the hypocrisy out of it. It seems like that we get in a better connection with God, to get alone. And there's been many times in my life, as perhaps in your life, that you just have to get alone once in a while with Jesus.Blind Bartimaeous - 57-0301 - William Branham
You don't need it no more
And today, when a man hears the good news, Christ died in your stead, nothing that you can do about it, Christ paid the price, the Gospel sound, you can drop every cigarette, every chew tobacco, every whiskey bottle, every--every thing that's binding you and say, "I am free. This is the good news. Christ has made me free." You're a free people. You don't have to go any longer. You don't have to serve the devil any longer. You can be free if you desire to be free. Now, you don't have to drink; you don't have to run around; you don't have to mistreat your wife; you don't have to curse; you don't have to lie; you don't have to steal; you don't have to be weary. Why, you've got the resources up yonder that's never been tapped of the bountiful blessings of God that the world knows nothing about. You say, "I must have a little pleasure." Why, brother, if you ever hear the good news of the trumpet, the worldly pleasures seem so little they're sounding brass and a tinkling symbol. You don't need it no more.The Mark Of The Beast - 56-0715 - William Branham
But remember, in there you've got a soul
Sometimes I notice, people go out here... I was standing by a big museum here not long ago. And I seen the analysis of a human body. A man that weighed a hundred and fifty pounds was worth eighty-four cents in chemicals. Could you think of it? And then you think you're somebody. You're worth eighty-four cents. That's right. Put a ten dollar hat on eight-four cents and think you're somebody. Wrap a five hundred dollar chubby around you and think you're somebody when you're eighty-four cents. You sure take care of that eighty-four cents, though, don't you? That's right. But remember, in there you've got a soul that's worth ten thousand worlds. And you let the devil push that around anyway. Yes, that's right. You take a person, some of these little feisty people out on the street, don't know no more about God than a Hottentot would know about an Egyptian knight. Oh, they belong to church. Wrap a five hundred dollar mink coat around them, stick their nose up in the air, if it'd rain, it'd drown them, thinking they're somebody. What are they? Eighty-four cents. That's right. But you got a soul, remember.The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With His People - 54-0306 - William Branham
God will let you take over the territory
Little by little, just as you kill out this bunch of Amorites, I'll let you move in and take over. If you kill out this bunch of Hivites, I'll let you move in, take over." Somebody said, "Well, I got... I was prayed for last night. I had a crippled hand and the only thing I can do is wiggle my finger." Well, that's just all the farther you spread out. Brother, well, if you'll spread farther you'll move your arm. As you spread your faith, God will let you take over the territory. It's yours. God promised you your health again. Hallelujah. Whew. My, I feel good. O God, spread me out. Amen.God Talked To Moses - 53-0831 - William Branham
Because God uses pennies sometime
All these believers, as we could go on for hours, all these were like a bunch of change out of your pocket, in God's hands. You pull out a bunch of change. There is pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half of dollars, dollar, all in coins. Now, that's what the world is, in God's hand. There is some people that just can have a penny's worth of it, and God can only use them in a penny way. That's all they can buy. Don't reject them. If they can't believe the real Truth, don't turn them down, don't kick them out and say they're not in It, because God uses pennies sometime. Lot was just a penny, Abraham was a silver dollar, so it taken a hundred Lots to make an Abraham. And so will it take… A hundred carnal believers will never stand in the presence of a genuine Christian that's separated from the carnal things of the world, living in Christ Jesus, where the Word can flow through him. He can only take a penny's worth; that's all he's got. So you see people that say, "I don't believe in healing. I don't believe in these things," just know it's a penny, but just let him alone. See? Just a penny's worth, and so that's all he can buy. Don't stop him; just let him alone. Remember, that's just all the farther he can go. Joseph, he was separated from his brethren. Yeah, I didn't mean that hardly in that way that I said it, see. I mean, if he just, "Well, I belong to this, and that's what we believe." It's just a penny, go ahead, see; just a penny. Say, "Well, the Lord bless you, my brother." See, he is copper; he can never be silver (You see?), so just let it go ahead. God can use him. Oh, He is using it. I'd rather see him down there in a church than to see a barroom standing there on the corner. Wouldn't you? Sure. So just let it alone. God can use it, anyhow; maybe not very much, but He'll use what He can use, as much as they'll let Him use.God's Word Calls For A Total Separation From Unbelief - 64-0121 - William Branham
Yours might complete It
Then, each night, we want every person that's not a Christian, hope something will be said or done, that you'll become a Christian. And if you're not, if you've already believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and accept Him and been baptized, and you haven't received the Holy Ghost as yet, don't let this get by. Just let this be your night. Because, remember, there will be just so many names on that Book. And when the last name is added, that's all of it. And yours might complete It. When the Lamb come and took the Book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the Throne, that was the Book of Redemption. And those names was put in there before the foundation of the world. When that last name was called, the Book, the plan, everything else was revealed then, the Seven Seals was opened by the Lamb. The mysteries of the whole Bible was hid in There.The World Is Again Falling Apart - 63-1127 - William Branham
It's how far you can stay away from it
The old Scotchman said, one time when there was a hill had to ascend yonder, he… There's some drivers there said, "I can ascend that hill driving these six head of horses and the coach, and drive within six inches of the rim of that mountain, and go around there at a full gallop; I'm a teamster." The Scotchman scratched his head, then he said, "I…" The other one said, "I can ascend it and drive within four inches of the rim, all the way around with my team and never fall off." Said, "Let me take you." They… Said, "What about you?" to the third man. He said, "Sir," he said, "I claim to be a good teamster, but I stay just as far over as I can." He said, "You're the one's going to take me." See? It isn't how close you can go and how much you can play around it; it's how far you can stay away from it. That's the next thing: getting away from it. And don't hook yourself around unbelief.Make The Valley Full Of Ditches - 52-0719 - William Branham
But it doesn't hinder God from going right on with the believer
But in the face of all these un-... doubting ages and things that we have went through and live in today, the worst of all, in the face of all this doubt, God does go right on proving His Words to be right, as He has in every age. He... Unbelief doesn't stop God, it doesn't hinder Him. I don't care how much the world unbelieves, It's still going to happen. Unbelief doesn't do nothing but condemns the unbeliever. The unbelief will send the unbeliever to Hell. It'll rob him of every blessing God promised to him, but it doesn't hinder God from going right on with the believer. See, unbelief doesn't stop God, it only stops the unbeliever. You say, "I... The sun ain't going to shine tomorrow, I'm going to stop it." You try it. See? All right, you can't do it. God has set it in order and said it would shine, and it's going to shine, that's all, He said it would. There might be some clouds under it, but it's still shining just the same. And you can't stop God with that.Proving His Word - 64-0816 - William Branham
It's time to do it now
And brother, if there ever was a time… Listen to me, as I speak in the Name of the Lord. If there ever was a time that the Christian people, who's called by the Name of Jesus' disciples; if there ever was a time that the church who believes in righteousness and the power of God; if there ever was a time you ought to dig a ditch and get a stone of a testimony in your hand and mar up some of these old cold formal wells around here, it's time to do it now. That's right. That's right. All right. Let's get going. That's right. God will spread a vision here tonight. He'll do something for you if you can believe Him. Do you believe Him? All things are possible; only believe. Let's bow our heads.Make The Valley Full Of Ditches - 52-0719 - William Branham
Now is that the end of that sun?
Look at the sun. The sun comes up of a morning, it's a baby born. God sent it up. It's to serve God's purpose. And at nine o'clock in the morning, it goes to school, it's a teenager. And then at twelve o'clock, it becomes fully matured. After twelve o'clock, fifty years has passed, it's half done, and starts going down, gets weaker, older. It's getting stronger until this time, then starts getting weaker.I Am The Resurrection And Life - 63-1118 - William Branham
Just as we do. We start out, strong. And get... As we come to our full maturity, we get stronger. Then when a certain age, we're our best. Then we start weakening, all the time, going down.
