You're dying. The doctors has give you up; maybe the—the world has give you up; maybe the church has give you up; but Jesus has never give you up. "Whosoever will deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me…" Deny what you're thinking; deny your mental conception; just believe what God's Word says is truth and march on with it. Keep moving. Get sicker, just keep moving, just keep going. After while you'll break through the barriers, then you'll be free. Then you can see Him; then He will reveal Hisself to you; then that Son of God Who made the promise will be real to you. Do you believe it?Looking At The Unseen - 59-0410 - William Branham
Do you believe it?
God will grant that to you
Now, if you want God to hear your prayer, send an Angel to your home, live right, do right, treat everybody right, be right before God, and God will grant that to you.The Resurrection Of Lazarus - 50-0813A - William Branham
Forsake it and receive Him
Now, yes, sir, He—He gave His strength. He became weak, that He might be our strength. He is our all-sufficient Strength. We don't need no other strength but the strength of the Lord Jesus. "He is my Strength from day to day. Without Him I would fall," said the poet. How wonderful! What you forsake; what you receive, for what you ever forsook! My! Forsake the world. Forsake your own ideas. Forsake your doubts. Forsake your flusterations. Forsake it, and receive Him. Believe Him.Forsaking All - 62-0123 - William Branham
That's the kind of a Father we have
And if you notice, it's when you are discouraged that's when the devil can really pour it on you. That's when He gets you. If you come to the church and say, "Well, I don't know. I don't know whether I'll ever get any better or not. I've been prayed for twice." Oh, my. You might as well go home; that's all. But when you can cast that aside… God don't want you to be frowning. God wants you to be happy. The human heart was made to be happy. Worry will cause cancer. Temper will cause cancer. Don't never be upset. Just walk in His love. Amen. Knowing that you're walking in Him, and nothing can harm you. There's nothing can harm you. There's neither powers, things present, things future, nothing can separate us from Him. We're in Him. And we never come in by our own will. He, by choice, elected us and brought us in to Him. Amen. So it's His business to take care of what He's took Hisself. "No man can pluck them from My Father's hands, 'cause He's the greatest of all of them." Amen. It's the Father Who takes care of it. Who's got any more power than God? So what kind of a power have you got over you to take care of you? The whole powers that created the universes. Amen. That took the solar system and [Brother Branham makes a blowing sound—Ed.] blew like that and every star went to its place. Sure. And He watches over you. Amen. That's the kind of a Father we have.The Resurrection Of Jesus - 56-0405 - William Branham
You become a part of God
The old things have passed away, and God has spoken to you, and you have become a new creature. I want this to go way down even into church members. Then as you would love to be in the Presence of Christ, and you become a part of Christ, then people love to become in your presence, because you become a part of God, son and daughter of God.When Divine Love Is Projected Sovereign Grace Takes Its Place - 57-0126E - William Branham
That's the footsteps
An old story of some years ago in England… There was a man; he thought he would go out and have a little friendly drink at Christmas time just for fellowship. And he went out among his neighbors, and he was exchanging presents. And everybody would say to him, "Now, John, just take a drink of this." And a little sip here, and a little sip there, and he got really intoxicated. And on his road home, there'd come a snow of about six inches. And—and his little boy was following him. He couldn't pack him; he was too drunk. And he was on his road home, and he happened to turn around and noticed his little boy just almost wallowing in the snow. And he said, "Son, why are you wallowing in the snow?" He said, "Daddy, I'm trying to follow your footsteps." And he picked the little lad up in his arms and said, "God, from this day on, I'll never take another drink." Somebody's going to follow your footsteps. Let's walk that straight line from the cradle to Calvary. That's the footsteps let's have them to walk in.What Does Thou Here? - 59-0301E - William Branham
God has a purpose
ou always have to stand this reproach in order to give your testing, to see. Every man that comes to Christ must first be child-trained, for the—for the purpose that God has ordained you for. And remember, if you can just keep quiet! Remember, if He has called you for this, there is nothing that can keep it from happening. There's not enough devils in torment, but what God's Word will be made manifest. You're born for a purpose, and nobody can take your place. You might have impersonators and everything else, but they'll never take your place. Right. God's Word will triumph. It cannot fail. There is where every Christian ought, to stand, knowing that—that. And trials will come up, and seem every way, to you. But remember, God has a purpose, and it all will work right.The Reproach For The Cause Of The Word - 62-1223 - William Branham
He'll make everything right
Now, we are all going to make mistakes. Just remember. And when you're looking at one another, don't look at the other person's mistake. See, don't do that, because, remember, you make mistakes too. But look to Christ Who is guiding this person. And if they need some help, then you pray for them. That's—that's the way we get along (See?), pray. And remember, when you are praying for somebody else in that kind of a fix, God will honor and heal you when you're praying for somebody else. That's right. That's what Christianity is based upon, to help one another, do for one another, be kind to one another, understanding to one another. Now, if you see your neighbor's mistake, you see where they've went wrong, don't go wrong with them, but just pray for them. Just keep praying, and God will understand that. He'll make everything right.Questions And Answers - 61-1015M - William Branham
Job knowed where he stood
But Job said, "I've made my confession. I've put the burnt offering out before God, and I'm not a sinner." He knowed where he was standing. Then everything went on, just on and on and on, just as hard as it could go, trying to down Job and to bring Job to a place that he would deny God and deny that burnt offering. The very minute you take action upon anything that you confess, it shows your weakness, your doubt of God. You ask God for anything and walk around doubting it, then you are a doubter and not a believer. Job knowed where he stood, and he stood firm on that foundation. No wonder Perronet said in his dying hour,Be Certain Of God - 59-0125 - William Branham
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other grounds is sinking sand.
It's God's token to the Church
Now, the Church now is engaged to Christ for the wedding. The wedding has never been performed yet, it will be at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. So, we see that the Church is now engaged, like a man engaged to his wife. What does he do while they're engaged? He's just bestowing all kinds of things, sending her presents, making her feel good. Well, that's what Christ is doing to His Church. He's sending us gifts of the Spirit. How can you be engaged then when you're denying these gifts exist? It's the very love tokens. It's God's token to the Church. Jesus said so, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Now, keep those things in mind. The Church must believe every Word, every promise, every iota, and claim It for themselves, and exercise themselves in It. If I was engaged to a girl, and I was a single man, and I'd send her something, an engagement ring, and she wouldn't wear it, then that shows she doesn't believe me. She—she—she doesn't want to be my bride. And if Christ sends His church the gifts that He promised, and they refuse them and say "they're not so," they don't want to be the Bride of Christ. They are espoused to some other lover, and not to Christ, the Bridegroom. So the real Church keeps the promise, and keeps all, and accepts the gifts that God sends them. All right.Oneness - 62-0211 - William Branham
The devil hasn't got one legal right at all nowhere
They didn’t go very far until they got into some trouble. Every time when you start to make a march for God, look out you’re headed for trouble. The devil’s going to lay right along the path there to get every foot in he can get in. He will trip you, upset you, do everything mean. He’s a devil. Oh, I just love to pour the Scripture on him, don’t you? Yes, sir. Say, “It’s written in the Word of the Lord.” That’s right. God said so. The devil hates me, and I know he hates you too. And he—he's my enemy. But as long as God's my friend I don't have no fear of him. I just drive him right on back, take the Word of God and move him right on back out of his… out of the place that he thinks he's a holding. He hasn't got no strongholds. He's absolutely legally defeated in every place. The devil hasn't got one legal right at all nowhere. He's just a devil, and a password that's all. He hasn't got no legal right to any man that'll accept the promise of Jesus Christ. He's whipped. Yes, sir. He's whipped in sickness; he's whipped in disappointments; he's whipped in everything. He's whipped in death. He can't scare me; he can't scare you. That's all he is a big old shadow. So he just might as well get on down the street. I just seen his red light go over the hill awhile ago, didn’t you? He’s gone. Yes, sir. All right. Praise the Lord. I begin to feel pretty good now. You know you kinda get a little stiff and tried. I guess I’m getting old. But when I go to feeling His Presence coming, now I forget about being old...Speak To The Rock - 53-1115A - William Branham
No nothing else could have ever took the place
If you would ever know Who Jesus really is, then you can appreciate His great sacrifice so much more. You have to know Who He is, first. He wasn't just a righteous man, or a good man. He was the Son of God. No one, no Angel, no nothing else could have ever took the place but He. And He was willing to come down for us. And when He was born, He borned on the earth here, and come by the way of a stable, and went out the way of capital punishment. And yet, we complain sometimes because we have a few trials and troubles. Well, look what He... what happened to Him. You know why He was borned in a stable? Because He was a Lamb. Lambs are not born in houses; they're born in barns. And He was... Did you notice to the Calvary, they led Him away to the slaughter. That's the way they do lambs. They lead them away. He was God's Lamb, provided Lamb, provided for us, that we sinners might have access to God through Him.Believes Thou This? - 50-0716 - William Branham
It's a finished work
Get that out of your minds the days of miracles is past. God's just the same tonight as He ever was. Get it out of your mind that these things that teachers teach you that there's no such thing as—as a baptism of the Holy Spirit. We got a lot of mockery. That's right. But we got a real Holy Spirit too. We got bogus dollars. They only make the real dollars good. Certainly. I know we got mockery of Divine healing. People say, "I got power to heal." That is a lie. Healing is a finished work; Christ did it at Calvary. And any true prophet of God will speak the truth; he will place it on Calvary where the all supreme sacrifice was made and there men was healed by His stripes at Calvary, not what somebody's got… You can't heal nobody; neither can you save anybody; no one else can, or never will. It's is a finished work. It's your faith in that finished work that spells it.Stand Still - 57-0518 - William Branham
It's getting up, to express itself
It's just like a lily. Where is… A lily, I think, is one of the most prettiest flowers that there is. I'm very fond of those great calla lilies and pond lily. I think there's nothing hardly as pretty as a great big pond lily, call it water lily. How it's radiance! Now, where does it come from? It's a little seed, down in the bottom of a muddy, mucky pond. And that little seed, yet, all the radiance that'll ever shine in it, is in it right then, when it's in that mud. But it has to strive, daily, knowing that there is something. It's black. It's dirty. It's mucky. It's slimy. In that slime that it's living in, yet it presses its way through the mud, the muck, and the waters, and the stagnant places, until it sticks its head above, in the light, and expresses what's been hid in it all the time. I think that's an overcomer, that, once in sin, once did things that was wrong, don't worry about it now. Once did things that was wrong, then, now why look back into the pond again? See? Look, you have… God, by His predestination, see, has brought this seed to life, and it's pressing itself, see, coming to light. And now, on top of all of that, it has overcome. See? It doesn't express itself down there. It's getting up, to express itself. Neither did you, in your—your sin, and adultery, and everything that you lived in. You didn't express nothing. But there was a seed in there, and it got a chance to press itself into Light. And now you're in the Presence of Jesus Christ, with the Son Light. It brought out what you really was in the beginning. You see what I mean? You saw the Light. You bloomed out. You laid your heart open, and now you're a lily.How Can I Overcome? - 63-0825M - William Branham
