20. The sun is the king of all lights on this earth, in the natural light. No matter how much artificial light that we can have, and how many great electric rays we can produce; when that sun rises, all the rest of them dim out.
That's the same thing it is with the Word of God. When the Word of God rises, all superstitions, denominational fanaticisms and things, spread away, and it shows it just exactly what it is. God in the beginning said, "Let there be light." The Light only comes, the true Light, the King Light, comes by the Word of God. God separated the light from the darkness in the beginning. And the Word of God made manifest always separates the Light from the darkness.
People can rise up with this, that, or the other; isms can rise, communism, fascism, and all other isms can rise; superstitions, cults, whatever it might be, might rise. But when that King Light of the Bible raises up, all superstitions and things... But, you see, we know it's there, but until It's a vindicated, proves Its Light, then we have no right to argue against That, because It shuts all other light out. Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth." His Word is superior over all man's words, over all, anything. His Word is Light.
23. And we know that in the beginning it must've been foggy and dismal and dark, as the world was turning, and when God knowed that He had a need of light. Now, His seed was already in the earth, because He'd planted it there. Now He needed light to bring forth that seed, to make that seed live, because the seed was already there.
Just like it is in each age, God has foretold us what would take place in each age. The only thing He needs is the manifestation of the Light of God upon that Scripture to make it live for that age. Just a... And it will do it as long as the Light can get to the Word. If the Word's germitized, It'll make it live if it's a promise for that day.
You might plant wheat at one time, or grain at another time. Some come slower than other, because it depends on the season.
God's Word comes in season, the law and the grace, and so forth, as we've went on down through the ages. And each time it's lit up by the manifestation of the Light spreading forth the--the Life that's in the Seed.
27.By the Word of God the sun shines today, because the very sun that we're enjoying is God's Word made manifest. This very sunlight that we see outside is nothing but God's Word, when He said, "Let there be light."
And what if He'd said, "Let there be light," and there was no light? Then it wasn't God spoke. When God says, "Let there be," there will be. And so we find out that the sun that we now are enjoying is the manifestation of God's Word spoken in Genesis.
Turn On The Light - 64-0125 - William Branham
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