Finally, after while, it sets over the western horizon, a beautiful light. It served God's purpose. It dies. The earth colds, cools off, gets cold, over the night. Now is that the end of that sun? Is that the last time you'll ever see it? No. The next morning, she rises up again, in the resurrection. God, every day, testifying to it, said, "There is a life, death, burial, resurrection."
Satan don't have to fire at you
As long as you're firing at one another, Satan don't have to fire at you. But let that bound be broke, and spread forth your tents way out yonder, and take in every brother, then, I tell you, the great army of God will rise in the Power of Jesus Christ, go back to the Bible. And you talk about a Church for the rapturing grace, it would come to pass when we can tear down our traditions, forget all of our denominational things, and come right back on the basis of God's Word.The World Is Falling Apart - 63-1115 - William Branham
That's the Spirit of God in a man
An eagle won't build his nest on the ground. The eagle builds his nest way as high as he can get in the highest peak. That's the reason God likened him to His church. You are a candle that sets on a hill. That's right. High ambitions, high anticipations, we're expecting great things. We're not... Say, "Well, I'm Pentecostal. That settles it." That don't for me. I'm expecting greater things. "I'm Baptist. I'm Methodist. I'm Oneness, Twoness, Threeness," or whatever you are. That don't satisfy me. I got the ambition to move on till I meet Him: up-up, up-up-up. "I received the Holy Ghost. That settles it." It didn't with me. I'm just still taking it, and moving higher and higher (That's right.), just moving on way high: high ambitions, high expectations, ambitions. Not, "Well, we got a pretty nice little church. We'll just settle down. Me and this little crowd, we don't want none of the rest of you in our group." Not me. I want to reach out a hand to every fallen creed...?... rather and bring in. Ambitions, do something. Expectations for a man that had ever walked in truth to see truth... You'll never get him in there that way by downing him. You've got to put your arm around him, and love him, and let him know that you're a brother. Then something will happen. If you're a kin to Jehovah you will do that. You got His Spirit. And He come to ones that hated Him, despised Him, and spit in His face. He still prayed they'd be saved. Certainly. That's the Spirit of God in a man.As The Eagle Stirs Her Nest - 61-0122 - William Branham
There's one thing that we have in common
In closing. There was a man and a woman, husband and wife, was separating. And they tried to make up. They went to psychiatrists, to find out if he could draw their minds together, but he couldn’t. They went to everything that they could think of, to try to stay together, but they just fussed, and continually they were divided. And they just couldn’t stand each other, and couldn’t stand in each other’s presence, and they go to fussing. So, they decided they would divorce. So, they hired a lawyer, to give them a divorce. And he said, “Well, now, before we do it,” said, “we’ll sell the place.” And said, “You all better go down and divide the spoils between you before you get the divorce and the place is sold.” So, the husband and wife went together. They went to the home. And they went into the living room, and she said, “I’m going to take this.” And he said, “I’m going to take this.” And they fussed, and they stewed and carried on, one another. After while, they’d say, “Well, I’ll give you this if you’ll take this.” All right, that went on a while. Then they went into the parlor and different places, and into the kitchen, and into the bedroom. They divided their spoils. Then finally they remembered there was some stuff in the attic. So they went up into the attic and they pulled out an old trunk. And they begin to lay out different things, say, “You can have this, and you can have this.” And finally both of their eyes fell on a certain little object, and they both grabbed for it. And they looked at each other. What was it? A pair of little white shoes that belonged to a baby that had deceased. It was part of both of them. There, with their hands clasped like that, over this baby’s shoe. Really, who did it belong to? Whose was it? It belonged to both of them. They had things in common. In a few minutes, as one looked to the other, tears begin to run down their cheeks. What was it? They could divide everything else, but when they come till they had something in common, the child, and it was in heaven, then the fuss was over. In a few minutes, they were in each other’s arms. The divorce was settled. Peace reigned. And, brethren, let me say this to you tonight. We’re not wanting you to join a church. But I’m asking you this. There’s one thing that we have in common, that’s Jesus Christ. He is in common with us. We can’t all be Baptists. We can’t all be Methodists. We can’t all be Oneness, or Threeness, or whatever it is. We can’t be that. But there’s one thing we have in common, that’s the pardoning offer of God, His Son, Jesus Christ. We have all things in Him. But that’s the first thing for us to accept. Then we can get other things, when we accept the pardon that God has offered us. And that won’t be through our educational system, through our denominational system, but will be through the Blood of Jesus Christ. We all can meet there under the cross, and be one and have things in common. You believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.] Let us bow our heads just a moment while we pray.Pardon - 63-1028 - William Branham
He's a Shepherd
A famous picture, I don’t think we have it on our walls here. But I’ve set in my room and looked at it. I just can’t call the artist’s name at this time. But when he lost that little black sheep, and he leaves the ninety and nine and goes to look for it, what does he do? He strays through the wilderness. He cuts hisself with briars. He pulls through the dangers. Prowls all through the night, until finally, way down on the side of the mountain, hanging by a little bush, risking his own life, he reaches and takes the little fellow out of its fallen condition. Then he brings it back to himself. And another artist painted a picture of him bringing it home. Now, it looks like that the shepherd would just stick his arm under the sheep and start bringing it like that. But did you notice how the Spirit caught the artist’s brush. He didn’t put it under his arm, he put it over his shoulder. Now, I want you to see the care of the Shepherd. Now, Jesus, when He was casting out devils, He said He done it with the finger of God. Now, if a devil’s bothering you, the only thing that takes of God, he’s--he’s just so insignificant till He just takes His finger and casts it away. But when a sheep comes home... Where is the strongest part of a man? Across his shoulders. You notice how a man, always his shoulders is the biggest. Where can he pack his greatest load? Across his shoulders. Where is he the most surest of? When the load’s across his shoulders. So He takes the sheep, lays it around over His shoulders, and gently walks back with it. All the powers of God wrapped up in that little lost fellow bringing him back. But a devil’s so easy, He just casts it out with His finger. He’s a Shepherd.Images Of Christ - 59-0525 - William Branham
I just want to be ready
And someone was asking me the other day, said, "Do you think, Brother Branham, that the coming of the Lord is at hand?" I said, "I certainly do." Said, "Well, I've heard it for a long time." "But," I said, "one day, you'll hear it for the last time. See? That's right.'Cause He—He will arrive someday. And whenever it is, I just want to be ready.Images Of Christ - 59-0525 - William Branham
When I cross the river of death, I want to meet Him there
I said, "I don't want to be popular. I want to be honest." Don't care about popularity. I want to be honest before God. I could have compromised with it a long time ago, but God give me a heart to stay true to Him. I don't care what happens. If I don't have a friend left on earth, I want One in glory. When I cross the river of death, I want to meet Him there.Door To The Heart - 58-0302 - William Branham
Another great danger
By your desire, you can tell who is on the throne of your heart. By what you love, that's what tells. You, you say, "Well, I think them things are all right, Brother Branham." Well, just remember now, in your heart, you know what's there. Yes, sir. By what is feeding your soul, what your soul is thirsting for, and you can see it satisfies that; if it isn't this Word, then there is something wrong, because the Holy Spirit lives on the Word only. See? I want you to see another great danger, just before we close, if you are not--if you're not guilty of any of these things that I've mentioned, and, that is, the danger of neglecting a thirst. See? You say, "I have a holy thirst. But I--I'm not guilty, Brother Branham, of just go and joining church, and things like this." But, see, to neglect a thirst! If you neglect to satisfy a thirst of water or food, you will die. And if you neglect that thirst in you, for God, you will spiritually die. You call for revivals, you wait for your church to have a revival. Well, that ain't--that ain't the revival for you. The revival ought to begin right in you, when you begin to thirst for God. There might not be another member, of the church, wanting that revival. If it breaks out in you, it will break out other places. See? But, see, you neglect that thirst. You neglect to milk the cow, when the cow is... the udder is full of milk; and if you let that cow stay like that, she'll go dry. That's exactly right. If you neglect to take a drink of water, say, "I just ain't going to drink anymore," you'll die. You neglect to eat food, you'll die. So if you neglect to give the Holy Spirit the Word of God, you'll die.Thirst - 65-0919 - William Branham