I know the Words that defeat Satan
Every one of you, repeat this prayer after me. Do you believe that—that I know our Lord? I know the Words that defeat Satan. I'll say this and you repeat it. [The congregation repeats each phrase—Ed.] Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of Everlasting Life, Giver of every good gift, send Your mercies upon me tonight. I believe truly, God the Father, Almighty, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit. I believe in the church, that in this church God has set some: prophets, teachers, evangelists. Almighty God, I now believe that I am in the Presence of that Church. And I now accept the message of Divine healing to myself. From this night hence I shall trust You. I am going to believe that You healed me now; for I accept my healing in Your finished work at Calvary. In the Name of Jesus Christ I receive it.Make The Valley Full Of Ditches - 52-0719 - William Branham
That's the Gospel in action
He never ordained us to build any church. He never ordained us to make a hospital, to make a school, or have a seminary. He never one time commissioned us to do that. All them things are good, but yet He did commission us to preach the Gospel to all the world. And we've built schools, and seminaries, and taught theology, and one third of the world is all that's heard about Jesus yet. But after all, passing tracts is not preaching the Gospel. "The Gospel came not in word only," said Paul, "but through power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost." See, you're... Not just teach the Word, but preach, make manifest the Word. The Word has to be made alive. It's a dead letter until it's made manifest. And then it's quickened, and it's brought to pass, what God said about it. That's the Gospel in action, the New Testament Christianity.Why I'm Praying For The Sick - 54-0314 - William Branham
You live the life
God, before the foundation of the world, looked down through the stream of time and saw everything that would be. And therefore, He could call and elect those who He knew that He would put into His building. That's right. And if you've been called tonight by the Holy Ghost and given a chance to come into the Kingdom of God, happy ought you to be. Amen. If you're in the Kingdom of God, and you're a part of the body of Christ, thanks be to God. You live the life. You do the things that's right. And remember, this might sink just a little bit rough when it goes down, but let it digest awhile. If you're in the body of Christ, He does not have any amputations. No, His body's perfect, it don't need any amputations. Amen. Whew. That's the truth.The Infallible Word Of God - 56-0406 - William Branham
God is more than a good man
Brother Baxter the other day in a discussion, gave the most beautiful illustration I ever heard on it. He said, "In a certain land there was a righteous king. And the king was going to execute a slave. And the—the laws of the land said that this king must kill this slave. And the slave standing before the king was trembling and nervous. And the king said, "Now, don't…" Said, "What do you require before I kill you, or have your life taken." He said, "A glass of water." And the king give him the glass of water. And he was standing. He could… was so nervous, he couldn't get it to his mouth. It was just spilling all out like that. He said, "Now, look. straighten up." Said, "I'm not going to take your life until you drink that water." And the slave looked up at him, throwed the water out. Now, the king had to let him go, for his word… He was a righteous king. He was a good man. And God is more than a good man; He's sovereign. And when He says so in His Word, "Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray believe you receive them." That's whatsoever things you desire. See? "These things that I do, shall you also, for I go unto My Father." That's true. He can't take that back. It's true. God has made the promise. "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed." That's true.Manifestation Of The Spirit - 51-0717 - William Branham
In your innermost being there's something that loves Him
Oh, how I would like to see the whole Christian church just look up and "Hear ye Him." He's the One. God's looking and searching for men who will stand out, outstanding men, not because you can do this or do that, because in your heart, in your innermost being there's something that loves Him. No matter what the world calls for, it's death. God, grant the day that when Christians will be Christians. And if you're not a Christian, quit dodging behind your church, trying to make people believe you're a Christian. God knows you're not. 56 It wouldn't seem funny to see a hog rooting in a manure pile. That's his nature. I don't blame him. He's a hog. That's his nature. That's what he is. You see him eating on a dead, an old dead carcass, that's all right. He's a hog. But it would sure seem funny to see a lamb doing that. I don't condemn the sinner. If he drinks, let him drink. That's all the pleasure he knows. If he smokes, let him smoke. If he listens to rock-and-roll and all these other devil inspired things, let him listen. That's all he knows. But you who knows better and then turn to such things as that, you're not worthy to bear the name of Christianity. That's right. You're the one. You who know better ought to be putting an example to them and living an example. Now, that's right.Hear Ye Him - 57-0105 - William Branham
The Word Itself corrects the error
Jesus Himself when He came, He knew He was the Word. He--He was positive of that. For He, when He was just twelve years old, a little Boy, we find Him (like I was speaking yesterday) in the temple, debating with the priests. His knowledge could surpass their traditions, and He was teaching them, them men. And when His Own mother come to Him, and done a--said a word that was wrong, watch the Word correct the error. The Word always corrects the error. And if people could only see it today, the Word corrects the error. The whole thing is becoming an error. But God's Word is what's right. He said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall not pass away." And the Word that's prophesied for this day corrects the error of the day. You understand? The Word Itself corrects the error.His Unfailing Words Of Promise - 64-0120 - William Branham
Let's just serve our purpose well
See, the solar system controls botany life, the sun, s-u-n. And just as soon as that warm sun moves from around behind the earth, and gets back around here, there's a germ of life somewhere in there that no scientist can find, but that little flower lives again. It's served its purpose. It lives again, because it's life. Well, if God made a way for the solar system to raise up again a life that served Him, what about the S-o-n when He comes with Eternal Life? And we have Eternal Life. We're going to rise again some of these days. Let's just serve our purpose well. Whatever we are, let's serve it. Whatever place God's put you, let's serve it. For the S-o-n is going to rise one of these days with healing in His wings. I want to come forth then, in the brightness and the glory of His resurrection. I want to walk arm-in-arm with each one of you, up before His Presence.Life - 62-0719B - William Branham
We're to be a different person
God is so good." I believe that. I believe God is good. A teen-age boy said, not long ago, in our town, our city. He said, "You know what?" He said, "God is so good, Brother Branham." He said, "You know, God is so good, He just let's me do anything." He said, "He don't care. He don't mind, 'cause He's just so good to me." Nonsense. God is a good God. We hear so much about Him being a good God, and I believe He is a good God. That's right. He is a good God. But if He's a good God, He's got to be a just God. He can't give us a commandment to do something another, and we disobey it and expect to escape the Judgment. He's also a God of wrath, a God of judgment. That's what makes Him a good God, because He keeps His Word. He watches over It. So we can't expect to do wrong, these things that we do, and get by with it. No. We just... He's not too... He's not so. He is good. That is true. I don't want you to misunderstand me. But, God is a good God. That is exactly right. But, remember, the only way He can be good is to be just. And if He's just, He has to keep His own commandments. And if He keeps His commandments, it's wrong for Christians to intolerate with the world. It's wrong. We shouldn't do it. We're to be a different person.Presuming - 61-0117 - William Branham
Our soul's on His altar
Now, you people talking about getting the Holy Ghost and how you have to wait so long, here you are. Until God receives that sacrifice, until it's laid on His judgments there, until His judgment has actually killed your senses... You might say, "Well, I'm going to turn a new page." That ain't it. "Well, I know I used to smoke; I'm going to quit smoking." That still isn't it. Until God receives that sacrifice on His brass altar, His altar of judgment... What is His judgment? Death. That's the penalty. The soul that sinneth, that remains in that, shall die. I don't care what you done. Jesus said, "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'Lord, haven't I done this and done that?'" He'd say, "Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity." See? When that sacrifice is received by the fire, and it goes up like that, and the smoke goes up, you rise with your sacrifice into the Heavenlies, and you're sealed away from the things of the world then. Our soul's on His altar.You Must Be Born Again - 61-1231M - William Branham
Perfect love casts out all fear
There's only two faculties that govern a human, and one of them is--is faith, which brings results; and the other is fear, which has no value in it at all. Faith is of God. Fear is of the devil. Fear makes you weary; fear makes you wonder. And if I was going to die in the morning, what good would it do me to get all stewed up about it? What if I was going to be electrocuted in the morning, and my life had to end tomorrow morning, what good would that do me to worry about it? "Well," you say, "what good would it do to have faith?" Faith can sign my pardon, sure; there's value in faith. Don't be weary; don't be scared; don't be upset; just have faith and believe. And the only way you can have faith, you have to have love first, for love produces faith. For perfect love... Get it. Perfect love casts out all fear.The Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham
God's Word holds forever
God will speak, and there's nothing can take God's Word away. God's Word holds forever. When God speaks It, It's confirmed in Heaven forever. It's right there ready, just the same as done, when God speaks It. Oh, that we mortals might be able to say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD; it's settled," taking God at His Word and stand there no matter what comes, how many ways push sideways. We stay right with God's Word. "God said so. I believe It. That settles It." Amen.Believest Thou This? - 53-0906A - William Branham
It brings the truth
And that's the only animal that the dove could settle on. What if that lamb would've snorted like a wolf? The gentle, little dove would've took her flight. And you wonder what's the matter with the prayer meetings? When you got saved, you was a lamb. But when you started snorting like the wolf, and hating your neighbor, and fussing and fighting, the dove just took her flight and went away from you. And now you wonder what's the matter. That's what's the matter. If a dove won't stay on a—a goat, it won't stay on a wolf. Fussing, fighting, stewing, ups-and-downs, and arguing, and denominational barriers, the Holy Spirit just took Her flight. You say, "Brother Branham, how do we get It back?" Just come back to a lamb. She's just setting up there on the roost somewhere. She'll come right back when you take the nature of a lamb. But that's what's wrong. That's the reason the Holy Spirit, going to God, has to take such word. What do you think the tutor felt when he went to the father, and said, "Oh, how is my son progressing?" "Well, he's just a little, snoopy fellow. I just have to tell you the truth." Now, God tells the truth. The Holy Spirit don't pull no strings or punches for anybody. It brings the truth.Hear Ye Him - 57-0105 - William Branham
