65. Maybe you might not have the spontaneous faith to bring something, just a miracle right to you. You may not have that kind of faith. But Jesus said, "If you had the faith like a mustard seed, you could say to the mountain, 'Be moved,' and by and by, it would come to pass." It wouldn't vanish it away. But by and by it'd come to pass.
Now, the mustard seed, the reason He said that... You could mix kale; you could mix spinach, breed it together, but you can't mix mustard with nothing. It won't mix. It's just mustard to be mustard.
And if you've got just the least little grain of faith, that's genuine mustard seed faith that won't move, stay with it; it'll bring you out.
Now, some people have faith like this. Some has that much, some has that much, and some can go plumb over their heads in miracles. But because you haven't got that much, that doesn't mean that you can't be healed. If you had the least little bit of faith, just stay right with it. It'll take you out. Will you believe that? That's the truth. God will make me answer for it, if I haven't told you the truth. Can you accept it now upon the basis of God's...
66. Little girl, you've been healed for the last twenty minutes, honey, setting there, the little Spanish girl setting there. And--and don't worry about that. I seen you healed awhile ago.
Now, notice. Look. Every person in here can receive their healing right now. When you will believe that you're healed, just the same as you believe that's white. Believe that you're healed, accept it, and say, "Thank You, Lord." Walk right away, and take it, accept it upon those basis and be healed. How many will believe that now, say, "Amen."
It Shall Be Even As It Was Told Me - 50-0818 - William Branham
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