
Mold us, each one, in Your Own way

37. Let us raise our hands to God now and let us pray in our own way, as we make our confessions, and ask God to help us through this next coming year.

38. Heavenly Father, as we stand here, as many thoughts is dying out in our hearts, and of the mistakes of last year, and as we're approaching the death of '62 and the birth of '63, O God, may we be one step higher up the ladder, until we can see Jesus and His program. May everyone here, Lord, in prayer, while the old year is dying, and the new birth of the new year is coming in, may the old man's sin and unbelief die out in our heart, and the new Birth come in with the 1963, like a rushing, mighty Wind that might fill our beings and make us new creatures in Christ.

39. Make us fit servants. Forgive our past. Bless our future. Guide us, O Lord God, with Thy mighty hand, Jehovah. Bless these ministers here. Bless all the laity, all the visitors. Be Thou with us, Lord. We are Your servants and we give ourselves wholly to You for 1963, that the power of Your Spirit might have more preeminences in our life and in our being. Help us, God. Forgive us and help us, we pray. Raise up mighty men! Raise up mighty warriors of the Faith! Open this year, Lord, that hidden Manna, that Rock beneath the rock, that we might see the program of God. Cap off the pyramids of our life, Lord; put the Capstone, Christ Jesus, upon each and every one of us. May His great magnificent, holy blessings be upon us all. May the fire of the Holy Ghost come upon us. May the power of the resurrection be manifested. God, how we thank You, tonight. We are Yours. We give ourselves fully to You, Lord.

40. As I go yonder, not knowing where or how, or what I will do, I'm trusting You, Almighty God, that You'll guide me, Your unprofitable servant, that I might be used to the honor and the glory of the Almighty. Grant it, Father.

41. Receive our prayers. Bless our efforts. Heal the sick and the afflicted, both spiritual and physically. And make us Thy servants. We are the clay, You are the Potter. Mold us, each one, in Your Own way, that we might fit together with Christ Jesus, as a member of His body. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, and for His sake and for the Gospel's sake. Amen and amen.

The Contest - 62-1231 - William BranhamM


She has made herself ready

53. And, that, we know that there is going to be a Bride, and there's going to be a wedding supper served in the skies. That's just as sure to be, as God is, because it's His Word. And we know that those that are going to make up that Bride is going to be His Church, and they're going to appear before Him without spot or wrinkle. And they have the material on earth now to make themselves ready. If you notice, It said, "She has made herself ready."

54. So many says, "If the Lord will take this evil spirit from me, from drinking, or from gambling, or from lying, or stealing, I'll serve Him."

55. But that's up to you. See, you got to do something, too. "They that overcome shall inherit all things." They that overcome. You have power to do it, but you must be willing to lay it down. See? "She has made Herself ready." I like that Word.

56. You see, God could not push us through a little pipe, pull us out on the other end, and then saying, "Blessed is he that overcometh." You had nothing to overcome; He just pushed you through. But you've got to make decisions for yourself. I have to make decisions for myself. In doing that, we show our faith and respects to God.

57. Abraham was promised a child, but he must maintain this promise for twenty-five years, the ups-and-downs that he had, and temptations, in those twenty-five years. But he held to the word of the promise.

58. And Israel was promised a promised land, but they had to fight for every inch of it. "Wherever the soles of your foot treads upon, that have I given you," God said to Joshua. It was all there. The land was there, and God gave it to them, but they must fight for it.

The Marriage Of The Lamb - 62-0121E - William Branham


This is God's Word

And they say the Bible is misprinted, misinterpreted, and so forth. Look. Don't pay no attention, what people saying about that Bible being misprinted. If this is misprinted, something else they say, "This just as misprinted," where's your faith laying at? This is God's Word. This is the way it looks right here. See? And I believe it just... Now, the Word of... Now, here is fact. The lady that come to me here, some time ago... And I--she didn't believe that His Name was Jesus. She said His Name should be Jehovah, Jr. Hmm. So I said, "Lady..." See, what it is, friends, people who has those minds, receptacles to--to 'isms,' the first thing you know, they get it a spirit of delusion and go off and believe an error. And they're--they're just ready for something like that. And don't, don't do that. Be solid. The Bible said, "Be stable, unmovable (See?), abounding in Christ."

Redemption By Judgement - 54-1114 - William Branham


Don't tell Him how to do it

115. Take a hold of God's promise, say, "God, You promised to save me." Hold on to it. Stay right there till you're saved. "God, You promised to fill me with the Holy Ghost." Stay right there till you're filled with the Holy Ghost. If you're sick, say, "You promised to heal me. I'm staying right here till You heal me." There you are. That's the way to do it. Stay with it.

