
The altar was built for you

21. But now, back to Cain and Able, when Cain worshipped, he built an altar; he sacrificed; he worshipped God. But that wasn't enough. And it was beautiful, no doubt the flowers and things that grows in the field, and he decorated his altar.
Why soon, as soon as Easter come, across the nations there'll be million dollars spent for Easter flowers that go on the altar. Well, God don't care about that Easter flower on the altar. He wants you on the altar. You're the person for the altar, not your flower, or your money; He wants you. The altar was built for you to sacrifice your own will to His will. See?
Well, then... But if an altar, sacrifice, worship is all that God requires, then you'll have to say Cain was justified. And watch that beauty.
Now, that's right in our--many of our Full Gospel churches coming right into it. See? They want to build a little better church, put a few thousand dollars in a pipe organ. That doesn't bring God in. That might bring people. But self-sacrifice brings God in--to the will of God. See?

Show Us The Father - 50-0819 - William Branham


Anonymous said...

Yes I do.. Amen to this one too.

ABC said...

Amen! :-D