
God knows what He's doing

Now, if you're saved, you're saved. If God saves you tonight knowing He's going to lose you ten years from today, He's defeating His own purpose. The infinite, almighty, eternal, everlasting wisdom God doesn't know enough then to know that, whether you will hold out or whether you won't. Then when He saves you, you say, "Well, I'll give Him a try; I'll see what He'd do," then He does not know the end from the beginning. God knows what He's doing; don't you never worry about that. It's you and I stumbling along. God knows what He's doing. And He knew we'd--whether we'd hold out, or what we would do. Now, the Bible said that Esau and Jacob, before either child was born God said, "I love one and hate the other one," before they even breathed their first breath, that His election might stand true.

Hebrews Chapter Six #2 - 57-0908 - William Branham

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