
God knows what He's doing

Now, if you're saved, you're saved. If God saves you tonight knowing He's going to lose you ten years from today, He's defeating His own purpose. The infinite, almighty, eternal, everlasting wisdom God doesn't know enough then to know that, whether you will hold out or whether you won't. Then when He saves you, you say, "Well, I'll give Him a try; I'll see what He'd do," then He does not know the end from the beginning. God knows what He's doing; don't you never worry about that. It's you and I stumbling along. God knows what He's doing. And He knew we'd--whether we'd hold out, or what we would do. Now, the Bible said that Esau and Jacob, before either child was born God said, "I love one and hate the other one," before they even breathed their first breath, that His election might stand true.

Hebrews Chapter Six #2 - 57-0908 - William Branham


Your brother didn't do that

6. And there's nothing wrong; there was nothing wrong with any of the members. They're every one fine men and women. If they could just realize that that's the devil gets between the people... That's exactly right. It's not the people. If you can let a brother see that, then he won't hold enmity against the other fellow. He has--he'll--he'll feel bad. He'll feel like, "Well, that's... I feel sorry for my brother." See, if he did do wrong, why, it wasn't the brother; it was the devil that did that.
You say, "Well, this guy did a certain-certain thing." Your brother didn't do that; your sister didn't do that; that was the devil got into them that did it. So don't blame the brother, the sister; blame the devil. That's the one who caused it.

The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit - 58-0928M - William Branham


There is a real genuine Christian somewhere

There is a lot of fanaticism hooked up with Divine healing. There's a lot of fanaticism hooked up with every phase of anything you want to go at. In your churches there's people that's real fanatics, religious fanatics, but that don't mean that God isn't real. That doesn't mean that there isn't a real true Christian. It only vi--indicates that there is a real one. If you had a bogus dollar, it'd have to be real sure fact that there was a real dollar that dollar was made off of. Is that right? If it isn't, the bogus dollar would be the real dollar: the counterfeit. But being that there is a counterfeit, it only speaks of a real one. And when you see somebody acting like or pretending to be a Christian, it only means there is a real genuine Christian somewhere. When you see somebody in a practice of Divine healing made in some fanatical way, it only speaks that there's a real article somewhere it's coming from. That's right. A pro and con, negative and positive, true and false, in all things.

Seeking After Jesus - 53-0531 - William Branham

It's your business, my friend

71. When you turn aside... You know, the first sin started of a person turning aside just for a minute. Did you know that? The Bible said so. Eve turned aside just a moment to hear what Satan had to say, and he painted a picture so pretty to her till she actually thought it was the Truth. And she listened to him.
And the only thing the Devil wants you to do, is just turn aside just for a few minutes. He can paint the picture, say, "Now, look here. You know, brother, you know, sister, if they were the right kind of people, they wouldn't do this. If they just did this right here, you know." He can make it so real to you until it becomes a real truth. That's right. But remember, it's the Devil.
I don't care how lowdown they are, how far they've stooped in sin; it's your business to put an arm around them and lift them up by the love of God. Where was you when the Dove of God lifted you out of the miry clay? It's your business, my friend. This world is dying for a little bit of love.

Church And Its Condition - 56-0805 - William Branham


I am the Vine

The Church is God's agency. He said one place in the Gospel, "I am the Vine, ye are the branches." The vine does not bear fruit; it purges the branch, and the branch bears fruit. So the Church is the Branch that the Holy Spirit is working through. He speaks through the pastor's lips. He works through his hands. And through Divine gifts He sets His body into emotions, led by the Holy Spirit by emptying himself out and letting the Holy Spirit take control. He brings messages; he sees visions. And great things, no matter what it might be that God has chosen him to do, if he will yield to the Spirit, God will work through him, or any member of His Church.