But you be salty
What kind of people would—should—should we be then? We should be sober, ready, always looking and waiting for the leading of the Holy Spirit. Christians is the salt of the earth. And salt will save if it contacts. You have a barrel of meat here and a barrel of salt here; it'll never save. The salt will never save the meat till it contacts it. And we've got to be salty and then contact the world. That's the savour. And salty makes… Salt creates thirst. And when the Christian people, who call themselves Christians, will be so salty that the world will desire to be like you, you're making a contact then. Have you seen Christians… You'd say, "Oh, I'd just love to be like that woman. I'd just love to be like that man. If there ever was a Christian, there he is." That's salty. You just be the salt; God will create the thirst. But you be salty.Hear Ye Him - 57-0105 - William Branham
Then God can use us
And then, the other side, we get these feelings and we think then that we're insufficient, and we don't want to do it; but then if we just listen to the call of God, that's the very thing that God wants us to get into, that kind of a shape so He can. When we are insufficient ourselves, then we are subjects to yield to God's Spirit. As long as we think that we can do it, then we can't do it. But when we get to a place where we know we can't do it, then we yield ourself to God and He does it. So then if it's us trying to do it we'll fail, but if we'll just yield ourself to God then God can't fail. There's only one thing that God cannot do, and that's fail. He can do anything else but fail. But He cannot fail. So as long as we're trying in ourselves and depending on our own abilities, and so forth, why, we'll do nothing. But when we get to a place where we know we're nothing, then God can use us.Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham
Then God can achieve His purpose
Now, if I get critical, forgive me. See? But I—I've… You've got to drive the thing down. See? You've got to make it hit the nail. And what good did it do? Nothing. And it'll never be until every person that professes to be a Christian will forget his own ability and yield hisself to God. Then God can achieve His purpose by sending, not a revival, but, brother, what He needs to do first is send a killing (That's right.) so we can revive. You have to die before you can be born again, and you have to… He needs a killing of ourselves. This Tabernacle needs a killing, and me with it. All of us, we need a killing so that we can be revived in a new life, a new hold, a new hope, a new experience. We need first a day of mourning.Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham
If you want to get somewhere with God
And if you want to get somewhere with God, never let an arrogant spirit ever come around you. Don't let no malice come in. No matter what anybody does, if they are wrong, don't you never build up a complex against that person. See? You be sweet and kind. Remember, God loved you when you were in sin. And if the Spirit of God is in you, you love the other person when he's in wrong. See, just pray for them, and love one another. Above everything, love God and love one another.Humble Thyself - 63-0714E - William Branham
Then you can't mount to anything
There's little things that we do. And that's what we come to church for, is to find out where our faults is, and the things that we might better ourselves by. If we come to church for any other—any other objective than this, I'm afraid we won't get too much out of coming to church. We must come to find our weaknesses, find our bad places and our—how—see how little we are, and put our trust in Somebody that's strong. But when we have weaknesses… 44 There's so many of us likes to testify or likes to think that we're insufficient; and therefore, we make that an excuse, "I have no education; I have no ability; I'm unable to do this." And if you keep that up and do that in that way, keep going like that, then you can't 'mount to anything. But the very thing that we make excuses by our weaknesses, God uses that very thing to tackle the job with. See? He waits for us to get to that condition so that He can use us. We—we take the excuses and say, "Well, I—I—I—I'm can't do this, I'm insufficient. I—I can't do it." And God takes that very thing to do the job with. That's true.Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham
That's all that you think of in your mind
Oh, that would make the Presbyterian shout! Did Sunday, didn't it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Them people were Presbyterian. Certainly would, to think. Oh, no wonder people get emotionally! Why, if you get emotionally from batting a ball or throwing one in a basket, how much more will it make you emotionally to know that you've passed from death to Life, that you're a new Creation in Christ! You know it by the way your spirit leads you away from malice, and guile, and enmity, and all the things of the world. And your heart sets centered on Christ. That's your motives. That's all that you think of in your mind, on your heart, all day and night. When you go to bed at night, and put your hands behind you, like this, and just lay there and praise Him till you go to sleep. Wake up, of a morning, still praising Him. Amen. Oh, my!Hebrews Chapter Two #3 - 57-0828 - William Branham
There's nine spiritual gifts in that church
Well, let me tell you, brother, it don't consist just of that. That's the reason we're lumping, bumping down the road the way we are. There's not one spoke in there, but there's nine spiritual gifts in that church, not just one. Them's all right. The tire's all right; the rim's all right; the spoke's all right; but like the colored man eating the watermelon, "There's more of it." And that's what I mean today. There's more of it. There's nine spiritual spokes in this wheel. And it's turned by the wheel in the middle of the wheel, all connected with the hub. Oh, I feel religious. I sure do.Why Some People Can't Keep The Victory - 57-0324 - William Branham
There's a God of Heaven that answers prayer
We should not worship the Lord just after we get through preaching the Word, as we usually do, just worship Him. That’s wonderful. But we should worship Him every hour of our life. When we’re at work, we should worship Him. Every time the opportunity presents itself, worship the Lord by testifying of Him. If you see, some of you ladies, see a woman in the wrong, worship the Lord by taking her and saying, “Sister, there’s a better life than this.” You men at your work, when you hear a man using the Name of the Lord in vain, get a chance to one side and slip over, and take him by the hand, and say, “You, there’s a better life than this. You shouldn’t use those words.” And tell him in a meek, gentle way. All those things is a worship. And when we see someone sick, and the doctor says there’s no more can be done, we ought to worship the Lord by telling them, “There’s a God of Heaven that answers prayer.”Hebrews Chapter Two #1 - 57-0825M - William Branham
The church is dying for love, brother
57 I believe the Pentecostal church has got the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I believe the rest of you do too, that claim it. I believe your speaking in tongues is right. I believe that your prophecy's right. I'd go with you on…?… being a Baptist. I believe it. Sure I do. But here's one thing, brother. It's not keeping the right kind of time. That's what I'm trying to say. So it takes the baptism of the Holy Ghost to come into that human heart there to make the thing run right. The love of God, God is love. And unless each one of these gifts is put right in the center of love, it'll become selfish and indifferent, and pull itself off, and isolate itself, and cross over, and fuss and stew. But when it's anchored right into the middle of love, it'll fellowship everywhere. And that's right. That's exactly what we need. The church is dying for love, brother.Why Some People Can't Keep The Victory - 57-0324 - William Branham
Then I'll put My Spirit in you
Now, many times we try to make that thing just say… Well, as soon as you get the new spirit, you quit your stealing, you quit your lying, things like that. You say, "Oh, hallelujah, I got it." And you find out the first time anyone crosses your path a little bit, oh mercy, what a difference. Sure. You blow up like a frog eating buckshot. But let me tell you, brother. That's the reason you never got God's Spirit. That's true. "Oh," you say, "he stepped on my toe; I'll just not put up with that." All right. That shows what you got in you. That's true. "I'll put a new spirit in you, and then I'll put My Spirit in you." Now, the heart is in the center of the emotions of the human being. Your heart is the middle of you. That's exactly right. So God puts a new heart in the middle of the old man, then He puts a new spirit in the middle of the new spirit, or heart, and puts His Spirit in the middle of the new spirit.Why Some People Can't Keep The Victory - 57-0324 - William Branham
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom
It seems that people's lost their common decency and modesty. They're not like they used to be. It used to be when the prophet said THUS SAITH THE LORD, the people trembled. Yeah, they certainly did. The people moved, for they was afraid. But now they lost all their scare of it. They don't fear God. Solomon said, "The--the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom," just the beginning of it. But the prophet can speak THUS SAITH THE LORD; the people say, "Nonsense." See, there's not a hope for them. It's... They say, "Why, we're smart. We're intellectual; we don't have to take that kind of stuff. We know what we're talking about." It's also an old proverb, that fools will walk with hobnailed shoes, where Angels fear to trod. Certainly.God's Power To Transform - 65-0911 - William Branham
That's the way it is in too many homes
Listen. I wonder if that isn't the case today? If we're not too busy with our profession, and other things; and we fail to entertain Him. Oh, my. When I see Him come in, and He left His work to come to His…?… there where He was invited, and that's the way He gets entertained. Is it that way at your house? Is it that way at your church? Is it that way in your life? You pray, "Lord Jesus, come." And when He comes, you don't pay any attention to Him. Is that the way you're treating my Lord? If it is, shame on you. How did He get…?… How did He do it? I wished I could've been that flunky. I would've liked to have been there. If I knowed He was coming, I'd have been watching for Him. I wouldn't have cared about Dr. Jones, all those big old Pharisees. I'd been looking for my Lord. Hallelujah. I'd have been looking for Him, watching for Him, so I could give Him courtesy and made Him welcome. We live in a day, we're looking for everything but the Lord. That's the reason we miss Him. And there He was: unwashed feet, setting back in the crowd in that condition. Isn't that pitiful? But that's the way it is. That's the way it is today. That's the way it is in too many homes.The Unwelcomed Christ - 55-0828A - William Branham
We forget what we are
Now, sons and daughters… Who has the most power before God? What is an angel? An "angel's" "a servant." Is that right? They're His servants. What are you? His son and daughter. Who has the most power in heaven then? A sinner that's been saved by grace, or an Archangel that's standing by His right side? The sinner that's been saved by grace has more authority in heaven than the Archangel that's stood by His side without sin. Because He's a son. A son has more authority than the servant, of course. Oh, we forget what we are. We forget many times what made us what we are. After we become what we are, then we forgot how we got here.The Kinsman Redeemer - 60-1002 - William Branham
He loves you
Search the Scripture. The Word of God is a Lamp unto our feet. That we should--that we should be guided then, it's the Light that follows the pathway that leads us from victory unto victory. Now, before you can have a victory, there has to be a battle. And if there's no battles, there's no victories. So we ought to be thankful for the battles and the tryings. It's God giving us the opportunity to have victories. Oh, my, don't that make it a little bit better now? See, the battle come along, somebody saying something bad about you, sickness come on to you, maybe God give you those light afflictions that He might heal you and show His favor to you, let you see what He means by it. He loves you.Beginning And Ending Of The Gentile Dispensation - 55-0109E - William Branham
Jesus, will you take second place?
