
You've got to want to take it

28. People today question. It's just like a--a patient laying on a doctor's step when the doctor has medicine for the patient's disease, and the patient refuses to take that medicine for his inoculation. And he may be so close to the remedy until he will set right on the doctor's doorstep and die. Is because he refuses the remedy.
And it's the same thing in church. Now, they set right in the pew and die sinners, die unbelievers. It's not because there's no remedy. There's a Balm in Gilead. But the... It's the people's own stubborn will. There's plenty of Holy Spirit, but it's the people that don't want it.

29. Jesus said the sick needs a doctor. But what if the doctor comes and the sick won't accept the doctor? Then what good can the doctor do? We need a Doctor, and the patient needs to take His medicine, 'cause this is a sick world, and a sick church at a sick time. Right.
So if the patient dies setting on the doctor's steps, now you can't blame the doctor if he proves he's got the medicine in there for the remedy, got the medicine in there for his--for his--the remedy for his cure. And the patient sets on the steps, "Now, I ain't going in there," why, inside is the remedy.

30. Well, you've got a certain disease. Why, he's got a medicine-cabinet full in there that'll kill that disease. It's a poison drug that'll knock that disease out. Here's others; they got healed. Look at them. They had that disease, and they've got it no more. And the doctor's got plenty of medicine, and you set on the steps and say, "Well, I come this far. If he wants me to get healed, he will come out here and do it."
Oh, no. No, no. That's not it. No, you'll die on the steps, and it won't be the doctor's fault, neither will it be the lack of medicine. Is because of the own stubborn will of the people that wouldn't take the medicine.
And the church is the same. We've got plenty of Scripture. We've got the thing that'll straighten the church out. We got the thing that'll send you back to where you was fifty years ago, but you've got to want to take it. You've got to want to get well, a cure of these diseases, these spiritual diseases--must have it.

The Way Back - 62-1123 - William Branham

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