Preachers are called, prophets, and teachers, and evangelists, and pastors, and so forth. They have received the Holy Ghost, and then a gift to do these things with it. But God don't have any little bitty children or great big children. They're all children to Him. That's exactly right. And your rightly position is setting right now in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, with every power. You say, "Brother Branham, I'm the least in the church. I'm just a little bitty fellow." But remember, when He ascended on high... See, you're raised with Him; you're in the body; and you're with Christ right now, seated in heavenly places. If you're the skin on the bottom of the feet, every devil's underneath you. That's right. That's exactly right. The church... Where the head is, the body's with it. And if we be buried, died, buried in Christ, then we're raised with Him in His resurrection, and set in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, with every fire of hell under us. Amen. Right. No matter how little you are, every devil's under you.
Convinced Then Concerned - 62-0118 - William Branham
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