
There's no big me and little you then...

How beautiful that parable was taught of the wedding supper. He found one there without a wedding garment on. Why, that's very typical. In the Oriental times, when they give a--a supper out or something another, the bridegroom had to furnish the robes. That's--that's the way it is in this affair too, the wedding supper we're going to. And then the bridegroom hired a man to stand at the door. And everybody that had a invitation, come at the door. Poor or rich, any kind, they put this robe around them. When they were in, they were all alike. I like that. Brethren, there's no big me and little you then, when you come by the way of the Door. And then He found a man back there that didn't have a wedding garment on. He come in some other way besides of the door. And Jesus said, "Friend, what are you doing here?" And he was speechless. And you try to climb up your own moral stepladder or by some creed or some church, brother, you're going to find yourself the same way. Every man that comes by the Door is going to get the same robe. And that robe is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Every man pays the same price.

God's Provided Way - 53-0613 - William Branham

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