Listen, I want to ask you something now. Did you ever pray for Jesus to come to your house? If you did say—if you have, say, "Amen." Sure you have. How did you treat Him when He come? Do you give Him a little place up in the attic? Maybe your sewing party's there that day. When Jesus comes to your heart, do you feel like crying; you feel like weeping out; you feel like praising Him? But what do you do with Him? You put Him up in the attic. You put it… You go up in the attic, over in a little room, or down in the cellar, and you get down there, say, "Thank You, Jesus," or something. You're ashamed of Him before your company. (Shame before your company, shame before your company.) If you are, you ought to repent today. Amen. Give Jesus first place: first place, first in life. First your best; not—not your second, your first. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; other things will be added." But do you let Him set back when you're—when you're talking to your boss, and Jesus comes down, and He wants you to testify to Him and tell your boss that the love of God's in your heart? Are you ashamed of Him? Do you give Him a little corner? I might ask this to Jesus: "Jesus, will you take second place?"The Unwelcomed Christ - 55-0828A - William Branham
"Would You take third place?"
"Will you take fifth place?"
"Yeah, I'll come anyhow."
You think your neighbor would come if He taken fifth place? No. That's what makes me love Him, makes me to know He's [—Ed.] He's the God of heaven. He'll take any place (Hallelujah.) that man will give Him. (that man will give Him, any place man will give Him in your heart.)
It is laying just ahead for His church
And now, when the brethren received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, they said, "This is the summit; this is all of it." But, brethren, that's wrong. See? There is no summit to God's power. We move on and on and on; it's the unlimited resources of God has never been tapped yet, blessings and powers that we know nothing about. It's never been even revealed to Archangels, is laying just ahead for His church that will believe. "For eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has it entered the hearts of men, what God has for them in store that love Him." So let's move up and claim our rights. As God opens the gates and swings out the welcome mat, let's move on up into deeper depths and never colonize ourselves, to organize ourselves, and to get into a place where this is—"We believe this and that's all." Let's believe this plus how much more we can hear from God. I think that ought to be the motive of every man and woman that loves the Lord Jesus, to receive all that you can from the hand of His bountiful mercies. That's my heart.A Hidden Life - 55-1006 - William Branham
You don't know what it means till you once climb to Calvary
We have no right to go outside and start creeds and denominations, break people and separate them. We're suppose to come into one glorious fellowship by the washing of the water by the Word into the Body of Christ through the Blood. And we become Blood-bought children of God. Then I have no right to say, "Because you're a Methodist you're not my brother, and you're Baptist, you're not my brother. Or, if you're Pentecostal, you're not my brother." We are all been made partake of this one fellowship, after we've come through the Blood. Then we set together in what kind of places? Heavenly places. How? In Christ Jesus, heavenly places, heavenly places. When you're outside of Christ, you don't understand the heavenly place. When you're out there, you look and say,"Oh, that bunch of fanatics, they don't know what they're speaking about." The reason you don't know because you've never been a partaker of the fellowship of His suffering. You've never laid your hands upon His blessed sacred head, and felt the pains of Calvary for your sins. You never knowed what that was, fellow friend. You don't know what it means till you once climb to Calvary and see what a price was paid for you. Then when you realize what it's all about, God through grace, takes you through the Bloodstream into His Own fellowship with His beloved Son Christ Jesus.The Believer's Position In Christ - 55-0116A - William Branham
What worry have we got at all?
Yes, sir, everything belongs to us, because Christ has redeemed it all to us through Him. And He loved us, and we could not come to Him unless God drawed us to Him. He said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first. And all that comes, I'll give everlasting life, and will raise him up at the last day." What worry have we got at all? There's nothing to worry about, nothing to be scared about. Say, "Who's going to be President?" We'll have a depression. That doesn't matter to me. Only thing I know, God has spoke and said He's going to take me through, so I just took His hand, took His Word. So here we go on our road to the promised land. When we get to Kadesh-barnea, we just believe God's Word and move on. That's right. And oh, the glorious part, once in a while He gives us a big bunch of grapes for evidence (You know?) that we—that there's a land beyond the river that they call the sweet forever. Isn't that right? So live or die, what difference does it make? Let's just move right on.Redemption By Judgement - 54-1114 - William Branham
Real Godly Love
Jesus prayed that prayer that we might love one another as He loved us—as He loved us! And He loved us so much that He died for us. No one could love like that unless they—with the natural love, because it would not hold out. It won't express itself. It'll do as long as there's friendship connected with it. But when the friendships turn, then people begin to say, "Well, he did so-and-so. She did so-and-so. They backslid, they…" Real godly love goes after that backslider till it finds him. Godly love goes and stoops to the lowest of hell to pick up a man or a woman that's fallen.Living, Dying, Buried, Rising, Coming - 59-0403 - William Branham
That's what the Holy Spirit is
That's what the Holy Spirit is. It's your Assurance; It's your Protection; It's your Witness; It's your Seal; It's your Sign, that I'm Heaven bound. Don't care what the devil says, I'm Heaven bound. Why? He sealed me; He gave It to me. He sealed me into His Kingdom, and I'm Glory bound. Let the winds blow; let Satan do what he wants to; God's done sealed me till the day of my redemption. Amen. That's what the Holy Ghost is. Oh, you should want It; I couldn't go on without It.What Is The Holy Ghost? - 59-1216 - William Branham
It'll take care of itself
The Word is a Seed, but the Seed won't grow unless it's placed in the right kind of ground. No matter how much seed you got, if you're afraid to sow it …(afraid to sow—afraid)… the seed will do you no good. But listen to this: every Word of God is a Seed. Jesus said so. And every promise of God will come to pass if you will receive it and don't doubt it, can place it in your heart, and believe it come from God, and water it with faith, it'll spring forth of its kind. Don't never forget this statement. I make this from my heart. The right mental attitude towards any promise of God will bring it to pass. You believe that? …?… Amen. If you'll take the right attitude, that it's God's Word, and God is behind His Word, and the Word is God, it'll bring to pass what it says. If you plant wheat, you get wheat. If you plant corn, you get corn. If you want to be saved, accept His plan of salvation. If you want to be healed, accept His plan of healing. Here they are. He, Christ, was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed. That's all you have to know. The next thing you have to do, is to believe it, and it'll take care of itself. Hallelujah. …?… It will.Fellowship - 55-0813 - William Branham
The Gospel came not in word only
The reason today, that Christianity is in about the fifth place among the religions, when it comes to numbers, is because we have failed to do what Jesus commanded us to do. The last words that Jesus Christ gave to His church was to "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." Instead of that, we have went and taught the Bible. Well, the Gospel doesn't mean the Word only. Paul said, "The Gospel came not in word only, but in power and manifestation of the Holy Ghost."Fellowship - 55-0813 - William Branham
Let me be the revival
God, create in me a revival. Let me be the revival. Let each one of us be the revival, the revival in me. Make me, Lord, to hunger, make me to thirst. Create in me, Lord, that what is needed in me. Let me, from this hour on, be Thine; more consecrated servant, a better servant, more blessed of You; more able, more humbler, more kinder, more willing to work; more looking to the things that are positive, and forgetting the things that are in the past, and the negatives. Let me press towards the mark of the high calling of Christ. Amen.Recognizing Your Day And Its Message - 64-0726M - William Branham
It cannot perish
And when a man loves a woman and marries her because she's just pretty, there'll be an end to that. But when a man finds a woman that he loves, he don't know why, but he loves her… And she finds the man that she loves, no matter what he looks like… He loves her. She loves him. That's an eternal mate in glory. They'll… Death nor nothing else can ever separate them. Because they are from eternity, and they stepped out into space of time, and will return back to eternity. Eternity has dropped down in a body called time, then it goes right back up into eternity again. It cannot perish.The Kinsman Redeemer - 60-1002 - William Branham
God will make that Word become life
And let me say this now, that the Word of God will defeat the devil anywhere, any time, or any place. He will defeat the devil. And the right mental attitude towards any Divine promise of God will bring it to pass. If you can look at it the way God wrote it, and accept it in your heart, God will make that Word become life.Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, And Forever - 58-0214 - William Branham
We got the power in us
That's the trouble with the church. We can conquer every disease. We got the power in us. We are sons and daughters of God, nothing can stand before us. Only thing, He wants to find somebody who will believe it, who will believe what God's already done for you. "Not we will be; we are now." And the ever-living Presence of the Spirit is with us. Amen. There you are.The Ever-Present Water From The Rock - 61-0723M - William Branham
Just keep getting more humble all the time