Hear Ye Him - 58-0126 - William Branham


He cannot fail

52. Notice that it takes the--the weakest and the rejected, and practically every hero God ever had on the front line was that type of person. A person that was rejected, a person that thought he was insufficient, a person that had no ability at all, then that person's just in good shape so God can start using them. That's right. When they feel like that they can't, they haven't got nothing, that's when God can take ahold of them and do something with them. See? When... But when we are thinking that we're able to do it, then God can't use us because we're wanting to do it ourselves.

53. And then, the other side, we get these feelings and we think then that we're insufficient, and we don't want to do it; but then if we just listen to the call of God, that's the very thing that God wants us to get into, that kind of a shape so He can.
When we are insufficient ourselves, then we are subjects to yield to God's Spirit. As long as we think that we can do it, then we can't do it. But when we get to a place where we know we can't do it, then we yield ourself to God and He does it. So then if it's us trying to do it we'll fail, but if we'll just yield ourself to God then God can't fail. There's only one thing that God cannot do, and that's fail. He can do anything else but fail. But He cannot fail.
So as long as we're trying in ourselves and depending on our own abilities, and so forth, why, we'll do nothing. But when we get to a place where we know we're nothing, then God can use us.

Perfect Strenght By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham


Move right on

135. I made many mistakes, still make them, will always make them. But when I make them, the Holy Spirit tells me that's wrong. Then I repent right there,
"Lord, forgive me. Didn't mean to do it. You help me now." And I walk right on, the same thing. 'Cause, just no sooner than it goes from my lips, "If we confess our sins, He's just to forgive them." Is that right? Hallelujah.
The Devil say, "You know what? I'll tell you. You was supposed to go do a certain thing. You didn't do it. Uh-huh, you sinned, didn't you?"
I say, "I confessed it."
"Well, I tell you..."
"No, don't talk to me. No, sir. I have perfect faith in He Who told me. If I confess my wrongs, He'd forgive me. So I confessed it. Just go on away from me. I don't care nothing about you anyhow, so just keep moving on."
Walk boldly right on into it. If death lays there, that's all right; move right on into it with a perfect faith that God has promised that He'd raise you up at the last days. Yes, sir.

Law Or Grace - 54-1006 - William Branham


It's becoming to us

143. When you come this morning believing that God is going to heal you, and you take your stand, it's becoming to you that you never testify anything contrary to it, or don't come. That's right. If you don't feel like that God would heal you, then stay away, you're only making a mock out of it.
If you feel, this morning when the altar call comes, that, "I want to take my stand for Christ."... If you feel, count the price; count your men; see if you are able to go to battle. See if you're ready. If you don't feel like you're ready, don't come. But if Something tells you, "This is my day; this is my morning," then you come and ever remain there. Don't you move at all, no matter if death faces you, and the fog's floating into your face. What do you care? Stand there. For, "Heavens and earth will pass away; My Words shall never fail." You'll stay with It.

145. When you say, "I believe Jesus Christ as my Healer. I believe, this morning, that He's going to heal my sick body. Something told me to come to the church. I'm here amongst the believers. I'm taking my stand this morning. I believe it. I'm going up to be prayed for. When I'm prayed for, there on that stand I'll remain. No matter how dark it gets, or where it's at, I'll still stand on that stand." You took your stand because it's becoming to you.
After you once made a confession, you must stay with your confession. That's right. It's behooving you, as a Christian, as a believer to stay with your conviction.
Don't let the Devil push you off here and there. You're always muddied up. You're always off the main road. You're always in and out. And that's why you can't stay nowhere. You can't have confidence in yourself. Or, you can't, no one can have confidence in you. You've got to stand. And when you've done all you can do to stand, then stand. Just keep on standing. That's right. We must do that. It's becoming to us. It's behooving us, that we do it.

