160-243. But when you say, "Yes, my Lord, I hear Your Voice. I don't harden my heart. I don't care, Lord. It's Your Word and I believe You. Take me, Jesus, just as I am, without one plea, but that Thy blood was shed for me, and there I promise I'll believe, O Lamb of God, I come." Lay your hands upon His dying head, say, "Lord, I'm a sinner, and You called to me."
"All the Father has given Me will come to Me, and I'll raise him up at the last days."
"Yes, Lord, I come. I harden not my heart as they did in provocation; I truly believe."
Then what does He do? He gives you His Life (Zoe), Eternal Life. And if God could raise us from the dust of the earth, where we come from... Did we come from the dust? Everything you see come from the dust. And if God could make me what I am today without having any choice, just because His desire was to make me, and give me the opportunity to face Calvary and make my decision, and I made my decision and believed on Him, how much more will He raise me up. If He made me what I am without a choice, then I took a choice and took Him in. When He laid His hands by Himself and swore by Himself that He'd raise me up in the last day, I rest assure.
I have Rest. Not because I worship on Sunday, not because I worship on the sabbath; that has nothing to do with it. I worship because I've entered into His peace and rest (peace, rest, love, joy). Let the storm strive; my anchor holds.
161-248. Have you got that experience tonight, friend of mine that's setting here in this hot tabernacle? You didn't come to hear me. No, you come to hear the Word. Listen, my friend.
Now, if you haven't got that Rest, you can find It right now. You don't have to come up here at the altar; set right where you are. Be sincere, and say, "Christ, just speak to my heart. I know it's hot. I'm--I'm just all lathery and sweaty. I'm awful. But, Lord, truly I may be sweating with pain worse than this before morning."
And the doctor may shake his head, say, "It's a heart attack. He's gone." Then what?
What then? When the great Book is opened, what then? You heard that song: "What Then?" When the ones that's rejected the Message, will be asked to give a reason, what then? What Then? Think of it now, real deeply. While we bow our heads, think of it.When the ones that's rejecting this Message tonight,
Going to be asked to give a reason, What then?
What then? What then?
When the great Book is opened, What then?
When the ones that's rejecting this Message tonight,
You're going to be asked to give a reason, What then?
Hebrews Chapter 4 - 57-0901E - William Branham
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