
You were made to be happy and free

131. Our number one, heart disease, doesn't--the main thing that kills the people today, it's number one; sin disease. And sin is unbelief. Unbelief in what? The Bible. That's right. Yes, it's the number one sin disease, that kills the people today, both spiritually and... And that'll make them kill them physically, of course, 'cause they already can prove that man that holds grudges, and women who fuss and stew, and fight and argue, they die. It'll cause cancer, fungus, everything else will set in, ulcers.
See, you were made to be happy and free. You were made to live like children before your Father, and--and know that He makes every day, everything work right for you each day. Yes, sir.

133. The people's just afraid of this new birth. That's all. They're afraid to come to it, because it'll straighten them up. It'll make you quit playing bingo, quit playing these slot machines. It'll make you quit staying home on Wednesday night from prayer meeting, to watch "We Love Susie" and all those other crazy things that Hollywood's got, and them dirty jokes that's cracked over there. And it'll make--it'll make you let your hair grow out long. It'll make you act like a lady. It'll make a man quit smoking cigarettes and being in church as deacons. It'll make the people quit lying, stealing. It'll do something for you. It'll clean you up and give you a salvation that there's nothing in the world can explain it away from you, 'cause you know you were there when it happened. Yes, sir.

Why? - 63-0626 - William Branham

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