It's best to always obey God
It's best to always obey God, and don't have no questions. Now, if there's a question in your mind about receiving the Holy Ghost, whether it is for today or not, you'll never receive It like that. You can't do it. You've got to know that the promise is to you. And you are... And then if there's anything in your life that condemns you, you just might as well make that right first, because He will not come in over the top of that. See? You got to make it right. Then when we have everything clear, and understand perfectly, then we can go to walking.Why - 59-0813 - William Branham
Just tell his good things
You know, the real Christian way is to hide everything you can from a brother. Don't tell his bad things. Just tell his good things. Just tell what you know about him is good. If anything is bad, let it alone. Poor fellow has got enough against him, anyhow. Don't try to take a pole and shove a man further into the ditch. The Christian attitude is pick him up and take him out of the ditch. See? Don't never try to shove him down. He is down, already. Try to help him up. And, but, too many of us today, too many people today, I might say, try to do that, if they could just get something another that they could say, that was real bad. Now, for instance, if—if one of you brethren would make a mistake and do something is wrong; which, you're subject to do it; I am, too; every one of us. But, as we go along, let's remember we are brothers. We are brothers. And if we got any fighting, let's fight with one another. Bring it together. Bring it before our brethren and settle it.Taking Sides With Jesus - 62-0601 - William Branham
That doesn't fail
Was quoting to a man today that had kindy thought he had--he'd trusted the Lord for his healing, and he had failed to receive his healing. And then he become discouraged and said, "If I haven't got faith enough to be healed, maybe I haven't faith enough to be saved." I told him, I said, "The basis of Divine Healing is not on the same level as on salvation." Divine Healing is something that was throwed into the believer, but salvation, when you're--when you receive Christ, and are borned again, you have an immortal life that cannot perish or get old; it can never die. It can never... It's just--just finished forever when you're borned of the Spirit of God. But this body, it gets sick, and weak, and God helps us, and heals us, and we get sick again. And it's just temporarily until the journey's finished. But salvation is permanent forever. Amen. That doesn't fail.The Handwriting On The Wall - 56-0902 - William Branham
Prayer stops the leak
And I tell you, don't let the world creep into you. Don't let the world get into your churches, brethren. Pray it out, fast it out until God comes down and takes a hold. That's right. Keep the joy of the Lord among the saints. Keep them prayed up. And guard every little place. If Noah seen a leak in his ark, why, he put some pitch in it. And so that's about the best thing I know to keep the leak out, the world out, is to stop up the leak, is the best thing that I know to do. Only one way to do it; that's prayer. Prayer stops the leak. Prayer changes things.The Arrow Of God's Deliverance Shot From A Bow - 56-0801 - William Branham
That's what the world needs
And you take the seed of God and put it into a real good flexible heart that's not prejudiced and indifferent, just a nice, humble heart, and put that seed of God in there, and let it go to growing. And let it get alone to itself, and the dewdrops of glory go to falling on the soul, you'll see the sweetest, meekest, humblest Christian in your neighborhood that you ever seen. That's right. And that's what we want. That's what… That's what the world needs. That's right, my Christian friend.A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham
That's the way God wants us to do
We don't draw down any stake and say, "We just go this far." We go out just as far with fellowship with everybody that God will let us go in His Scriptures with the people. And now stick together; be of one accord, one heart, and move on for God. That's the way God wants us to do.A Total Deliverance - 59-0712 - William Branham
Then you're going on, brother
158 Fellowship with everybody. But now here, now, you'll never win any other way but besides fellowshipping with everybody. You got to. Now, when they got so bad, they immorally, then stay away from it. That's right. Don't get on the enemy's territory. But as long as you're trying to win your brother, that's different. See? Now watch. But you'll never win the opinion of the organization, one person. No, sir. When, they got their rule set, "We believe this, period!" If you'd write up your doctrine, "We believe this," comma, it'd be different. A period means, "We believe this, and you've got to come to this and sign this paper, or that's all of it." But if you say, "We believe this," comma, "plus as much as we can learn from God. We're open to the Holy Spirit," then you're going on, brother. Yes. That's going to be different now.And Thy Seed Shall Possess The Gate Of His Enemy - 62-0121M - William Branham
We've got to attract the world to Christ
Then the next thing, they have to want it. Now, if they see it and don't want it, then that's different. But you haven't put a vain advertisement out. But if they first have got to see it and then we've got to make it so attractive to them… Oh, I hope we see that, the attractiveness of salvation, what it does to the person. We've got to attract the world to Christ. And the Gospel does have an attractiveness. It has it to those who are hungering for God. It only attracts those who are hungering and thirsting, and that's the ones we're out for. "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him."Let Your Light So Shine Before Men - 61-0903 - William Branham
Then the world will see Christ in you and me
Now, remember that. Each one of you, from tonight on, remember you are God's billboards. And you're—you're God's advertising agent. Now, the world will look at you to see what Christ is. So we don't want to smear a big lot of stuff on there that testify about things that we really are not. Let's first be that. And then when we be that, then the world will see Christ in you and me.Let Your Light So Shine Before Men - 61-0903 - William Branham
But He's always right
Now, that preacher that smacked him, Zedekiah, he was deeply sincere. And he was just as sincere as Micaiah was. And I believe that--and he was a good man. I believe the rest of them was. "Well then," you say, "Brother Branham, where have you got us to tonight? Then you've got Micaiah standing there, sincere, prophesying under the Spirit, and here stands four hundred against him, prophesying--sincere, anointed prophets. Now, how are you going to tell the truth from error? One of them... Four hundred said, 'This is right,' and one says, 'This is right.' And you say, that both groups under anointing." Here's the way to tell who's right. Micaiah's prophecy tallied with God's Word. Micaiah had the Word. He might not have been able to dress like the rest of them. He might not have been able to holler, "ah-man", like the rest of them. He might have not have been able to have the education the rest of them had, but one thing he did have... He might not have been as forceful a preacher as they was, but he had the Word of the Lord. And heavens and earth will pass away, but that Word will never pass away. The Word of the Lord, It shall endure forever. Friends, what happened? Just let it run its course. Notice, with all that, and the congregation, the king, the army, millions listening to it--they had to make a decision. So they judged by the one that had the majority. God's not always in the majority. He's sometimes in the minority, but He's always right. God is right.God Keeps His Word #2 - 57-0307 - William Branham
He can keep His promise
That's what the devil likes to work on you and oppress you. You know, that's a trick of the devil to oppress. But when the Christian knows his legal rights (Amen.), when you can quote God's Word, "I'll never leave thee nor forsake thee," that takes all the oppression away. And the clouds begin to clear back. But if you just know that God has promised and God's faithful, He can keep His promise or He'd never promised it.The Handwriting On The Wall - 56-0902 - William Branham
How shall we know?
