
He's the Boss

And he would--he'd get better, and then have it again, and then get better, and have it again. He said, "Lord, what's the matter, You don't take this away from me?"
He said, "My grace is sufficient, Paul; just keep on." It'd keep...

He said, "Now, if it... If I was just perfect, and everything perfect" said, "then when I went along, oh, I'd get puffed up and say, 'You see, there's nothing wrong with me. The Lord takes care of me, brother, hallelujah.'"
Then you're getting self-righteous. See?
God has to give you a little something once in a while to kinda meeken you up a little, you know (That's right.), kinda make you realize that He's the Boss. Oh, isn't He wonderful (Yes, sir.), just glorious.

Hebrews Chapter 3 - 57-0901M - William Branham

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