It Becometh Us To Fulfill - 61-1001M - William Branham


It's no merits of your own

Could you imagine going out here and telling a pig, say, "Now, looky here, Mr. Pig, I'm going to tell you, you're wrong." Why, you could wash him up and put him on a tuxedo, if you wanted to. That wouldn't do no good; he'd go right back to the mud puddle and wallow again. It's his nature. He's a pig to begin with. And every man, every unregenerated person, no matter how good you try to be, how good you think you are, you are a sinner by nature, until God changes your nature. Amen. Now, that's right. We don't like to say that. "Oh," you say, "I wear the best clothes in the neighborhood. I got the best car. I have the best..." That doesn't have one thing to do with it. If the nature's not... "I never told lies. I never..." That still hasn't got anything to do with it. It's no merits of your own, but it's the unconditional election and calling of God. And salvation is the merits of Jesus Christ, and nothing that any individual could do.

The Calling Of Abraham - 55-1116 - William Branham


Testify of what you believe

Symptoms, they're lying vanities. Don't receive them. Don't have nothing to do with them.
If you look to them, you're looking away from God. We look at the unseen, not at what we see. No one could look at what they see and be a Christian. You've got to believe the things that's unseen, for it's by faith are you healed, not by sight or by feeling.

What if someone came up in the morning to your door, express agent, and throwed a whole basketfuls of rattlesnakes, and had your name on them. Said, "Here they are; they're yours."
You know they're there, just like you know your symptoms is there. If you receive them, they're yours. But you don't have to take them. You can say, "I don't want them."
Say, "Your name's on them."
Say, "I don't want them. I won't have them."
He can stand there and argue as much as he wants to. But until you take them and sign for them, they belong to the express company until you sign for them. Don't sign for nothing the devil brings. You say, "There it is, though I refuse to have it." That's right. "Take it back." Have nothing to do with it."
If you won't testify that you've got it... When you testify you still have your sickness, the devil keeps it with you. But you refuse to testify of it. Say, "I won't have it. No, sir."

Oh, my. That's when you're getting faith. Give your faith a chance. Turn it loose; unbridle it; let it work. You've got it all bound down with traditions. Turn it loose; cut it loose. Let God have His way with you. Somebody's word's right, either what you're looking at or what God says. God's Word is true. Believe It. All right.
But the first time you testify of your sickness, it brings you right down to that realm again. You signed for it. Refuse to sign for it. Testify of what you believe.

Expectations - 50-0810 - William Branham


Get somewhere with God

God brings His Word to pass. I don't care how many critics says, like it was in the days of Noah, "It isn't going to rain." It rained anyhow. God said so. And what God says, God's able to perform. What He says, that Abraham believed it that way. And all of Abraham's children believes that way. And if we be in Christ, we are Abraham's seed and heirs with him, with the promise. Then we got to have the faith that Abraham had in the Word of God. That's right. That's what bring--brings the things to pass, is faith in what He said. You'll never move it no other way but have faith in what God said. You must take His Word above everything else. Let every man's word be a lie, and God's be true. What God said, just believe it. If you can't believe it that way, you'll never get nowhere with God. You might be able to join a church somewhere, but I mean get somewhere with God. See? That's--that's a whole lot different.

A Greater Than Solomon Is Here - 62-0628 - William Branham


It'll bring you out

65. Maybe you might not have the spontaneous faith to bring something, just a miracle right to you. You may not have that kind of faith. But Jesus said, "If you had the faith like a mustard seed, you could say to the mountain, 'Be moved,' and by and by, it would come to pass." It wouldn't vanish it away. But by and by it'd come to pass.
Now, the mustard seed, the reason He said that... You could mix kale; you could mix spinach, breed it together, but you can't mix mustard with nothing. It won't mix. It's just mustard to be mustard.
And if you've got just the least little grain of faith, that's genuine mustard seed faith that won't move, stay with it; it'll bring you out.
Now, some people have faith like this. Some has that much, some has that much, and some can go plumb over their heads in miracles. But because you haven't got that much, that doesn't mean that you can't be healed. If you had the least little bit of faith, just stay right with it. It'll take you out. Will you believe that? That's the truth. God will make me answer for it, if I haven't told you the truth. Can you accept it now upon the basis of God's...

