
It's a seed

Say, "Well, Brother Branham, the doctor told me I was dying. I got cancer." That may be so. The man's telling you all he knows how. But only thing he can do, he's got five senses to work with, two of them he can use. What is it? One sense is feeling, the next place is--is seeing. Seeing and feeling, he can feel something, or see something through an x-ray. That's all the man has to work with. That's all he knows, but he's doing the best he can do. But don't look at that, he's come to his end. Look up here what This promised. Say, "How can it be done?" God said so. That settles it when God said it. That settles; it's eternally settled forever in heaven: His Word is. And His Words was made flesh, and is flesh today in you, if you will let It come flesh. "If ye abide in Me and My Word's in you, then ask what you will and it will be done," St. John 15. See, we want just let them Words stay in here. Believe it; it's the truth. It's a seed. It will--it will bring to pass everything that He promised.

Perseverance - 62-0218 - William Branham

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