The cloudy skies and storms of life are no signs of God's disapproval. Neither are bright skies and still waters signs of His love and approval. His approval of any of us is only IN THE BELOVED. His love is elective which He had for us before the foundation of the world. Does He love us? Ah yes. But how shall we know? We shall know because He SAID SO, and manifested that He did love us for He brought us to Himself and gave us of His Spirit, placing us as sons. And how shall I prove my love to Him? By believing what He said, and by conducting myself with joy amidst the trials that He in His wisdom allows to come to pass.An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages (Chapter 4 - Smyrnaean Church Age) - William Branham
Remember this
Remember this, and never forget it. The right mental attitude towards any promise of God will bring it to pass, the right mental attitude towards any promise of God. It doesn't take gifts of healing to heal sick people, any person in here has a right to meet Satan anywhere, if you're a Christian, and defeat him on any grounds that he could stand on.Expectation - 50-0405 - William Branham
He knows the sun's a shining somewhere
One night, holding a meeting here in the Milltown Baptist church, when I was the pastor down there, I was coming home with an old friend of mine to stay all night. And I used to notice, when I'd pass by, there'd be a nightingale setting in a cedar bush there. All night long he would sing to the top of his voice, just as loud as he could sing. How well I could understand why the birds sing when it's daylight. I can imagine the sunlight bathing on them, makes them sing. But what makes that nightingale sing? So I got me a book and begin to read up on the nightingale. I come to find out, that the nightingale, what makes him sing, that he watches the skies. And every time that he can look to see the clouds begin to move back, and see one star, one ray of light, he begins to scream and sing to the top of his voice. Why? Because he knows the sun's a shining somewhere. He's speaking back to the earth that the sun's a shining somewhere. And, brother, sister, as long as down in my heart, through the black clouds of torment, and trials, and troubles, if I can feel the Holy Spirit press through once in a while and give me a blessing, I know the power of God still lives and reigns somewhere. That's right. If I could ask that morning star, "What makes you shine up there? Why are you shining? " He'd say, "It's not me that's shining, Brother Branham," if the star could speak. "It's only the sun shining on me, that's making me shine." And that's the way it is with every man that's a believer in Jesus Christ, that's hid in Him. It's not you shining; it's the Holy Spirit shining on you, that gives you this hope and this joy of the resurrection.Go Tell My Disciples - 53-0405S - William Branham
He hasn't gone very far
I want to ask you a question while we have our head bowed. Who's going to stand for you? Has the joy of the Holy Spirit left you, you don't feeled Him any more. Why, He isn't very far away. He just flew away from you, because you got angry, and because you told that person off, and because you did these things and those things. He hasn't gone very far. He loves you, yet. He's just waiting for you to change your nature, become a lamb.God Making His Promise - 56-1209A - William Branham
He knows how the rhythm goes
Many people asked, "Why?" They asked. They asked, sometime they ask me, "Why? Why must these things happen? What, why, why did this happen to me? Why did I start and this happen, and I—I had this trouble here, and this upset me here, and I lost this here?" Sometimes I've asked, "Why?" Why (when I was just a young minister, first started out) did God take my wife right out from under me, take my baby right from beneath me, right beneath my heart? Why did He do that? I didn't know. I do now. I just held my hand in His and kept trusting. He knows every junction. He knows the rhythm must… when it must take place. He knows what it takes to mold you, He knows what kind of material He's going to use. See? The backside of the desert sometimes, where God molds righteous men into sages and prophets. See? See? That's where men are beat out. Men are beat out, in the Word. When they got all kind of creed and stuff in them, let them come to the Word and God beats it right out of them, molds it right into This, into the great Symphony with, of His Word. See? And then they see the Word moving on. God knows when the rhythm of it has got to change. He knows how the rhythm goes. I don't know how it goes, but He knows. He knows how it goes, I don't. But I look at it here, and I say, "Well, it's just coming." "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivereth them out of them all." See? God has moved through history with the rhythm of the promise of His Word, in each age, in the same rhythm, making His Word. That's how God moved down through history, from all the way from Genesis to Revelation, He has moved through history with His Word. That's right, with the rhythm of—of the power of the Holy Spirit vindicating His Word to the Elected. Remember, He's never been able to touch the outside church. It's only the Elected.64-0112 - Shalom - William Branham
Stand shoulders with him
See, every lie has got a lot of truth in it. That's right. Now, if it's a real lie, just a right, what we call the black lie, or the little white lie... The little white lie is the real lie. You can see the big black lie, but it's that little white one that has got a whole... Like the one that the devil told Eve... See? Just one little thing off the cater, that's what the--our churches are listening to today. They're saying, "Oh, you're right in your principle of baptism; you're right in this; and you're right in that." But he fails to let you know you got to have love for that brother out there. Though he's right or wrong, stand shoulders with him, the Kingdom of God, in the Presence of God."The Great Commission - 58-0301B - William Branham
See if it don't make things a little different
There's thousands times thousands and thousands of thousands of people, who's going to be the first in the prayer line, people that you can't even talk to? But then when the Holy Spirit begin to reveal to them, and begin to tell them, I'd see who--what there was, spell their name out, I couldn't even pronounce it. The place... Then I could feel coming in by the Holy Spirit, that it was--they was thinking it was a telepathy. So I thought, "Lord, If You'll just give grace." About three or four had passed, a leper passed, had no arm, and--and I took him in my arms and begin to love him. He just wept when he seen that somebody cared for him. The world's dying for love, brothers. Now, you take your brother in your arms, see if it don't make things a little different. See? That same love that worked on a leper will work on your brother that you think is wrong. That's right, now.The Great Commission - 58-0301B - William Branham
The only thing you have to do is just accept it
The only thing we can do is pray for the sick. I can't heal anyone, because you're already healed. If anybody tells you that they can heal you, that's wrong. See? If anybody tells you they can save you, that's wrong. You're all saved anyhow. See? The only thing you have to do is just accept it. You accept what Jesus did for you. He was wounded for your transgressions. With His stripes you were healed. You were healed; it's already past tense. 16 The only thing you have to do is accept what He done for you. That's all. And you're under the Blood, every one of you, or God would destroy the whole thing. You're still under the Blood as long as there's a Bloody Sacrifice laying there for our sins. And then one day when you leave this world without accepting that sacrifice, then you stand for your own sins. And you're condemned already (You see?), so you can't stand. And your healing is just… God makes such a beautiful way. See, faith cometh by hearing. Preach Divine healing. Believe it; accept it. That… If that would be me, that's the way I'd do it. If you couldn't believe my word, all right. And you'd be the same way about anyone else, but not God. After He sends His Word, then He puts in the church different gifts and things, to—just to try to get it to the people the… He's so loving and full of kindness.Perseverance - 62-0608 - William Branham
You've got the promise
Luke 24:49 said, "Behold, I send the promise of the Father upon you: but wait up at the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with power from on high." How long? One hour, two hours, ten days, four months, six months, didn't make any difference: until. How long's that? Just until. When you ask God for anything, stay right there until. Amen...?... Stay until. Until what? Till it happens. Claim it. Believe it. Hold on to it. Go in action. Testify about it. Yes. Testify. Don't be afraid. Get in action. They were in the upper room what? Praising and blessing God. What for? The promise; they knowed it had to come. There you are; get in action. Go to praising God till the promise is fulfilled. You've got the promise.The Influence Of Another - 62-1013 - William Branham
You'll have real faith
Sell out. Get right with God. Either be what you are or don't be at all. God's Bible doesn't teach it, then get away from it. If It does teach it, stay with it. It reminds me of this, for instance, what if we were going to take a little trip in thirty days from now to another land? And in this land, the climate was so wonderful, till we'd never come back no more. And over there we would never have to die or get old, but we would just be there forever. Could I imagine seeing you going around to the ten cent store buying up a lot of junk to take with you? You'd be trying to get rid of what junk you had. And when you just flusterate yourself with joining one church and then the other, you accumulate more junk. But if you'll think of where you're going, you'll get rid of a lot of that doubt and nonsense. You'll have real faith.Faith Is Our Victory - 58-1004 - William Branham
Come on, boys!