66. Little girl, you've been healed for the last twenty minutes, honey, setting there, the little Spanish girl setting there. And--and don't worry about that. I seen you healed awhile ago.
Now, notice. Look. Every person in here can receive their healing right now. When you will believe that you're healed, just the same as you believe that's white. Believe that you're healed, accept it, and say, "Thank You, Lord." Walk right away, and take it, accept it upon those basis and be healed. How many will believe that now, say, "Amen."

It Shall Be Even As It Was Told Me - 50-0818 - William Branham


That's my ticket

209-262 Now, he said,

... leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection;...

Now, we got that this morning, how that we are perfected: perfected, absolutely spotless and blameless, not one sin on us. Are you above temptation? Never. Do you sin every day? Yes, sir. But yet, we are perfected, because we are in Him. And God could no more judge us than nothing; He couldn't be righteous; He's already judged us in Him. When He judged Christ, He judged me, He judged you. And He can't judge me again, because He took my judgment. If I've been redeemed and I got a ticket to show that I've redeemed my watch from the pawn shop, let somebody try to take it back in the pawn shop once, when I've got a ticket; I have redeemed it. And if the Devil would try to put punishment on me, I've got a ticket that shows I've been redeemed. Yes, sir. No more judgment, "He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, has Eternal Life, and shall never come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." That's my ticket. He gave the promise.

Hebrews Chapter 6 - 57-0908E - William Branham

You were made to be happy and free

131. Our number one, heart disease, doesn't--the main thing that kills the people today, it's number one; sin disease. And sin is unbelief. Unbelief in what? The Bible. That's right. Yes, it's the number one sin disease, that kills the people today, both spiritually and... And that'll make them kill them physically, of course, 'cause they already can prove that man that holds grudges, and women who fuss and stew, and fight and argue, they die. It'll cause cancer, fungus, everything else will set in, ulcers.
See, you were made to be happy and free. You were made to live like children before your Father, and--and know that He makes every day, everything work right for you each day. Yes, sir.

133. The people's just afraid of this new birth. That's all. They're afraid to come to it, because it'll straighten them up. It'll make you quit playing bingo, quit playing these slot machines. It'll make you quit staying home on Wednesday night from prayer meeting, to watch "We Love Susie" and all those other crazy things that Hollywood's got, and them dirty jokes that's cracked over there. And it'll make--it'll make you let your hair grow out long. It'll make you act like a lady. It'll make a man quit smoking cigarettes and being in church as deacons. It'll make the people quit lying, stealing. It'll do something for you. It'll clean you up and give you a salvation that there's nothing in the world can explain it away from you, 'cause you know you were there when it happened. Yes, sir.

Why? - 63-0626 - William Branham


You've got to want to take it

28. People today question. It's just like a--a patient laying on a doctor's step when the doctor has medicine for the patient's disease, and the patient refuses to take that medicine for his inoculation. And he may be so close to the remedy until he will set right on the doctor's doorstep and die. Is because he refuses the remedy.
And it's the same thing in church. Now, they set right in the pew and die sinners, die unbelievers. It's not because there's no remedy. There's a Balm in Gilead. But the... It's the people's own stubborn will. There's plenty of Holy Spirit, but it's the people that don't want it.

29. Jesus said the sick needs a doctor. But what if the doctor comes and the sick won't accept the doctor? Then what good can the doctor do? We need a Doctor, and the patient needs to take His medicine, 'cause this is a sick world, and a sick church at a sick time. Right.
So if the patient dies setting on the doctor's steps, now you can't blame the doctor if he proves he's got the medicine in there for the remedy, got the medicine in there for his--for his--the remedy for his cure. And the patient sets on the steps, "Now, I ain't going in there," why, inside is the remedy.

30. Well, you've got a certain disease. Why, he's got a medicine-cabinet full in there that'll kill that disease. It's a poison drug that'll knock that disease out. Here's others; they got healed. Look at them. They had that disease, and they've got it no more. And the doctor's got plenty of medicine, and you set on the steps and say, "Well, I come this far. If he wants me to get healed, he will come out here and do it."
Oh, no. No, no. That's not it. No, you'll die on the steps, and it won't be the doctor's fault, neither will it be the lack of medicine. Is because of the own stubborn will of the people that wouldn't take the medicine.
And the church is the same. We've got plenty of Scripture. We've got the thing that'll straighten the church out. We got the thing that'll send you back to where you was fifty years ago, but you've got to want to take it. You've got to want to get well, a cure of these diseases, these spiritual diseases--must have it.

