
You just let the pressure off

99. You say, "Well, I--I wonder, Brother Branham." You don't wonder; you just let the pressure off. Commit your case to God, and go on as if it was all over. Don't build up pressure; it lets off pressure.
"Well," you say, "I am so worried, Brother Branham, I just don't know." Let off the pressure. Amen. In the city of refuge He took your worry, so you--you don't have to have it. Cast your cares on Him, for He careth for you. Don't you worry about your cares; that's His business.

101. I met a woman here some years ago in a ten cents store. She was about sixty years old, looked about thirty years old. I said, "How do you do it, sister?"
She said, "Brother Branham, I've got two sons that's doctors that's older than you are." And honest-to-goodness, she--she didn't look over thirty years old. She said, "Here's what it was. When I come to Christ when I was about twelve years old... And I set down and thought about it. I studied other religions, but when I found the true one..." She said, "I come to Christ and took my case, my soul, my all to Him," and she said, "I've never had a worry since." Said, "Now, He promised to take care of all my troubles." And said, "If He's not big enough to do it, I know I'm not big enough to do it; so what's the use of me worrying about it." See? That's it.
Christ promised that He'd take all your cares. Cast your cares on Him. So what are you worrying about? Worry builds up pressure; pressure blows up. So just cast your cares on Him and quit worrying. All right.

Letting Off The Pressure - 62-0513E - William Branham


Roni said...

Wow, i read that message recently, i guess i missed these details, thanks for sharing, the post looks new as if not from the same message :) Thanks for sharing buddy. God bless you

ABC said...

Haha, that same happens with me... something new might be revealed at another time sometimes...
But there are many different Letting Off Pressure -sermons tho, existing. I checked them the other day... Preached in different places. :)

God bless you, bro!