One time here a few years ago, down in Jeffersonville, the Pfau Oil Company caught afire. And we got a bunch of little fire engines down there, and they come around looking like a kid with a hose out in the yard. The fire chief was running around there, you know, saying, "Uh, sprinkle a little bit up [] here;" chewing on that cigar like a dehorned Texas steer. Going here, "Sprinkle a little bit over here." All the fireman run around pull the hose, "Yes, sir, your Honor, sir, [Brother Branham illustrates.—Ed.]" fire burning right on, burning right on down. After while they called Louisville. Across the bridge came the big fire engine. No more than they stopped, they had a folding ladder. Who was standing… Before the ladder started, the chief was on the front. When the ladder went up, the chief was at the top. When he got to the window, he didn't stand there, "Spurt a little water here, spurt a little water there." What did he do? He took the axe and throwed it through the window and said, "Come on, boys."…?… That's what our Chief done. Hallelujah. Led the way to death, hell, and the grave, and said, "Come on, boys." Not some kind of a creed. Oh, come on; He leads the way. Hallelujah. A few minutes the fire was out.Putting On The Whole Armor Of God - 62-0607 - William Branham
We're ready for marching orders
My faith is stayed on that solid Rock. There's nothing can ever harm, when you're anchored to that place. The storms may shake and batter us, but my anchor holds within the veil. When a man or a woman has anchored against that rock. Hallelujah. There ain't nothing can ever shake you from it. Just as their time was for deliverance, and they failed to see it, so is the time for the deliverance of marching orders for the church. It's at hand. Look, my friend. They had what? First the Word, second a prophet, third an Angel to lead them, to guide them; everyone agreed with the other, the three of them. The Word agreed with the prophet, and the prophet agreed with the Word. The Angel agreed with all three of them, all of them. The Word, the prophet, an Angel, they were ready for the march. Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord God. We're at the end time. The Word, the prophet, and the Angel, all three of them together, one great testimony... God always said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established." And a true prophet will always agree with the Word, and any Angel will testify of truth. Amen. We're ready for marching orders.God Keeps His Word - 57-0407M - William Branham
That's what we're supposed to be
Except we are converted and become like these little children. You know what? You could hurt their little feelings. And papa and mama knows a lot of times, they get in trouble, give them a spanking. Why, in two minutes their little arms are right around you and forgot all about it. And that's the way we got to be. No matter what goes on, we got to be forgiving and kind to one another, and—and—and be like that, like little children, willing to—to forgive and forget, and—and like that. That's what we're—we're supposed to be. And then when we do like that, we're coming near to the Kingdom of God.Let Your Light So Shine Before Men - 61-0903 - William Branham
You can't be something that you're not
God orders His man, and you can't take another one's place. If you do, you're only producing a carnal impersonation, and finally it's going to be smitten. See? You can't do it. God orders you to your place. Isaiah seen this, that he could not put his trust in any man. There was the greatest man there was on the earth at that time, a king that had the rest of the world paying tribute to him; but because he got out of his place, Isaiah seen then that he could not trust in a arm of flesh, and it drove the prophet to the temple to pray. Oh, God, if the church, if the people that calls themselves Christians, could only see this today, and would drive them to the altar somewhere to pray. You can't be something that you're not.Influence - 63-1130B - William Branham
God said so
Say, "Well, Brother Branham, the doctor told me I was dying. I got cancer." That may be so. The man's telling you all he knows how. But only thing he can do, he's got five senses to work with, two of them he can use. What is it? One sense is feeling, the next place is--is seeing. Seeing and feeling, he can feel something, or see something through an x-ray. That's all the man has to work with. That's all he knows, but he's doing the best he can do. But don't look at that, he's come to his end. Look up here what This promised. Say, "How can it be done?" God said so. That settles it when God said it. That settles; it's eternally settled forever in heaven: His Word is. And His Words was made flesh, and is flesh today in you, if you will let It come flesh. "If ye abide in Me and My Word's in you, then ask what you will and it will be done," St. John 15. See, we want just let them Words stay in here. Believe it; it's the truth. It's a seed. It will--it will bring to pass everything that He promised.Perseverance - 62-0218 - William Branham
He's never lost a battle
Though it may seem wrong, to you, go on to the front. Do as he told you. Hallelujah! We got a five-star General, spelled J-e-s-u-s, placing five stars on us, f-a-i-t-h. He's never lost a battle. Hallelujah! He conquered death, hell, and the grave. Get the devils out of the way. He's the great Chief Captain. So, the Devil isn't even in the picture. The greatest battle was ever raged, is setting right ready now. Certainly, it is. Oh! Hallelujah! When I think of it! When I stood and watch Him do things, see Him reveal things, open up things, say, "It'll be this way and that way," there it is! Oh, look back here, and say, "Who is this great Captain?" Oh, I don't look back and see if it's Doctor So-and-so. I see what the Captain said. "He's the Captain of our salvation." Hallelujah! What is salvation? Deliverance! Glory! "He's the Captain of our deliverance." The great hour of charge is at hand. Hallelujah! Soldier, with armors gleaming, colors streaming! Faith and doubt is setting yourself in array, in this tabernacle, this morning; doubt on one side, faith on the other. Soldiers, stand at your post of duty. Hallelujah! Our Captain, the Morning Star, leads on. He never goes back. He (never) don't know the word retreat. He don't have to retreat. Amen. Certainly. The greatest battle ever fought, she is going on right in here now, yes, sir, between life and death, between sickness and health, between faith and doubt, oh, my, between liberty and bondage. The battle is on! Shine your spears, soldiers. Polish up the armor. God is getting His soldiers ready. Amen. God anoints His army.The Greatest Battle Ever Fought - 62-0311 - William Branham
I doubt my doubts
God will heal you right in this atmosphere of the Holy Ghost, where He sent you. God will give it to you. Just believe it. Amen. Open up them flues of the soul and body, senses, and conscience, and just let God's Words penetrate first, take that mind. There is the battleground. Not say, "Well, if I could feel it, if I'd feel the glory of God falling! Oh!" That has nothing to do with it; not a thing. Open up that mind. That's the battleground. There is where the battle sets in array, right here in the front line, your mind. Open it up, and say, "I... Every doubt, I doubt my doubts." Amen. "I'm doubting my doubts now. I'm believing God's Word. Here I come, Satan." Something is going to take place. Sure, it will. Yes, sir.The Greatest Battle Ever Fought - 62-0311 - William Branham
Something in us tells us that we come from somewhere
Just like a little dewdrop. If I understand, it's... I don't know too much about chemistry. But, it must be that it's the--the congealing of humidity or atmosphere. And when the night gets cold and dark, it falls from the heavens and drops upon the ground. It's fell from somewhere. But the next morning before the sun comes up, it's laying there, the little fellow, shivering. But just let the sun come up, watch it go to shining. It's happy. Why? The sun is going to call it right back to where it come from. And that's the way with a Christian. Hallelujah! We know when we walk into the Presence of God, something in us tells us that we come from somewhere, and we're going back again by that Power that's a pulling us. The little dewdrop, he glistens and shines and shouts, because he knows he come from up there, and that sun is going to draw him right back up again. And a man that's an attribute of God, born of God, knows, hallelujah, when he come in contact with the Son of God, he is going to be drawed up from here someday. "For if I be lifted up from the earth, I'll draw all men unto Me." Amen!Who Is This Melchisedec? - 65-0221 - William Branham
We're headed towards the setting of the sun
Don't forget, this tabernacle will lose its strength. Remember that this is the target where Satan has got every gun in hell trained on it. He'll cause one person to do something that's contrary to what the other one thinks. He is doing that. He is up to it. That's his business, if he can get somebody to say something, somebody to talk about another, say, "Well, listen, did you know So-and-so did?" Don't you listen to it. Don't you listen to it, at all. That's the devil. See, it's Satan. Don't you believe it. If there is anything that somebody has done wrong, pray for them. And don't pray in a selfish way, say, "I know it's my duty, I've got to pray for that brother." You take it to your heart, really down, for that sister. And just talk and be real sweet, and the first thing you know, you find them right back in the service again. See? Cause, after all, we're headed towards the setting of the sun.Humble Thyself - 63-0714E - William Branham