The Way Back - 62-1123 - William Branham


Just to be like Him

That's my desire. When I was a little boy, I read Edgar Rice Burroughs' "Tarzan Of The Apes"; I cut mother's fur rug up to impersonate Tarzan. When I read "The Lone Star Ranger," I rode a hobby horse everywhere I went. But one day I picked up the Bible; since then my desire's to be like Him. God, let me; let His Life so flow through me. May I clean myself away, professing to be dead for thirty-one years now, that Jesus might reflect Himself. Only way I know He can do it is by His Word. Just to be like Jesus. Oh, yes, just to be like--like Jesus...

On earth I long to be like Him;
All through life's journey...

I'm getting old now. I've got to move off the scene pretty soon. That's still my desire, just to be like Him.

Super Sign - 62-0708 - William Branham


Be one

26 But someday, you're going to have to... You remember, there's young people setting here. Someday those denominational barriers, and ideas that fanatics has got out there, and scooped around, and separated the people, will be taken away; and God will bring His Church together and take It home. Just as certain as anything in the world. That's... They're going to come; that's prophecy. Remember that. I spoke that in the Name of the Lord. Now, you can put that down upon the book. Now, that was true. I didn't know I saying, going to say that. Now, that's right. That's how God will bring His Church together. You can depend on that.
And as long as you argue and fuss with one another, you're in the kindergarten. God will just keep you there, till you learn enough to get out of it. That's all. Amen. Well, praise the Lord. All right. That's right. Get out. Have faith. Step out on the Word of God. Jesus said, "They..."
The disciples come, said, "We seen one casting out devils and we forbid him." There starts your denomination again. Said, "Forbid him not." Amen. Be one with him; that's all. Go join up. If they won't join up, don't forbid him; go on. That's the way to do.

Works That I Do Bear Witness Of Me - 51-0413 - William Branham


We got it now

Now, I'm going to shock you a little bit. You don't mind, do you? All right. For instance, the meat's a frying, and all at once the grease pops out on your hand. Now, if you'll just shake it off and go on frying meat, it wouldn't bother you. Now, I know you didn't get that just right. Look. The first thing, "Oh, where the Ungantene?" Something... You see, grab you hand. See, see? It scares you to death. That's what does it. It's fear. Peter walking on the water. He was walking all right, till he seen the waves contrary and he got scared. Jesus said, "Why'd you fear?" That's what's the matter with the Holy Ghost people today. They've got a lot afraid... The devil's just trying to scare you out of something. He's trying to put something off somewhere else, say, "Some of these days you'll be this." You are now. Now, we're sons of God. Now, we're seated together in heavenly places. Now, we have all powers in heavens and the earth. See? Now, we have it. Not in the millennium, we won't need it then. We got it now. We're... Right now we are the sons of God.

Jairus And Divine Healing - 54-0216 - William Branham


Big bundle of love

Now, in Jesus was God. God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, and these people believed His testimony. And them that did truly believe it could draw God's blessings from Him. And when they did so, He said virtue went from Him. Virtue is strength. He... In other words, if we'd say it today, he got weak when the people drawed off of Him. Well, if it worked that way in that human body, it'll work in another human body. And we create a--our atmosphere around us, each one of us. You've been with people that were nice people, but you just couldn't hardly be around them. Then you've been with other people that you just loved to be around them. You create that atmosphere. And, oh, wouldn't you have loved to have been around Jesus just a... Wonderful. See what that atmosphere He created would've been. I imagine it was just one great big bundle of love, and respects, and godly fear.

