
He moves in the heart

Sometimes God's ways are so hard that--to the human mind to comprehend, you just think that it's ridiculous. And faith is ridiculous to the carnal mind. It's crazy to anything except God and the one who has the faith. Then by faith, we see, we believe things that our eyes, our mind does not declare, just because that we believe it.

Reasoning? Why, it would never reason to be right. So we can't reason it out, or study it? We'll just only muddle our minds up. And there's only one way to do, is to have faith that what God promises, God's able to perform. That settles it.
Don't try to... Say, "Well now, how could it be? We're living in a modern time." Keep that out of your mind. Don't even take the second thought. Just take Him at His Word. You make that decision right now, that what God says, God can keep. It's not my business to figure it out. Because if I do that, I'm working then in the intellectual realms. God don't move in the head; He moves in the heart.

Time Of Decision - 59-0418 - William Branham

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And AMen to that :)