
Just a little testing time...

Truly, Lord, we teach the people, there's nothing good in man, not one thing. "What is man that Thou art mindful of him?" But it's the grace of God that's appeared to us. And we trust only in His merits, and not in our own. And we worship Thee, most holy God, for Thy goodness to include us in Thy great Kingdom and in Thy great plans. We receive Thee into our hearts by faith. And by grace, we believe that You've give it to us for the glory of God, for the service of God.

Now, Lord, heal the sick as they come up to be prayed for, this morning. Give to them that joy, that they long to be well. Let them know that this little light affliction, was put upon them, is just a little testing time. God knows all about it. He did it to see what we'd do about it. How God may they step right out there and claim that finished work. May You... May they not provoke You by be running here and there, and in and out, "Well, I don't know this, that..."
Lord, may they take a straight stand, say, "Lord, You was the One Who saved me. You was the One Who did these things for me. I believe You, and I'm trusting You today." And I pray that You'll grant this to the people in Christ's Name. Amen.

Hebrews Chapter 3 - 57-0901M - William Branham

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