We got it now
Now, I'm going to shock you a little bit. You don't mind, do you? All right. For instance, the meat's a frying, and all at once the grease pops out on your hand. Now, if you'll just shake it off and go on frying meat, it wouldn't bother you. Now, I know you didn't get that just right. Look. The first thing, "Oh, where the Unguentine?" Something... You see, grabbed your hand. See, see? It scares you to death. That's what does it. It's fear. Peter walking on the water. He was walking all right, till he seen the waves contrary and he got scared. Jesus said, "Why'd you fear?" That's what's the matter with the Holy Ghost people today. They've got a lot afraid... The devil's just trying to scare you out of something. He's trying to put something off somewhere else, say, "Some of these days you'll be this." You are now. Now, we're sons of God. Now, we're seated together in heavenly places. Now, we have all powers in heavens and the earth. See? Now, we have it. Not in the millennium, we won't need it then. We got it now. We're... Right now we are the sons of God.Jairus And Divine Healing - 54-0216 - William Branham
It's a submitted heart to God, is where God works
Brother, sister, I say this humbly and for not to be a pulling or trying to get sympathy. The clothes that I have is clothes people give me. The suit I got on, Brother Moore was with me, and I got it four years ago in Sweden. Pair of shoes, my wife bought it for me. I got another suit over there was give to me in Florida. Another one I got in Finland; two I got in Germany, or not Germany, but Africa. That's where the clothes comes from. It's what people give me. Some of them's hand me down. That's true. I got a suit from California about five years ago and been wearing it ever since. And it--it's about six, seven years old when I got it. But what is it? It's good enough. He didn't even have but one garment and borrowed somebody's grave to be laid in. I could've been pretty well off if I'd took all the money people had offered me, but I want to be just as poor as those who come to be prayed for. We're fellow citizens of the kingdom of God. I'm not saying that just to be saying. I'm saying it because I want you to know, friends, that the kingdom of God does not consist of riches in this earth, fine clothes. It's a submitted heart to God, is where God works.Thy Faith Has Saved Thee - 54-0411 - William Branham
You are here for a specific purpose
And God did not have to just make a tree just to be a tree. He made a tree for a purpose. And God did not make you and I just to see if He could do it. He made us for a purpose. Therefore, there is a purpose of us all being here. You're not here just to be another human being. You are here because that God made you for some purpose. You're not here just to eat the food that God growed. You're not here just to live in the house that—that man made, or to wear the clothing that someone fashioned. You are here for a specific purpose. 12 No matter how little you are, how big you are, how important you are, or how unimportant you are, you are here to serve a purpose, just as my finger is here for a purpose. My nail on my finger is for a purpose. My eye and every part of our bodies is to serve a purpose. And it was not put here just to see what it would look like when it was put here; but it was put here to serve its purpose. It was God's Divine plan to do so. And if we were put here for a purpose, then there is nothing can destroy us until God's purpose is fulfilled. Nothing can harm us until that purpose that God has put us here for has been made manifest. No matter how much trouble we have, how much heartaches or sorrows that we go through, all of these are reasons, and there's a reason for it.I Know My Redeemer Liveth - 58-0406S - William Branham
Faith knows no defeat
And now, many people come into the line, and they say, "Well, I've got all faith." Then what you doing up here? Oh, it isn't so. Real faith knows no defeat. It cannot be defeated. Even death, itself, can't defeat it. It knows no defeat. Trials know defeat, but faith knows no defeat. It cannot be defeated, and it is the only way that you can please God. "For without faith it is impossible to please God," said Hebrews 11.Faith Is Our Victory - 58-1004 - William Branham
Then God will bless you
If the brother, you think he's a little wrong, or the sister, say, "Lord, don't let me never have the root of bitterness spring up, 'cause it'll—it'll affect him, and it'll take the Christ right out of my life." That poison acids of malice, and jealousy, and hatred, that will just take the Holy Spirit right away from you. It will run Him from the tabernacle here. It'll kill the Spirit of God, or drive It away from here, hurt you pastor. It'll do everything. See? Don't you do that. You just wax that much closer together. Draw up the… Take the buckle, as the brother testified, a minister here the other night, about having a buckle, seeing it in a vision. Just… That buckles on the whole armor of God. Just pull her on, tighten up, move right up close to one another. Love one another, anyhow. Talk nice about one another, say nice things about one another, and then God will bless you.Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed - 63-0728 - William Branham
You can never exhaust God's love and mercy to you
And God will never... You can never exhaust God's love and mercy to you. You say, "Well, I hate to bother You so much, Father." He wants to be bothered that way. He does. Don't never think that you could ever ask too much of God. I believe the Scripture said, "You have not, because you ask not. And you ask not, because you believe not." He wants us to ask and believe that our joys would be full. He wants you to ask abundantly. Ask for big things; don't limit your faith to some little mustard seed. Get on out here to some other kind of faith, and move out in big things. Ask... Big things is just as easy to receive as little things. You just have to believe; that's all. And you got faith, just know exactly how to use it, and it'll be all right. You can put it right to work and it'll just be fine.Where I Think Pentecost Failed - 55-1111 - William Branham
It's God's dress
Listen, did you ever think what that offices of the church is? It's God's dress, inside dress, an apostle, a prophet, a seer. Foresee, before Satan ever gets to it, done told it. What is it? God dressed up in His church. These offices is God's dress-wear. When you see those offices, pastors, teachers, evangelists, what is that? That's God's dress-wear, God's Presence, God's Spirit and It's working through man. And if that office denies any of this Word, then it's not God-dressing. No, not that. That's that wolf in sheep's clothing. Watch that fellow. Beware of him. But when he just takes what the Word says, remember, that's God, 'cause He's speaking His Word. See? But if he says, "Well, it isn't..." Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, my. Get going, sheep; get going!Putting On The Whole Armor Of God - 62-0607 - William Branham
God raised the church up to be a lighthouse
God raised the church up to be a lighthouse to let out His powers, to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils, live holy, preach the full Gospel, manifest it, but we begin to creep in and let down the bars. We took the wrong example. The women acted like the pastor's wife. He let her go haywire, cut off her hair, wear any kind of sexy clothes, never rebuked. And the other women say, "If Sister So-and-so can do it, I could too." Don't make that your example. See? God told you what to do; stay with that.Just One More Time Lord - 63-0120E - William Branham
Just let the new life come up
Someone said, "Brother Branham, do you believe this girl should come to the altar, looking like this?" I said, "Brother, it's coming springtime. All those scrub oaks out here, every one of them has got the leaves right on them they had last fall. But we don't have to go pick the leaves off, to let new leaves come on. Just let the new life come up, and the old leaf drops off." That's right. Amen. Listen. May I say this too. If the old leaf don't drop off, it shows the new Life hasn't come. Don't get angry with me now. I'm talking about Jesus. All right. That's it. All right.The Cruelty Of Sin And The Penalty That It Cost To Rid Sin From Our Lives - 53-0403 - William Branham
Praise Him anyhow
Our bodies are groaning, and we have an inheritance. And we're children now, heirs of the Kingdom (Oh, my.), kings and priests unto God offering spiritual sacrifices. What does a priest do? Make a sacrifice. What is a sac--a spiritual sacrifice? That's what these sons and daughters do, which are kings and priests, yet not in full possession, but they're making sacrifices, offering to God spiritual sacrifices: the fruits of our lips giving praise to Him (Amen.), fruits of our lips. You say, "Brother Branham, I just don't feel like praising Him." That's the time to make the sacrifice. Praise Him anyhow. Kings and priests, sons and daughters offering spiritual sacrifice, the fruits of our lips, giving praise unto His Name.Faith Is The Substance - 51-0508 - William Branham