116. God is infinite. He is unchangeable. He cannot change. And He does it in unexpected ways, but hold on until it comes. Don't tell God what, how you want Him to do it. He will do it the way He wants to do it. See? Don't tell Him how to do it.

The Unchangeable God Working In An Unexpectable Way - 62-0120 - William Branham

Let me point you tonight to the cross

My Christmas message is: Let me point you tonight to the cross. Amen. And you, the corn of wheat, fall into Christ there and die. There you'll find His Life in His Word being the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let that be my Christmas message to you. I ain't pointing you to a manger, to a cradle, to a church, to a denomination, but "Sirs, we would see Jesus." Then I'll point you to Him; He points you to His death, burial, and resurrection. And you let your own corn of wheat fall in there, and let His Word become real in you, and you'll see that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Sirs We Would See Jesus - 61-1224 - William Branham


It's His Grace that we are here

32. And then, when we see this king then, King Nebuchadnezzar, how he got exalted in his heart, and God had to make him eat grass like an ox for several years, how his hair growed out like eagle feathers and his--his fingernails like claws of a bird. And how he had to... Till the king recognized in his heart that he was nothing. And it was the God of heaven Who set up who He wanted to and taken down who He wants to.
And many times we may not have our hair to grow out like eagle's feathers, and our--our fingernails may not grow out like eagle's claws, neither may we eat grass like an ox; but sometime God has to put affliction on us to let us know that He's still the Ruler of our life. And we're only here because He permits us to be here, and it's His grace that we are here. And we must serve Him .

33. And here--here sometime ago, I was talking to a man out in Idaho up here, and he said, "Well, Mr. Branham," he said, "I raised hogs." He said, "My grandfather had this herd. He educated us children. And the same herd, I've educated my children. And my children will come up and educate theirs by the same herd."
I said, "That's very nice, sir. And that's a legitimate job is to--is to raise stock." But I said, "Did you know God put you here for some other purpose besides raise hogs to educate your children? God put you here to be sons and daughters of God, and if you fail to get that, you fail to receive the very purpose God put you on earth to be." That's right.
No, matter how honest, how decent, how moral you might be, how good you might be, what a fine sociable fellow you might be; you still miss the calling unless you serve the Lord Jesus and become a son and daughter of God. No, matter how good a neighbor you might be, how good a anything you may be, that's all good and we appreciate that. But my brother, until you become a son of God, you fail to answer the purpose that God put you on the earth to be. That's right.

The Handwriting On The Wall – 56-0902 – William Branham


Until then, let us be a light

234. Lord Jesus, if You were standing here this morning, Lord... I know You are, in the spiritual form. But if You were standing here, literally, I don't believe I'd change my text one bit. I believe I'd have said just the same thing. And I believe, Heavenly Father, that these people who have done without their natural food, that they have set here and listened at a tired raspy voice, but if You'd been standing here, they wouldn't have stayed any more, because they believe that You're here, because it's Your Word. It shows that they love You.

235. We're so thankful for this Christmas visitation of the Holy Spirit that directs us and shows us just what is Christmas. When we see that the world is falling apart, its systems are breaking up. But we are so glad, we are so thankful that we got a Kingdom and we got a King, and It cannot be moved. And when there is no more world, when there is no more politics, when there is no more nations, God will set up His Kingdom and the righteous shall reign with Him. Those ones who have suffered will suffer no more.

236. Help us, Lord, at this Christmas season, to remember what the anointed Messiah means. Help us to understand.

237. Bless this, our congregation. Be with them, our Father, and give them righteousness and peace in the Holy Spirit. Bless our pastor. Lord, we love him. This gallant servant just stands loyal. And, speaking the other night, said, "Here I am, almost sixty." They got little bitty children. But remember, may he remember this, Lord, that there is nothing can take him from away from here until You're ready. If You tarry, I pray that he'll live to see all of his children married and have homes of their own. Bless his precious little wife, a little handsmaid of Yours. Bless our deacons and our trustees.

238. And, God, I'm thankful this Christmas for all these, my friends that travel through snow, and come over slick roads and rain, and take their livings and come hundreds and hundreds of miles. God, I don't know what to say anymore. I trust that You'll reveal the rest of it, what's in my heart. And may I always be faithful, God, to this Kingdom to which You have put us in. May I never compromise, no, right or left. I well remember when You told me then, "Don't move right hand or left hand, then your ways will be prosperous. Then thou shall have good success." Maybe not in the eyes of the world. And I care not what the world thinks, I want to know what You want, Lord. Your desire is our... Your will is our desire. Oh, the least of Your desires is a--is a life-bound commandment to us, Lord. We stand as Your Church.

