
He is the Dynamics of the mechanics

156. Just reminds me of a fellow in Florida not long ago. He was talking, said he had a Chevrolet car that went out on him in Florida, and said he took it to the garage. And this mechanic was going along there, and he got everything set together, and he couldn't get it to start. And it was nervous running around all over the building picking up this, and the man standing, said, "I'm waiting on my car, sir. I'm late. Can't you get it?"
He said, "I'm doing all I can do," real nervous and carrying on. And he walked along.
Directly a well-dressed gentleman walked up and looked at him a few moments, and he said to the mechanic, after he let him butt his head around a little while; he said, "Why don't you just touch this? You're not getting any current."
So he said, "I never thought of that." So he just turned that other little thing, ever what it was there, and he got the--the current in; the car started.
He turned around and said, "Who are you?" You know who he was? The chief engineer of the--of the General Motor. He made the thing. He designed it.

162. In this hour, brother, when we wonder what's the matter with our revival, what's the matter? We got the material and everything; we got the mechanics, but where is the Dynamics? That's what we need to move Jesus Christ in on the scene. What's the matter? I tell you, there's One here today (Hallelujah.), called the Holy Ghost, that can touch the Dynamics. He is the Dynamics of the mechanics.

Turn On The Light - 64-0125 - William Branham

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