Then God came in
Now we're going to end right here, by saying this. The end-time Message is to get the Bride ready and prepared for the Rapture. What can it do? According to Malachi 4, is bring them back to the Faith that was once delivered to the saints. Bring them back to the Faith of the fathers, the pentecostal part, in the restoration time. "I will restore, saith the Lord." That's real event, end-time evangelism. Now I just want to say these couple words before I close. I bypassed the rest of these Scriptures, and maybe sometime can get to them. But I want to say this. We believe we're at the end time. We believe it. And though it seems like at the end time, at this time, that the Message and Messenger both is about broke. Looks like Satan has tried his best to rimwreck us. Brother Neville, his accident; Brother Crase there; and gun blowing it. See, it looks like, and right now when every church out through there is thumbs down on me. And, see, see, it looks like it's--it's just about broke. Looks like we're defeated. Don't you worry. You know, it's usually at that time when God steps in on the scene, of something He's been watching for a long time. You remember. Remembers one time there was some children down in a fiery furnace, they were holding true to that Word. Everything went wrong. They throwed them in jail. They kept them over night, they was going to burn them up next morning. And looked like the end was near, they was walking right up to the furnace. But He come riding down to change, the scene was all changed just in a moment. It's always in them weakest moments, when it looks like the true Message is about defeated, that's when God steps in. He--He let's the Message and the messenger get to the end of the road, see, then He comes in and He rides the high waves. That's right. Remember, it was Jesus, when His enemies thought that they had Him defeated, the unbeliever said, "We got Him on the cross." The Sadducees and Pharisees who hated Him and hung Him to a cross, they thought, "We got Him now." Huh-uh. It was about that time God rode in on the scene, raised Him up on Easter morning, and broke the kingdoms of Satan, stripped hell, took the keys of death and hell, and rose up with them. Sure, it was just at that weak time. His Message, He had preached the Word, He had stood by, and everything, then it was that real weak moment that when the victory come. When He done all that He could do, then God came in. He changed the scene.The End Time Evangelism – 62-0603 – William Branham
This is a full revelation of Jesus Christ
Faith is designed to see what God wills and wants. There is no knowledge that can do that. Faith alone is designed and give to the human race to find out what the will of God is. And you take your faith that you've got and it don't focus with the Word, then leave it alone, you got the wrong faith. But when your God given faith focus you with the Word of God, you're directly in line and zeroed. Oh, my. God help us this hour, great hour that we live in. Faith, designed to see what God wants. How do you see it? Through the camera of His Word, His promise. This is a full revelation of Jesus Christ.Look - 63-0428 - William Branham
For He has for you Eternal Life
But, oh, who's more important than Jesus? And who's more turned away than Jesus? Who's greater than He is? And yet He stands and knocks daily, and we turn Him away. He wants to gain entrance to our heart, so that He can bless us, and do for us that what no king, or potentate, or any other important person could do. And yet we turn Him away. Daily, thousands times thousands turn Him from their heart's door. It's the greatest honor that any man, or woman, or child could ever have is to have the Lord Jesus to knock at your heart's door. The King of kings and the Lord of lords and yet He's turned away more than the newspaper man, or the book salesman, or the brush company, or the—some other person that comes to take from you instead of give to you. And there's no one else could knock at your door with such a gift that He has for you, for He has for you Eternal Life. He has for you healing for your body. He has joy for your sorrow. He has peace for your troubled mind. He has hope for your doubts, faith for your fears, incorruption for your corruption, Life for your death; and still we turn Him away.The Door To The Heart - 58-0112E - William Branham
But you might say to me, "Brother Branham, I've already did that. When Jesus knocked at my heart, I let Him in." Well that's good. But when He come into your heart, did you welcome Him to your entire being? There's many people that will welcome Jesus in as Saviour; but can He be your Lord? "Lord" is "ownership." The Lord has complete control. You would plentily welcome Him to keep you out of hell and torment. You would welcome Him as your Saviour, but are you willing to welcome Him as your Lord to take over full control?
And here He is
Now, when He was here on earth, He said, "I came from God, and I go back to God." Now, when He led the children of Israel, He was the Pillar of Fire. And He was made flesh, then He returned back to that same Pillar of Fire. And when He met Paul on the road to Damascus, He was that Pillar of Fire, that Light, see, a great Light. And Paul said, "Who is It that I persecute?" He said, "I am Jesus, who you persecute," the Light. Oh, isn't He wonderful? And here He is, tonight, right here with us. Had His picture taken right there, the same Thing, see, Pillar of Fire, Light, just the same as He was, "Same yesterday, today, and forever."Hebrews Chapter One - 57-0821 - William Branham
If you really got it, that would settle it
The people are not perseverant. If the Holy Spirit, if Jesus Christ, proves that He's here among us, then press till you get to Him. Like the little woman with the blood issue, and all of the different things that taken place, and all the adversaries in her way, she just pressed right on through till she touched Him. If this church tonight would do the same thing, would press through every scale of unbelief, would lock swords with the devil and his unbelief, and press through to know that you're a child of God and a heir to these things, and Jesus Christ standing present to show you that He's with you to keep His Word... Be perseverant; don't you let nothing stand in your way. I'm just wondering. If faith really anchors, could anything stand in your way? You don't get it. If you really got it, that would settle it. That's all.Perseverant - 63-0802 - William Branham
Yet God can do great things with us
Why God picked on little Bethlehem, and then did not choose these greater cities...?... They had greater names, and more of a spiritual background. But, you know, God has a way of doing things, just His Own way about things. I'm so glad He does. See? Sometimes He takes things that doesn't have a spiritual background, or doesn't have any background at all. And that's why He is God; He can take something that's nothing, and make something out of it. And then that's what makes Him God. That's what makes us love Him. That's what makes us poor people appreciate Him, because that even though we, poor, with no background, yet God can do great things with us if He ever gets us under His control.God's Wrapped Gift - 60-1225 - William Branham
Then He seals it
When the Inspector goes through to inspect your life to see if you're not just a little loose about things, little loose about your prayer life, little loose about that temper, little loose about that tongue to talk about others; He'll never seal the car. Some dirty habits, some vile things, some vulgarity mind, He can't seal the car. But when He's found everything in its place (the Inspector), then He seals it. Dare be anybody open that seal until that car's reached its destination to where it's sealed for. There it is.What Is The Holy Ghost? - 59-1216 - William Branham
The message got to the predestinated seed anyhow
Oh, what happened? Now, they were shut up. "No revival's going to happen here. Our denomination won't sponsor such. We'll not have that kind of nonsense among us. I forbid any of you to go to that meeting." Jericho, right in the line of the damned... But there must've been some tape boys slipped in somewhere, for the predestinated seed. They slipped over to her house and played some tapes. She made her--her own house a church to receive the messages. (They still got them, you know.) The message got to the predestinated seed anyhow. We don't know how it got there, but it got there, so that the just will not perish with the unjust. God's seeing to that today. Some way it slips in. They don't know how, though they won't sponsor it; but there is some seed out there that's predestinated.Token - 63-0901M - William Branham
But it's always done for our good