Awakening Jesus - 63-0117 - William Branham


God's billboard

So I believe that the Christian is God's billboard. I believe that each one of us is God's billboard. And we don't have to do so much of carrying on about as we do, just simply live such a life that'll make the people hungry to be like you.

Now, I noticed on this billboard, this certain one, it didn't claim any--nothing but just ask a question, if you're hungry. And you cannot sell anybody anything to eat, unless they are hungry. The first thing that advertisement does, the individual passing by has to see it.
Now, the only way that the world will ever see Christ is when He--they've see It in you and me. That's the only way they'll ever see Christ. Their--their conscience are numb to the sunset, to the call of the birds, to the leaves, and--and the grass, and the flowers, and the music, and the message, and so forth, that we enjoy after we have found Christ. But until we get to a place that we display Christ... Now, remember that.
Each one of you, from tonight on, remember you are God's billboards. And you're--you're God's advertising agent. Now, the world will look at you to see what Christ is. So we don't want to smear a big lot of stuff on there that testify about things that we really are not. Let's first be that. And then when we be that, then the world will see Christ in you and me.

Let Your Light So Shine - 61-0903 - William Branham


God is under obligation to His Word

Same thing about the Holy Spirit. You say, "I've been seeking for the Holy Ghost for years." I'm not scolding you. You're either mistaught, or something's wrong, or you don't understand. God is under obligation to His Word. Peter said on the Day of Pentecost, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." That's the Scripture, just as clear as I know how to read it. If you repented and are baptized, then God's under obligation, if your faith is right towards God to give you the Holy Ghost the minute that you obey His Word. Believe that. God will vindicate it to you. If your heart's really right before God, and you're taught right, and believing it, and walk up there with the assurance, something's going to happen, 'cause God's more willing to give you the Holy Ghost than you are willing to accept It.

Doctor Moses - 55-0114 - William Branham


Jesus lives and reigns within the heart

That's the way it is with every man or woman, when he's born of the Spirit of God and sees the true resurrection. No man knows that Jesus is resurrected from the dead, unless he's died, himself, in Christ Jesus, and been borned again, anew by the Holy Ghost. Every man is only a theologically believing, he's only materially believing, he's only looking at it on paper, until the Holy Spirit's bore record of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. You, from the dead things of life, unto a new and living hope in Christ Jesus... Every man or woman without that is lost this morning. That's right. Oh, my brother, sister, get right with God. Get that heart cleaned out, to where joy bells of heaven rings, and there's a resurrection; Jesus lives and reigns within the heart.

Go Tell My Disciples - 53-0405S - William Branham


You've got to forget...

I'm not against education. Educations are all right. But people get so highly educated, till they think they know more about it than God does. And then they miss the goal. You've got to forget all you ever knowed in your own knowledge to know Christ. Well, you just come childlike and accept Him. That's all. That's the way you accept God. And more simple you can get, more humble, and get away from yourself, your own ideas, just take God's Word for what it's worth, and believe It. And it's by faith that these things are come, not what you can figure out. You'll never be able. There's never been a man on the world, no saint, nor no one has ever figured God out. You can't. So don't think that you can do something that they cannot do, 'cause they--it can't Be. That's right. You just believe Him. That's what He wants you to do, not try to figure Him out.

Moses - 50-0110 - William Branham


Soul will live forever somewhere

You wouldn't eat soup with a fly in it. No, sir. You--you wouldn't--you wouldn't be--you'd be afraid to eat food that didn't look just right and was contaminated, because you know it might give you a--a ptomaine poison, or something, and would kill you in a little bit. And you watch about this body. But that soul, you let it feast on things of the world, which you know is contaminated and can only do one thing: take you to destruction. And no matter how well you treat this body and how good a food or how it lives, it's got to go to the dust of the earth; but that soul will live forever somewhere. I would rather eat contaminated soup, then contaminate my soul with the things of the world--at any time.

The Junction Of Time - 56-0115 - William Branham


There's no big me and little you then...