He that humbles himself, God will exalt; he that exalts himself, God will bring to abase. He'll bring him down. Always keep humble, and be little in your own sight. No matter what God does for you, just see how much more humbler you can be all the time. More God blesses you, just keep getting more humble all the time. He can continue to bless. But when you get to a place that you think, "I got it": you haven't got it; you're on your road out (That's right. See?); you lose your influence; you lose the--your strength of your testimony.Influence - 63-0112 - William Branham
Stand up there where all things are possible
And if that devil that come to you tonight tried to send you to a premature grave, tried to cripple you up, read God's abstract deed, by His stripes we were healed. And if he don't want to believe that, there's a Holy Ghost here, the law of God that'll kick him out, that'll prove it. Just ring up Jesus, Central, J-E-S-U-S. Find out if something don't take place. The Angels of God will take their positions, and that devil will get out. You can stand there on your toes and say, "Yes, sir. It's the truth." Amen. Not up here, or down here, you've read your title clear. You know what it is. Oh, my. Feel like taking wings sometime and fly away, don't you, when you think of that? Lift me up above the shadows, give me fellowship divine. Yes, sir. Stand up in there where all things are possible.The Power Of The Devil - 55-1005 - William Branham
It'll happen
Now closely listen. Do as David did, put your future in His hand. "How? What am I to know what to do, Brother Branham?" Put your future in His hand. No matter what comes or goes; trust Him. He is the Word, now know. David said, "His time is in my hand. Trust in Him all the time. Always trust in Him." He knew Who held the future, David did, that's the reason he could say this. There is only One holds the future, that's God. So, He holds the—the future, let Him hold you. All right. Some people says, "But, Brother Branham, I have tried and I have tried." But wait a minute. Patience is virtue. Patience is Holy Spirit virtue. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." You say, "How can I wait any longer?" Just keep on waiting. When you've done all you can do to stand, then stand, see, just stand. "How am I going to do it?" Stand! He said it's the Truth, and it's the Truth. He said it'll happen. "How?" I don't know; but it'll happen. He said so. He promised it. If He promised it, it's going to happen. That's all. It can't waste.Shalom - 64-0119 - William Branham
God is right
There she puts him out into the ocean with faith believing. You know, sometimes when we come to our loved ones, right down to the very bitter tears of laying them away and so forth, like she was there, in a type putting him in the sea, or in the Nile, the waters of death… While the gloomy clouds was all around, her eyes could look through that and know that behind that cloud was a living God of the resurrection. She couldn't see it with her eyes, but faith was standing there with her. That man with strong muscles and a hairy chest could look beyond the clouds yonder and see God behind the clouds. 42 And tonight, maybe a cancer has conquered you; maybe something else has taken a hold of you, some disease, even the disease of sin, or whatever it is. It may look dark and gloomy to you now; may look like you'll never recover, maybe look like you can't get over that TB, that prostate trouble, or that lung trouble, whatever it is, that tumor, that crippled condition. The doctor may say every hope is gone. But standing right by your side tonight, ready to take you in possession, stands the eyes of faith who sees the victory yonder through the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Away with Satan and his gloom, and up with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the faith of Almighty God. Faith can take its holy stand on the Rock of Ages, and pierce a eagle eye through every stormy cloud when the very waves of death and disappointment's trying to wash its foundation out from under it. It can stand there and look beyond the skies and say, "God is right," and believe the counsel of the wise and living God. Amen.The Power Of The Devil - 55-1005 - William Branham
All is well
So here stood the prophet. God don't always tell His prophets everything's going on. So Elijah walked out to the door, and Gehazi was with him, and he said, "There comes that Shunammite." Said, "She looks worried. Something's wrong." He said, "God's kept it from me. I don't know what's the matter." So he said, when he seen her coming, she got up close. He said, "Is all well with thee? Is all well with thy husband? Is all well with the baby?" Listen to this. "All is well." Glory. You know you ain't hardly got enough room up here to preach right now. Let me tell you something. "All is well." Why? The baby, a corpse, her husband wringing his hands, and walking the floor, and her heart broke. "All is well." Hum. Her faith was, if she could get to the prophet. That's all what she needed to do. "I found you, Elijah. You are God's representative. God is in His prophet. And I've come here now. I'm satisfied that God will reveal it. All is well." She run up and fell down to his feet. Gehazi thought, "Here." He's supposed to keep people away from his master. He jerked her up. Said, "Let her alone." Said, "Her heart's grieved. And I don't know what it's all about." Then she begin to reveal to him what had happened. Now watch. He said, "Gehazi, take my staff, and you go forward, go to the baby. If somebody speaks to you, don't speak back. Somebody salutes you; don't salute them. Somebody says, 'Hello'; don't say nothing to them. Go straight." That's what's the matter today. When we got a Message, we stop for social affair, for dinners and parties, everything like that, and little stitch and sew, and talk about Miss So-and-so. No wonder we can't get nowhere. A man that's got God's Message, "Let's go forward." All right.I Am The Resurrection And The Life - 52-0810A - William Branham
Walk boldly right on into it
I made many mistakes, still make them, will always make them. But when I make them, the Holy Spirit tells me that's wrong. Then I repent right there, "Lord, forgive me. Didn't mean to do it. You help me now." And I walk right on, the same thing. 'Cause, just no sooner than it goes from my lips, "If we confess our sins, He's just to forgive them." Is that right? Hallelujah. The devil say, "You know what? I'll tell you. You was supposed to go do a certain thing. You didn't do it. Uh-huh, you sinned, didn't you?" I say, "I confessed it." "Well, I tell you…" "No, don't talk to me. No, sir. I have perfect faith in He Who told me. If I confess my wrongs, He'd forgive me. So I confessed it. Just go on away from me. I don't care nothing about you anyhow, so just keep moving on." Walk boldly right on into it. If death lays there, that's all right; move right on into it with a perfect faith that God has promised that He'd raise you up at the last days. Yes, sir.Law Or Grace - 54-1006 - William Branham
God's got something for you to do
You've got something to do. God's got something for you to do. You may have some heartaches and some troubles, you may have some disappointments, but do we pray to shun them? No. "Lord, take me through them, whatever they is. Whatever it is, don't let me escape them. If they're set for me, just give me grace to go through that. That's all."Three Kinds Of Believers - 63-1124E - William Branham
Depends on what you're looking at
And if Jonah under those circumstances could believe God and refuse to look at anything that was contrary to God's program, you're not in that bad a shape. How much more ought you to look tonight, not to a temple made with man's hands, not to a earthly temple, but to a heavenly temple where Christ the Son of God with His bloody garment stands before God the Father tonight to make intercession upon any confession, that you make in His redemptive blessings and claim them. How much more ought we to say, "I won't look at nothing but God's eternal promise." I tell you; the God of heaven that kept Jonah alive three days and nights can carry you through the deepest of trials. Amen. There you are. Depends on what you're looking at.Faith - 56-0815 - William Branham
That settles it forever
It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. God said so, then I'll base my life right there. Yes sir. God said so; that settles it forever. See? It's settled in heaven, and if a little piece of heaven is in our heart, it ought to settle it there. That's all. That just makes it all right. "God, You said so. I believe It, and that's just all; that's enough."Israel And The Church #3 - 53-0327 - William Branham
For anything you don't do by faith is sin
Now. But if there's a question... Men come, said, "Do you think it's wrong to smoke?" "What are you asking about it for?" If it's a question in your mind, leave it alone. For anything you don't do by faith is sin. That's right. Got to be by faith. So how can you smoke and have faith? See, it's right in your own conscience shows you that you're wrong. So if it's uncertain, you better leave it alone, 'cause that might be the one thing that keeps you out of the Kingdom of God. "Oh," you say, "Brother Branham, one little thing like that?" One little thing like that will do it, just disobeying one commandment of God.The Uncertain Sound - 62-0714 - William Branham
The same old trouble
I used to see old Brother Bosworth, and he said, "Brother Branham…" I said, "How you feeling this morning, Brother Bosworth?" Said, "The same old trouble's back on me, Brother Branham." I said, "The same old trouble, what is it?" Said, "Just so happy, I can't sleep." I said… He said, "Brother Branham, how can I believe what I believe, without being happy?" See? that's right.Israel And The Church #3 - 53-0327 - William Branham
That's when you really love Him
But if I knew that I was wrong, and God has chose me to be wrong, I would want to stay wrong, and because that I want to do His will. It's, I love Him till I want His will to be done. Now, that's a big statement, but I hope you get it in the way, the spirit I said it in. See, I want to do His will. I ask Him for something sometime, He shakes His head "no," I just rejoice so much about that as I can if He said "yes." Because, we always ought to ask, "Thy will be done." His noes is just as… if that's His will, that's just… It's a whole lot better than His yeses, if it's His will to do it. That's when you really love Him. Amen.The God Who Is Rich In Mercy - 65-0119 - William Branham
Think on the Word
You hear so much today about positive thinking: you just put your mind on anything, and think positive on it. The devil can do that! There's only one thing that rules over all, and that's God's Word. If you are thinking contrary to the Word, forget your thinking. Think on the Word.Why It Had To Be Shepherd - 64-1221 - William Branham
Are we able?