And sometimes we have more troubles when we become a Christian than we did when we were sinners. 'Course it is written, "Many is the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivereth him from them all." God promised many afflictions, strange feelings, and strange things that would be beyond our understanding, but it's always done for our good. Just can't understand it, because if we did, then it would not be of faith to us; we would go with an understanding. But we do it, and we have it, and we believe by faith His Word, that it's going to work some good thing for us.I Know - 60-0417S - William Branham
God made them that way
When God made a man, he gave him... He let... The devil took his head. God chose his heart. The devil through his imagination makes him imagine anything--gives him intellectual conceptions of the Scripture. But God gets in his heart and leads him by the Spirit; makes him believe things that his intellectual don't know nothing about. Amen! That makes me feel a little religious when I think of that, see. When God gets a hold of a man, he comes into his heart. That's God's control tower. And the reason people drink, smoke, gamble, lie, steal, and carry on the way they do, they're trying to satisfy that longing in their heart. God made them that way, so He could come in there and satisfy every longing that you have. But, how dare anybody to try to hush that precious thing with the things of the world?Why? - 61-0128 - William Branham
I'm looking for more of it
Now, Aaron as soon as the first manna fell, God told Aaron and Moses, "Go out there and pick up several omer's full of it and put it back in the holiest of holies, that when your children children, all that come into the priesthood, will get a taste of the original manna." Oh, what a privilege when a man become a priest... Now, remember outside of the holiest of holies, that was the only one that kept. It wouldn't keep twenty-four hours. It got worms in it. That's what's the matter with the Pentecostal church today. Amen. What's the matter? The experience you had a year ago has got wiggletails in it today; get rid of the thing, let's have one now. You know what them little termites or whatever it is wiggles around in them, broken cisterns, stagnated water... I know what I had yesterday. I know what I got today. Hallelujah. I'm looking for more of it. Lord, fill my soul every day. Yes, sir.Believest Thou This? - 53-0906A - William Branham
Have Faith in God
I wish to take that for a text tonight: "Have faith in God." And the subject would be this, that, "Tested Faith Produces Goods." And now, you say, "Brother Branham, for a meeting, and here where several hundred people have gathered, do you not think that you read too small a text for the size of this audience tonight, just four words, 'Have Faith in God.'" No, that's plenty. That's enough. If we'll just believe what we have read and act upon the same, it's enough to convert the whole world. It's enough to heal every sick person that's sick in the whole world tonight. "Have Faith in God." It's a pardon to all those who want to be pardoned. But if it must be a pardon, it must be received as a pardon.Tested Faith Produces Goods - 58-0518 - William Branham
It's greater than the law
…just was teaching today in a home where I was invited out for dinner. They wanted to know if they would know their loved ones, when they met them in Glory. "Why," I said, "certainly we will know them." See. We--we are in a--we're--have three different bodies we dwell in: One is a human; the other is the celestial; and the other is the glorified. And then if we know one another in the human body, the mortal body, how much more will we know each other in a glorified body? It's like if the law could produce a good thing, how much greater thing can grace produce, because it's greater than the law. And if the moon can produce a certain part of light, how much more will the sun outshine it when it comes. And we'll certainly know each other.At Kadesh-Barnea - 56-0527 - William Branham
What is the living God?
We are living images of a living God. Then dead to self, raised with Him (Now, listen, listen to this.), His Word made flesh again in us. (O Brother Neville...) Look. What is it? Not the mythical, imaginary god setting out there, but the living God... What is the living God? The Word in you making Itself real. Whew. Glory to God. Oh, I know you think I'm a holy-roller. Maybe I am. But, oh, brother, do you see it? Triumph over every denomination, triumph over all paganism, a living God made manifest in a living temple. And the Word of God, which is God, is made flesh in you. Why? You're seated in Heavenly places, triumphed over all things in Christ Jesus.Christianity Versus Idolatry - 61-1217 - William Branham
"Mountain, be moved."
When you said, "Mountain, be moved," and it still stands there, you say, "Well, it didn't happen?" Oh, it did happen. When you said, "Mountain, move," maybe one little significant grain of sand turned loose out of the hundreds of billions and billions of tons. One little grain moved, but it's begin to take place. Hold that faith and watch that mountain disappear. Certainly. Thou shall say in thy heart, "Disease, move from my child. Disease, move from my body in the Name of the Lord Jesus," and don't doubt. Right there the good germs take on a new armor and a new weapon, and the enemy begins to back up. He's defeated because Christ, in the drinking of His myrrh at Calvary, defeated the devil and every one of his powers.The Great Shining Light - 57-1222 - William Branham
There's something in him that takes care of him
A hybrid plant, you have to baby it, and spray it, and keep the bugs and beetles off of it, but not a genuine healthy plant. He's sturdy, strong. Don't no bugs come on him. He's got enough in him to throw the bug off. So is a genuine Christian. You don't have to baby him, and pat him, and tell him this, that, or the other. He's got something in him (the baptism of the Holy Ghost) that throws all the rest of it off. You don't have to beg him around, because he's a genuine plant of God. He's got something in him that wars. A Christian fights for every inch of ground he stands on. He must do that if he ever expects to exist. And by doing it, there's something in him that takes care of him. Eve tried to hybrid the Word. In the beginning God told her, "The day you eat thereof, that day you die." She tried to breed it in with knowledge that Satan give her. And when she did, she lost the whole human race right there to the devil, when she tried to mix God's unadulterated Word with knowledge. It doesn't come from the knowledge of the world. It comes by the power of the Holy Spirit.God's Provided Way For This Day - 64-0206E - William Branham
There's only one way in the world that you can be healed
Now, friends, there's only one way in the world that you can be healed, and that's only faith in God. Now, no matter how much that God will permit me, by my own faith, to take the spirit from you, unless you go forth and believe God, and serve God, and trust God, it'll come right back to you again. Did not Jesus say, "Go and sin no more, or a worse thing than this will come upon you?" Don't never come in a prayer line unless you expecting to serve God the rest of your days. That's right. Always, don't never live a sinful life, because you'll be worse, way worse. God has promised that you will be worse off than you was at the first time.The Children Of Israel - 47-1123 - William Branham
We've got to humble ourselves and work according to God's program
God dwelling in Christ used His voice to speak by. Jesus said in His miracle, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise." Is that right? Saint John 5:19. Then He did not do nothing within Himself. No prophet ever did anything within himself, until first God showed what to do. What a mistake Moses made when he went out without the vision of God and smote down the Egyptian, thought he'd liberate them with his hands, because he thought he had a lot of faith and could do it, because he was called for the job. No matter how much you're called for the job, God has to do the leading. See? He failed of all of his schooling and his military mind and his training as a great Egyptian leader. But yet it failed, 'cause God had a program and we've got to work according to God's program. No matter what we do, how smart we are, we've got to humble ourselves and work according to God's program. Amen.Gifts - 56-1207 - William Branham
They'll know it
God always deals with one individual. Two men's got two ideas. There never was two major prophets on the earth prophesying the same time. Look back and see if there was. No, sir. Too much scrupled up. He's got to get one man completely surrendered and use that person. He searches for that person, but there will be one sometime, somebody who will listen to Him word by word. I don't care what anybody else says, they'll never move from it. That's right. They'll wait on, THUS SAITH THE LORD, and then--they won't move until then. He will be properly a-vindicated. You'll... Now, the outside world will hate it, but the elected seed, the predestinated seed, like there was in the days of Jesus, when that Light flashes, that seed will come to Life like that. They'll know it. It'll understand it. You won't have to say a word about it.The Fourth Seal - 63-0321 - William Branham
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