How beautiful that parable was taught of the wedding supper. He found one there without a wedding garment on. Why, that's very typical. In the Oriental times, when they give a--a supper out or something another, the bridegroom had to furnish the robes. That's--that's the way it is in this affair too, the wedding supper we're going to. And then the bridegroom hired a man to stand at the door. And everybody that had a invitation, come at the door. Poor or rich, any kind, they put this robe around them. When they were in, they were all alike. I like that. Brethren, there's no big me and little you then, when you come by the way of the Door. And then He found a man back there that didn't have a wedding garment on. He come in some other way besides of the door. And Jesus said, "Friend, what are you doing here?" And he was speechless. And you try to climb up your own moral stepladder or by some creed or some church, brother, you're going to find yourself the same way. Every man that comes by the Door is going to get the same robe. And that robe is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Every man pays the same price.

God's Provided Way - 53-0613 - William Branham


Sweet or sour?

13. Like a fellow holding a debate. He was holding a debate. He said, "There is no such a thing as God. There is not such a thing as God." Kept doing that, and a little old, silly looking boy setting back there with hair hanging down in his eyes, and overall jacket on, he come walking up, one tooth out in the front, stood up in front of the infidel, he said... Started peeling an apple, He said, "What do you want?"
Said, "I just wanted to ask you a question."
He said, "Well, ask it."
"Well, wait a minute." Just kept peeling his apple, cut the core out of it.
He said, "Well, say it. Hurry up and say what you're going to or I'll have you throwed out."

14. "Well, just a minute." He eat--peeled the apple, took a piece, put it in his mouth, begin to chew on it and swallowed it, said, "I want to ask you a question. Is this apple sweet or sour?"
The infidel said, "I'm not eating it. I don't know."
Said, "That's what I thought." Walked right back and set down.
How do you know whether there's a Holy Ghost or not until you've received It? How do you know Jesus heals or not, until you received it?
Said, "No man can say Jesus is the Christ, only by the Holy Ghost." No matter how much you read out of the Bible that won't work. The Holy Ghost has got to witness it to you--His resurrection in your life--or you don't know whether it's sweet or sour. That's right.
The poet said, "Taste and see the Lord is good." Who knows before he tastes it? It's he that tastes that knows. As the old saying is "The proof of the pudding is the eating thereof." So that's good.
So this infidel was defeated in this case.

All Things Are Possible - 56-0722 - William Branham


Be not afraid

And as the waters pushed on, after while Jesus spoke and said, "Be not afraid. It's I." Peter said, "If It's You, Lord, give me just a little test." And ask and you shall receive. So He gave him the test, and when he tried to do it in himself, he failed, and every other man will fail. He got his eyes off of Jesus and begin to look how big the waves was. When he seen the waves were contrary, be begin to sink. And every man that will look at his affliction after being prayed for is sure to sink. You don't look at your affliction. You keep your eyes on the promise Giver, the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep your eyes on His Word. He's the One Who promised. He watches over It to perform it. He keeps it in the hollow of His hand, and in the depths of His heart it's bedded. His Words has to be True. Get your mind off of your sickness, off of your troubles. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

Jairus, A Secret Believer - 55-0604 - William Branham


The altar was built for you

21. But now, back to Cain and Able, when Cain worshipped, he built an altar; he sacrificed; he worshipped God. But that wasn't enough. And it was beautiful, no doubt the flowers and things that grows in the field, and he decorated his altar.
Why soon, as soon as Easter come, across the nations there'll be million dollars spent for Easter flowers that go on the altar. Well, God don't care about that Easter flower on the altar. He wants you on the altar. You're the person for the altar, not your flower, or your money; He wants you. The altar was built for you to sacrifice your own will to His will. See?
Well, then... But if an altar, sacrifice, worship is all that God requires, then you'll have to say Cain was justified. And watch that beauty.
Now, that's right in our--many of our Full Gospel churches coming right into it. See? They want to build a little better church, put a few thousand dollars in a pipe organ. That doesn't bring God in. That might bring people. But self-sacrifice brings God in--to the will of God. See?

Show Us The Father - 50-0819 - William Branham