Joshua fought every inch of ground from one end of the country to the other one. But he had a promise. God said, "I've give it to you." Amen. Whether there's giants, whether there's atheists, where there's infidels, where there's cold formal churches, what difference does it make? God give the promise; let's take it. It's ours; it belongs to us. It's our possession. Let's go get it. Don't be afraid; don't stay back and say, "Well, I—I believe the days of miracles is past. Oh, I don't know." Don't do that. That don't look like a child of Abraham. No matter how far along, the promise seemed to hold out. Well, it went on for twenty-five years. But instead of Abraham getting weaker, he got stronger all the time, for he knowed it'd be a greater miracle all the time. And we'll be prayed for one night, and the next morning we still got a bad stomach; we'll say, "Maybe I never got my healing, have to go through the line again." Oh, you call yourself a child of Abraham? Hallelujah. If God made a promise, God gave the promise, and you believe it; I don't care what takes place; it's yours. Fight the devil on every ounce of ground he stands on; walk over and take it. Take the sword of the Word. God's promises is true. Nothing can stop them; they're God's promises. He give us the promise of that just like He did the children of Israel. The Pentecostal church has come to their Kadesh-Barnea. Are we able? Can we do it? "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." Can we walk up there and take a hold of God's promise and say, "It's the truth; I claim it. I own it; it's mine. God gave it to me."Speak To The Rock And It Shall Give Forth His Water - 60-0723 - William Branham
That's his attack
See his attack? Watch, listen close, this closing. His attack is what? Disbelieve God's Word, that's his attack. There, can you see the greatest battle was ever fought? There's only two forces; Satan and God. And what is Satan's weapon against you? Is to try to get you to disbelieve your Weapon. He disarms you. Let's—let's listen real quiet now. Listen. If he can get you to disbelieve your Weapon is equivalent, if he gets you to believe that your Weapon is not strong enough, he has disarmed you.The Greatest Battle Ever Fought - 62-0311 - William Branham
He was just as free as he'd ever be
They raised up. And as soon as the ones was high could see it first, way off. And when they seen the sun rising, they screamed to the top of their voice to the ones below and said, "We are free!" And then those got it, and let out a shout and screamed down to the others, "We are free!" And the others down below that, explained it to the others, "We are free!" Now, look. Those up on the hill could see the sun, so they were free. But as soon as the news come to that fellow in the valley, he was just as free as he'd ever be, whether the sun was up or not. You see it?Proof Of His Resurrection - 55-0410M - William Branham
But God is always there
Sickness pins you into the corner. Satan pins you down to a place after you become a Christian, maybe you've been a gambler. You see it? The cards are on the table. "Come on, John, we know it's in you." Satan is there to tempt you. But God in every— every time will make a way of escape if you'll just accept it. Maybe you've been a drunkard, and a glass is under your nose. "Now, come on, John." Now, if you want to heed to that voice, you'll go right straight out to your wallow again. But God is always there. Turn your mind towards heaven and looks towards Calvary and say, "Blessed Holy Spirit, come to me, I'm in need." Watch what takes place. God will make a way of escape every time. For He will, God has always did it.Making A Way - 56-0304 - William Branham
That's the place where we got to come to, my brethren
Have you ever come to the place in life where Christ meant more to you than all the arguing you could do about your church? Has Christ meant more to you than all the world? I don't mean from an emotion or a mental work-up; I mean from the depths of your heart, that something's settled in there, that something's taken place, that you don't know how it come, but you're hid away, and your whole motive is to serve Jesus Christ. Have you entered that place, my dear brother? Have you come into that place where you don't care what anyone says, not to go out and act smart, but till the love of God is so anchored into you, that you can't see nothing else, you're whole motive is to do the will of God, love for everybody, flowing free from everywhere? What a place to live. That's the hidden place. That's the place where we got to come to, my brethren. That's the place where God reveals His secret things. That's the place where God does the placing and the calling.A Hidden Life - 55-1006A - William Branham
God made a way of this
Anything happens, if I fall along the road or something happens to me, there's a great host of Angels standing there to pick me up. "Come on, we're marching on up towards Zion, on to that beautiful city above." Can't fail, there's no failing in it. It don't rest upon what I do; it's rest upon what He did. Amen. It's already finished. The believer once anchored in Christ Jesus, coming through the door back there, put on this highway, you can't get any way but straight up to God with it, Angels to take care of you. God made a way of this.The Infallibility Of God's Spoken Word - 56-0404 - William Branham
That way you keep all the bitterness out of your heart
Try to do something good and just keep being good; hold no malice, no grudges, don't let any bitterness. No matter how bad the person is and how bad they talk about you, don't you never think evil in your heart against them; 'cause right there the devil will set right in, work up something right there. Just keep it all covered up with godly love, confession, and making right, and do good to those who do evil to you. "If you only do good to those who do good to you, why," Jesus said, "don't the publicans the same?" See? The sinners, anybody can be good to those that's good to them. But be good to those who are not good to you, do something for those that would not do nothing for you. Speak a good word for the man that would speak evil against you, and that way you keep all the bitterness out of your heart; and you're always in love with everybody then, as long as you stay in love. 22 Now you say, "Well, they did… " We're not the judge, God is the Judge. And you won't want that poor fellow to be cast away, would you? Certainly not, no matter who they are. You wouldn't want that, so try to be kind to them. "And love hides a multitude of sin." Uh-huh. Yes, sir. Love, just that good, Christian, godly Love. If a man comes up and calls you a "holy-roller" and all kinds of name. Now—now just don't act like it. See? If you can't act like it, just walk away. But in your heart, you should be to a place you say, "Well, it… perhaps, brother, if you understood it in the way I do, you'd feel like I do about it." See? And just be real sweet to him, and let go ahead like that. And even though we might differen as far as the east is from the west, that don't make any difference.The Pergamean Church Age - 60-1207 - William Branham
That's what you want to do
I can see Abraham, say, "Honey? Do you know that your shoulders are straightening up, your hair is becoming black again!" Why, she say, "Abraham, my lord, I notice your shoulders are straightening up, your hands are becoming like a young man again." "Think so?" "Yes." 35 Look, they took a journey. Measure on the map where they was at, and they went down to Gerar, about three hundred miles. Quite a journey for an old couple, don't you think so? Walked down to Gerar. And not only that, when they got down there, there was a young king down there by the name of Abimelech. He was wanting a sweetheart, and here come this old great-great-great-great-grandmother down, with all those pretty girls around there, and he said, "That's the one who I've waited for." (Nonsense! She was a young, beautiful woman again. Like He'll do to every old grandma setting here tonight, that's in Christ Jesus: in the resurrection, she'll be a new woman again. Hallelujah! That's God's covenant with Abraham, and with His seed.) Here, this old grandma, with her shaking, with a little stick in her hand, like this, you know, walking around; and that young king, Abimelech over there, said, "There's the one I've waited for, she's my sweetheart, I want to marry her." Yes, that's what he did, he fell in love with her, and was going to marry her. Abraham said, "You're a fair woman to look upon." A hundred years old. Don't use some of this here manicure you put on your lips, or whatever it is. You don't need that, no, no, you don't need that: you need Jesus Christ. He'll put it there permanently, one of these days. Hallelujah! That's right. Don't fashion after Hollywood out here, fashion after Heaven. That's what you want to do.The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With The People - 54-0814 - William Branham
The invitation's to whosoever will
Now, if Mr. Eisenhower knew that you didn't have clothes fit to wear, then, of course, he would make arrangements for that. And that's exactly what God did. He made arrangements that you should be dressed in a certain way, because, you remember, He said, "Call the good and the bad. Call all of them together." Don't make any difference what your past life has been. When you got an invitation to come, you're ready to come. If you've been bad, if you've been a streetwalker, if you've been a gambler, if you've been a drunkard, if you've been a murderer, no matter what you've been, if God gives you the invitation, knocking at your heart, He will take care of the rest of it. Don't weary, say, "Well, I just been a lukewarm church member," He will still take care of it, if you'll just take heed to that invitation. And you say, "What is the invitation?" "Whosoever will, let him come and drink from the Waters of a Life freely." The invitation's to whosoever will.God's Provided Way - 59-0415A - William Branham
God will never condemn you no more
No matter what you've done, sinner friend. When God looks, sees you're confess your sins as being wrong, and God looks through the Blood of the Lord Jesus, He sees you snow white. No matter what you've done, He's looking through you through Christ's Blood. You're redeemed, precious thing. God will never condemn you no more. He can't condemn you.Fellowship By Redemption - 55-0403 - William Branham
God has promised that
And sometimes, when we think we have a few hard trials, just think of that blessed hope that waits for us just outside there. That when we will return back again, that flower come to it's—it's pinnacle, to it's very heights of beauty, and then it begins to fade, goes back. A seed drops out of it, reproduces life again. And a man or a woman when they're born, they raise up to a young man, young woman about the age of twenty, twenty-five; and their strong and healthy, and their hair is black, and the lady's beautiful. And the first thing you know, the wrinkles begin to slip under the eyes; the hair begins to turn gray. Death has set it, and it's going to take you. But God has completed His picture, just what you will be in the resurrection. And what you was at about twenty-five, if you were normal, and healthy, and strong, that's what you'll be in the resurrection. God has promised that, give a—a confirmation of the promise right there.God Providing Healing For This Generation - 54-0719 - William Branham
Every Divine Word becomes a living reality to him
A animal doesn't have a soul. But a man has a soul. And therefore, that soul is a part of God. And even in its fallen state, yet it's the most greatest specie of all the species of the earth, is the man. And then get him in connection with his Maker, he becomes a superman almost, because he's a son of God. He becomes acquainted with his Maker, with the Creator of all things. And then when that man there, acquainted with his Maker, becomes a part of his Maker, becomes back into fellowship with his Maker, every Divine Word becomes a living reality to him, and he believes it. No wonder people can't believe Divine healing today. They haven't got nothing to believe with. Until God comes into the human heart, a man is not much better than a brute. His reason, he will think it all out, "How can this be?" And explain it all away. But when God ever takes His position in the human heart all the reasonings fade away, and God becomes first. Amen.Fellowship By Redemption - 55-0403 - William Branham
You get under the Blood of Jesus Christ
The devil knows how to get his program in. He taught all you holiness people, "Well, you shouldn't go to picture shows." You taught your children out here not long ago, but the devil put one over on you. He just brought the picture show in your house. That's right. That's right. Said, "Oh, that's all right." See he has... You know they used to say that the devil went out of fashion, but he didn't go out of business. That's right. He's still in business, and he's just so much shrewder now than he used to be; in the ways that people get shrewd he does too; and he just slips in right in. See? Brother, I tell you if you ever slip for cover, you do it now, and that's right. You get under the Blood of Jesus Christ. It's a disgrace how that all such things as we have and our world in its condition today is eighty percent of it come right out of Hollywood, and yet that's the example of the world. That's where the pace is set for all the modern world, is out of Hollywood.Has The Lord Spoken Only To Moses - 53-1130 - William Branham
He'll do it
Believe, for safety. Then apply, see. Believe for… Here is what you want to believe for. See, you want your own safety. You believe for your safety, and then apply the Token for the whole family. See? You say, "How can I do that?" Claim It! If It worked on you, then you and the Word becomes one. Amen! Amen! See? See, It works for both of you. You and the Word are one, then apply It to your children, apply It to your loved ones. Like Rahab did, she applied the token to her father, she applied it to her mother, she applied it to her brothers and sisters, and got them all in. You apply It, say, "Lord, I'm going after my son. I'm going after my daughter. I claim her! 'Satan, you turn her loose!' I'm coming after her. I apply my Token, the Holy Spirit. O Holy Spirit, that lives within me, catch my daughter there. I'm going to her now, with Your anointing upon me." He'll do it. Amen.The Token - 63-0901M - William Branham
There'll be a time when you really want Him
So, one day, his little girl got sick. You know, God has got a way of making you believe, sometime, if you don't want to. Yes, sir, He can… He—He does… He works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. So this little girl, she got sick. So, perhaps the first thing he did, as it would be, any other time, he called the doctor. And the doctor said, "Well, perhaps I can pull through her… pull her through," (Pardon me.) "pull her through in a day or two." So, he begin to give her all her remedies, but she got worse and worse all the time. After while, the great midnight hour come. The doctor calls Jairus outside the door, and says, "Jairus, Reverend, sir, I'm sorry to inform you, but your child has but just a few moments to live. She's dying." Oh, I can imagine the feeling of that poor, little fellow. What do you think jumped in his mind, the first place? Jesus, then. That's right. You know, you just don't want Him bad enough. There'll be a time when you really want Him. I hope you find Him before you die, but if not, when you're on your deathbed, you'll sure know that this old-fashion religion is the thing that carried you through them hours of darkness. You might think it's fanaticism now, and the people a little crazy at their head, but wait till the Death Angel knocks on the door. [Brother Branham knocked on the pulpit—Ed.] I tell you, all that bashfulness, and backwardness, and coldness will be shook away from you then, or, you'll want it to go, anyhow. Amen.Jairus - 54-0803 - William Branham
See how God does that?
