
He stands out

The whole world has become contaminated. All's on television and things, is some old vulgar, dirty stuff. And you try to pattern yourself like that. Won't you take Jesus' example? Won't--why don't you let Him... Why don't you listen to His Word? Won't you do these things that's right? How many here will honestly say that you know you haven't got the Holy Ghost, look at yourself in the mirror, and know you haven't? No. And just look at your own life, and the way you do. Not because you belong to church: "I belong to Methodist, Baptist, Pres... I..." That's all right. I ain't saying nothing against that. But I'm asking you, do you know Christ Jesus? Is He living in you? If He does, He'll identify Himself there. If He's there He's bound to let Himself be known. You can't hide Him, He stands out.

Jesus Keeps All His Appointments - 64-0418E - William Branham

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is very plain to see in this above quote that the prophet is asking "Is He living in you? If He does He'll identify Himself there. If He's there He's bound to let Himself be known. You can't hide Him, He stands out."
And yet believers testify that He has not come, and He is going to come one of these days. They speak the truth as He is not living in them so He can't identify Himself. But a true believer, of which I am believe that Jesus Christ is come and He was in the prophet who brought His Coming and now He lives in the heart of His Queen Today