
But you know, where you belong after that

You know, He's the Lily of the Valley. Opium comes from lily. We know that. Oh, how it is. When those pipe dreamers get a hold of opium, they think that's something. Oh, they ought to get inoculation of this one time. One does for all the time. It's not a pipe dream, but it's a reality of heaven that'll anchor back in your soul by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. It puts you to sleep--not asleep, but dead to the things of the world and alive in Christ...?... Christ living forevermore. It does something to you that no one knows nothing about but you. You was the one that got the serum. You was the one that got the inoculation. You know what it's all about. Why? You felt it, you knowed it. You seen what it did to you, done something to you. You're branded. Amen. You know where you belong.

We used to brand calves. There's a woman came out, one time, on a horse, and she said, "Aren't you ashamed to do that, that poor little fellow, putting that brand on him?"
I said, "It hurts for a little bit, but he knows where he belongs." Amen. That's the way it is.
God makes you hurt for a little bit, but you know where you belong after that.

The Way Back - 62-1123 - William Branham

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