You know, one time it was told; I don't know whether this is authentic or not, where the missionary told me in--in Palestine. However, he said he seen a--a shepherd coming with the sheep. And said, "One sheep, he had to pack it, and he had a splint on its leg. And he said, "Did the sheep fall, sir, and hurt its leg?" He said, "No." Said, "What happened to its leg?" Said, "I broke it." Said, "You broke it?" Said, "You must be a very cruel shepherd to do that." He said, "No." He said, "See, this sheep wouldn't mind me, kept going astray, and I knowed it was going to get killed. So I had to break its leg in order to bring it up close to me, and give it just a little special treatment, feed it out of my hand. And it would make it love me more." So maybe God, sometimes, just has to let a little something happen to you, that He can just bring you just a little closer to Him, love you a little extra, and then give you a little special treatment, a healing, and you'll say, "Yes, Lord, I believe you are." See? That's it. See how God does that? Isn't He wonderful? We just believe Him.God's Servant Job - 55-0223 - William Branham
Christ paid your healing and your salvation
And the only thing that kept me from being saved when I was twelve years old, because a spirit hung over me, a devil, saying, "Wait a little while longer." That's the reason you wasn't saved when you become the age of accountability. A spirit, you got with a crowd, and that hovered over you and kept hanging over you. You wanted to do right. There's not a man that's got his right mind but what wants to do right, but there's something won't let you do right. Is that right? That's the devil. Hallelujah. Christ paid your healing and your salvation. Now, here it is. You get ready. He commissioned His Church to cast them devils out. There you are. "In My Name they shall cast out devils. You ain't going to heal nobody, but you're going to cast the devil away from them so they can accept the healing I've already done." That's right.Believing God - 52-0224 - William Branham
He's looking where he's going
Now, Christian don't do that. A Christian don't try to be what he used to be; he's not looking where he's been; he's looking where he's going. See, see? Don't pay no attention to what you was then; you've done lived that out. You'll never return to it; that's in the past. And any man that drives life's road looking through a rear-view mirror will go to wreck; and so will you on this Christian road. Don't look back what you was; look what you're going to be. Paul said, "Forgetting those things which are in the past, I press towards the mark of the high calling."Questions And Answers #2 - 64-0823E - William Branham
If there's no battle, then there's no victory
If you--if there's no battle, then there's no victory. But you've got to have a battle to have victory. If it was just given to you, it wouldn't be--wouldn't be no--wouldn't be a victory. But he that overcometh is the one who has the victory. So Jesus came to the earth; He had a battle; He won the victory. And tonight we have a battle, and with Christ, we can have the victory.Whatever He Says To You Do It - 53-0601 - William Branham
Let this church be free
Lord, some of them that's been sinners, raised up their hands. They're waiting for the countdown, when there will come a change in their heart, that'll take all the old vile corruption out. There's many smokes cigarettes, that's ready to lay them down. Many that's done things that they ought not have done, and they're ready to lay it down, because we ask God Almighty in the Name of Jesus Christ to take away everything that's hindering the Church this morning, from sickness to sin, and let this church be free. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may the power and the Power of the great Gospel, the Holy Ghost Fire begin to scatter, and the great astronauts of God take off to the desire of their heart today. Grant it, Almighty God. They are Yours. And may they receive their healing, their salvation, and whatever they have need of. I commend them to You, and commit them to You with my prayer, on the altar where the Blood of Jesus Christ lays fresh this morning. In the Name of Jesus Christ may they receive what they've asked for.Countdown - 62-0909M - William Branham
It's the same Holy Spirit today
Our heavenly Father, we thank Thee tonight, that the undergrowth is coming up. The fig tree is putting forth buds again. O God, send the rain, former and latter rain together that the trees might grow, O Lord, coming up in this blistered sin-cursed, damnable world, may it be done to fulfill which was spoken by the prophet Joel. I believe that You'll do it. God, I pray tonight that you'll bless in a marvelous way this people. May the Word of God sink deep in somebody's heart, someone who had an old mother, dad, who knew You. But today, how sad, that mother's religion's laughed at and made fun of. They say it was for old time people. God, It's the same Holy Spirit today. Yeah, they went out and blistered the bark off their churches and trees and took all the life out of it; all the heartfelt religion; all the shouts; all the praises; all the joy; all the healing powers; all that the Bible speaks of, just like a lodge. Go there, return, do the same things of the rest of the world. God bring the undergrowth, quickly Lord; send the rain. Send convictions to hearts tonight, who's needy here; may they find Christ as their Saviour. For we ask it in His Name. And while you have your heads bowed, I wonder tonight, sitting here; if you can remember an old mother, dad, years ago that you said, "Mother, I'll meet you on the other side." You remember when God taken the baby out of the home, you said, "Lord, I'll—I'll serve You." But you failed to do that. Are you here and want to receive Christ as Saviour and wants to be remembered in a word of prayer, would you raise up your hands, right quickly. God bless you, mister. God bless you, sir. God bless you. God bless you and you. Somebody to my right would say, "Brother Branham, remember me in prayer. I—I need Christ as my Saviour. I believe in old-time, heartfelt religion. I believe that the thing…" God bless you, way back there sir, I see. Someone else, would say, "Remember me, Brother Branham," here in the middle aisles? Would you say, "Remember me"? God bless you, sir. God bless you, lady, I see you. Someone else say, "Remember me, Brother Branham, I need Christ as my personal Saviour." Raise up your hands, say, "I want to now accept Christ."Palmerworm, Locust, Cankerworm, Caterpillar - 53-0612 - William Branham
Character is a Victory
Unless we suffer with Him we cannot reign with Him. You have to suffer to reign. The reason for this is that character simply is never made without suffering. Character is a VICTORY, not a gift. A man without character can't reign because power apart from character is Satanic. But power with character is fit to rule. And since He wants us to share even His throne on the same basis that He overcame and is set down in His Father's throne, then we have to overcome to sit with Him. And the little temporary suffering we go through now is not worthy to be compared to the tremendous glory that will be revealed in us when He comes. Oh, what treasures are laid up for those who are willing to enter into His Kingdom through much tribulation.An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages (Chapter 4 - Smyrnaean Church Age) - William Branham
Then God will raise you up
Now, we have a law, the law of the Life in us. We don't… Only thing you have to do… You are made, and born, and placed here in the Body of Christ, as sons and daughters of God. You don't have to knuck' down to the Devil. We've got a law. That's the law of the Holy Spirit. The only thing you know, have to do, is know how to let go and let God. You keep fighting at it, see, and it won't never work. When, you let go and let God, that's all. See? If the fish said, "Wait, I'll catch my breath real good. I'll breathe up a little oxygen in me, and I'll see if I can go down." No. He does that, he'll burst open. See? The bird says, "I'll see how fast I can run down here, and maybe I'll take off." No. He won't do it. He'll fall down. See? He's got to know how to control, how that law can control him. And the same way it is with us. It isn't what we fight, and pull, and—and hurry, and—and, "Oh, if I don't get this, if I don't get that." That's not it. Is to know that the law of Life is in you, and you just let go and let God. Then He takes you to your healing, takes you to the baptism of the Spirit, or anything that He's promised. Any claim that He's given is yours, and by letting go and letting God. Now, if you're… If the officer was going to—going to take the fellow that stole your property, was going to take him to court, and you keep pulling him back, "Well, I don't know just whether he should do this or not," he'll never get him there. Just let him go. That's the way you do. Let Satan just get away, all the doubts and everything flee from your mind, then God will raise you up. Good.The Restoration Of The Bride Tree - 62-0422 - William Branham
You shall be filled
Yes, there is a fountain filled with Blood for every sinner, drawn from Immanuel's veins. You who thirst and long to be righteous, there is a fountain open today for you. The hounds of hell might've wounded you. They might've cut you this way or cut you that way. They might've bursted, and drunk your blood, and sent you to these places and pleasure crazy. If you really want to get over it, there's a water brook open today. That's the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Spirit flowing free as the Holy Spirit. "Whosoever will let him come and drink from the fountains of the water of Life freely." Whosoever will? Yes. Black, white, brown, yellow, whatever you may be, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Church of God, Church of Christ, Catholic, Pentecostal, whoever you are; young, old, middle aged, there is a fountain open. And the waters of Life is flowing freely, and the Holy Spirit's saying, "Come, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, I'll give you rest. Blessed are you when you hunger and thirst, for I will fill you." You shall be filled. And "As the hart thirsts for the water brook, my soul thirsts after thee, O God."Thirsting For Life - 57-0630 - William Branham
That's the vindication of His resurrection
Did you ever stop to think this morning, as far as returning, that is, to become visible? He's already here with us now. He... We someday... Now, today just imagine that His Presence being here today. The Lord Jesus is in another world, or another dimension, right here today in form of Spirit. His Spirit is blending in with our spirit. Our eyes can't see Him, because that they're physical yet, unless there would something happen that we could see vision. But He is here just as visible, just as real as He was the day that He spoke to Mary at the grave, or He met Cleopas on his road to Emmaus. His Presence is here. It can be feeled with that, felt with that inner charge that's on the inside of the human body, called the new birth. The soul has been magnetized unto Him. And once in a while, when you let your mind be concentrated on Him, believing on Him, after while something, a reality, you can feel something sweep over your being. That's the vindication of His resurrection. It's not a "guess so." It's not "I hope so." But to every person that's borned again, it's a "know so." It's... You know it. It's right there. And when you become contact with Him... I've seen saints say, "Oh, can you... The Presence of the Lord is near." You say, "Why, there's something..." Why, certainly. He's right there, right up... He's rose from the dead, and He's standing right by you. Now, someday when we go to be with Him, these spirits in here that can feel that Spirit, presses into that. Then on the resurrection when He makes Hisself visible, we'll be made visible and have a body like His own glorious body. For when we come from the spirit world, He will bring us with Him. All that are dead in Christ will God bring with Him in the resurrection. Oh, what an enlightenment, what a blessed thing.My Redeemer Liveth - 55-0410S - William Branham
We're out here to fight the enemy
Temptations come; there'll never be a temptation unless He give you grace to bear it. And He's promised to meet you on every battlefront, right there, and He'll bless. So then, that's where your hope's... You will get to the place, you say, "Well, Brother Bill, they... I have so many temptations." Tell me one Christian that doesn't have temptation. We never come to a picnic; we've come to a battleground. We're out here to fight the enemy. Why sure, we don't put on our armor just to be looked at. If you become a Christian, just to be looked at, then you're--you're... Why, I'm afraid you got in the wrong place.Redemption By Judgement - 54-1114 - William Branham
Just keep happy
You know, I--I was telling the boys awhile ago coming over, I said about how we must be happy all the time. God don't want you to be sad. You know what ill temper does? And that old temper, that's one of the awfulest old things. And it--it's about sixty percent of the cause of all sickness is temper. Yes, sir, them tam--tantrums you fly loose, remember, you just developing a cancer, ulcer, or something like, when you do it. When you get all stewed up about somebody, "I won't go back there any more. Wait till I give them a piece of my mind." All right. Remember, you're the one's going to pay for it. Just keep happy. The little story, said there was a little robin one morning, setting up on a limb, whistling over to his little mate. The little mate flew down by him and said, "You know, I'm so--I'm so worried this morning about one thing." Said, "What?" Said, "We robins never worry." "But I just wonder if those poor creatures, the human beings, that frown on their faces, they walk, I wonder, maybe they haven't got a heavenly Father that watches over them like we have, us robins." That's about it. You never heard of one of them having high blood pressure, did you?The Infallibility Of God's Spoken Word - 56-0404 - William Branham
Love casts out fear
Sometime ago, when I was on the warden force. Near Henryville, Indiana, is a friend lives up there, and I… He was sick. And I was turning some fish loose in a creek. So I thought I'd go over and pray for the man. So I had a little, old gun you had to pack as a warden. I unbuckled the thing, throwed it up in the truck and shut the door. And I thought, "I'll go across the field over to pray for my friend." As I walked up across the field, I was going along humming. I forgot that down at the Burke's farm, a great big Guernsey bull had killed a colored man down there. He was a caretaker. He was a fine animal. And they didn't want to kill him, so they sold him up here to this man. I knowed there was warnings all around the field, but I'd forgot about it. I got right out in the middle of the field where just a little old scrub oak (I don't think you have them in this country). And as I passed by this, all at once this big killer bull raised up. And he snorted. And I recognized that's the bull. I turned first; I felt for the gun. It wasn't there. I'm glad it wasn't. I'd probably kill the bull, and then they'd paid for it. I felt for the gun; it wasn't there. I looked to the fence; it was too far for me. There was no trees around for me to get in to. There it was nothing but to face death. I said, "Well, Lord, if the time has come for me to die, I want to face it like a man." I shoved my shoulders down. I said, "If this is it, if I must die by this bull, then I must die." And something happened. I know this sounds like a child, but it's the truth. Somehow another, instead of despising that beast, I had a love for it. And then I thought, "That poor thing was laying out there in the field. I come in on his territory. I disturbed him. He don't know no more than to protect himself." And he threw his horns down, and dug the dirt up, fell onto his knees. You know how they do just before they charge. And I thought, "That animal… Oh, I'm so sorry that I disturbed you." I said, "I don't want you to kill me. I'm the servant of God. And I'm on my road to pray for some sick people. And I forgot about those signs." I was talking just as I am now. But there was something another had happened. I wasn't scared of him. I was no more afraid of that bull, then I would be my brother. That's where the church is. You're always scared it's not going to happen. That's the reason it don't happen. When that fear… Love casts out fear. When you got love, fear is gone. But as long as you got fear, love cannot operate. And when the bull made his charge to come to me, he come within about ten feet, and he stopped and threw his front feet out. And he looked so depleted as he looked this way and that way. And he turned, and went right back around, and laid down over there where he got up at. And I walked across the field, and went out of the pasture. He just laid there and looked at me. It was love that took the fear away, and God seen me through. Now, after I got out of the pasture and that left me, then I just shook like a leaf. But while I was in the presence of him, the fear had left.Love - 57-0519E - William Branham
It's only to believers
Now, it isn't to unbelievers. People say, "Well, I—I don't believe that can happen." Well, it'll never happen to you. Just—just you just settle that, it'll never happen to you. But it will to those who believe, for it's only to believers. Now that doesn't make us a healer, no more than preaching salvation makes us a Saviour. We—we know that there is one healer and one Saviour, and that's the selfsame Person, Jesus Christ. We're here to glorify Him to the people. Now, a revival isn't exactly adding new members to the church. A revival is reviving that what you've already got. And sometimes I've wondered what a revival is for. This may sound a little strange, for a stranger to you, to say this. But I was standing by the lake shore, one day, in Lake Michigan. I was watching the waves, how they come in and went out, and they would leap. Oh, it was heavy winds a blowing, and—and the waves would dash way in the air, and churn up-and-down, and roll in and come back out, and roll in again. I thought, "My, what a revival!" But, you know, there is no more water in that lake than it is when it's perfectly normal and quiet. That's right. It's just got the same amount of water. See? Then I wonder, why is that lake all stirred up? Just the same as we get stirred up in a revival. We churn around. You know what it always does to the lake, though? It cleans it. It washes all the trash out on the bank. So that's why we have to have a revival for; get all the unbelief and things away from us, so we can see more clear what God wants for us. That's what we're anticipating this time, is a revival among the people.The Identification Of Christ In All Ages - 64-0409 - William Branham
What is the Token?
And in Him is no death. In Him is no sorrow. In Him is no weary. In Him is no sin. In Him is no sickness. In Him is no death. We are in Him! If Satan tries to hand you something, like sickness, just take your Token and apply It. Oh, my! Take your Token and apply It, that you are a purchased product of Jesus Christ. The Token stands that your fare is paid. He says, "When you die, you're lost." Say, "You're wrong. I have the purchased product. I am a purchased product. I have the Token." "What is the Token?" He knows what It is. Don't, don't fool with him. He knows what It is. Now, you might talk to some of these preachers, and they'd argue with you. Not Satan; he knows better. See? Oh, yeah. He come against it, two or three times, you know, and made a mistake, of temptation. Satan knows what you're talking about. Just show that Token, he'll fly. Yes. Cause, what is it? It's a sealed product. He can't break that open, and give something in there that's not right. Say, "Take your hands off! I'm sealed." Oh, my! A sealed product! Yes, sir! You are purchased. Hold the Token over your unmovable faith in His promise, watch him go.The Token - 63-0901M - William Branham
What a victory it is
When some of those boys coming back from overseas, they tell me when the ship come into New York, just as it come into the harbor, they looked over there and they seen the Statue of Liberty. Is the first thing you see, sticking up. They rose, some of them crippled veterans out on the deck of the ship, so that they could see it. And when they begin to see that Statue of Liberty, they begin weeping. They cried. They couldn't help it. Great big men stood there, big rough-handed men, quivering and shaking. They couldn't hold their emotions. Why? It was an emblem of freedom. Just behind that Statue of Liberty, laid—was papa, mama, loved ones, sweetheart, wife, baby, all on this earth that meant dear to them, stayed just behind it. And just before they walked in, they recognized; it was the land of the free and the home of the brave. Sure, it would shake your emotions, that old flag flying. Think of it, a battle-scarred veteran coming into the harbor. Certainly, it was a wonderful time. 64 But, oh, brother, one of these mornings, when the old Ship of Zion blows, and I see that emblem standing there, the old rugged Cross, while the winds whipping her old gray banners, as she's moving through the fog of death, what a victory it is. Why, no wonder we can't hold our emotion still. Something has happened; we've become fellow-citizens. The thing is complete.The Great And Mighty Conqueror - 57-0421S - William Branham
But you believe there's something to it
Now, first thing, that comes from the heart. You believe it. Then you walk up and confess it. Say, "I accept Jesus as my personal Saviour. I believe He saved me." There's not a physical thing in the world that you could prove that you're saved. Your eyes are the same color, got the same shirt on you had on. Go outside and the old gang says, "They ain't nothing to that." But you believe there's something to it, don't you? Now, how… What if you say, "Well I'm going to see how it works out." It'll never work out until you keep your testimony going. You believe you're saved. You act like you're saved. You say you're saved. And you associate with those that are saved, and it works salvation. Is that right? And the same thing will take place by Divine healing. You believe you're healed. You act like He healed you. You say you're healed. And He's a High Priest of your confession to make good anything that you confess that He's done before—fore the Father. There it is.The Manifestation Of The Spirit - 51-0717 - William Branham
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