239. Forgive us now of what's happened through the year, that we have did that's wrong and where we failed in so many places, and strengthen us, Lord. And may we, at this time of celebration of Christmas, may we open our hearts to the Messiah, the anointed of God. May He come into our lives and anoint us, and live His will and bring His Kingdom to pass through our lives. Keep us well, healthy.

240. Bless this gallant old friend of mine sitting here to my side, Brother Arganbright. O God, how You have been with him, and how he's had his heart ground and mashed so many times, but still we believe he's germitized with Eternal Life. Bless his little wife. I think of Bud and Fred, me, O God, how that we have this grand fellowship.

241. We pray that You'll bless us together now. Bless our little church, all these precious people. And someday, Lord, while we're so... want our eyes so clean from the things of the world that we can only see God and His Kingdom, that someday we'll be presented before Christ, blameless, as a chaste virgin, a part of that great Church that's to come before Him.

242. And then we'll look forward to the time where You'll set up Your Kingdom on the earth, visible people with visible homes, and they shall not plant and another eat thereof, but they shall live Eternally. Until then, let us be a light that sets on a hill, a candle that gives light to everything that's around us, by a righteous life, sanctified through the Blood of Christ. Grant it, Father. In Jesus' Name we pray.

The Falling Apart Of The World - 62-1216 – William Branham


That's the way to have real Christmas

Now, God, so anointed Jesus with the Fullness of Himself till that He was God's Gift to the world. That the wise men are clearly identified, that they're offering their gift to Him; showed that in their heart they knew Who He was, and what He was going to do for them. So (no wonder) the first thing they did, they fell down, perfectly in order, and worshipped Him. Before they could even understand it, they fell down and worshipped Him and then presented their gifts. That's the way to have real Christmas: worship Him, then present your gift; presenting your body as a living sacrifice, wholly and acceptable to God.

God's Gifts Always Find Their Places - 63-1222 - William Branham

Keep your mind alert

Someone said, "Just let your mind go blank now. Just look right straight up towards the skies. Let your mind go blank; you'll get an experience." And no doubt but what you do. That's right. But you get an experience, but what an experience. You see, when you do that, you just open your soul to Satan. He'll give you something; that's true. But I think a person coming to Christ should come with all the intelligence they've got, and quoting in their mind when they come to Him every promise in the Scripture. Keep your mind alert, when you come to Christ. Don't let it go blank. The devil will make you do anything. See? They'll give you a sensation. He can do that too. But you want an experience, something that the Bible teaches, something that's real.

Presuming - 62-0117 - William Branham


My sincere prayer

Oh, how we need faith. I love Him. I want more faith. My desire in this life, and for this new year coming, is more faith in God. God, take away any doubt that's in my mind, if there should ever arise one. Satan fights at me; he fights at you; he tries to shoot his arrows. But may I have that shield of faith always before me to withstand the wiles of the devil, to--to knock off his fiery darts, is my sincere prayer.

A Super Sense - 59-1227E - William Branham


There is nothing wrong

45. So, we really believe that God never changes His mind about what He said. He always keeps It true.

46. But He has a permissive will. Now, there, where the trouble lays. We try to work on God's permissive will, and He will permit it. But also if we take His permissive will, though it's not right, He will make His permissive will to work out, together, to glorify His perfect will.

47. There is nothing will go wrong, with God. We're... He knows just where the clock is a-ticking at, tonight. There is nothing wrong. Every lick is hitting just exactly the way it should be, everything. We think it's wrong, but He knows it's right. It's supposed to be like this.

Does God Change His Mind? - 65-0427 - William Branham

You know that's the truth

Some people say, "Well, you should live a better life, turn a new page, this is New Years." Oh, how many resolutions did you make, and all of you broke them? It'll never work. It's a dying out and a rebirth, a regeneration, a new--new creature in Christ Jesus. That's what the world needs today. That's what the Church needs today, is an old-time, apostolic, God-shaken, Holy Ghost revival. That's right. I don't mean in a bunch of fanaticism. I don't believe in a bunch of emotional, worked-up, but I mean a real, true, Blood born salvation that sets men free from sin, and makes him a new creature in Christ. Amen. You know that's the truth. Come upon those basis. Come to God like that and see what happens. Recognize the Lord Jesus Christ as your Superior; recognize that you're dead and your life is hid in Him through God and sealed in there by the Holy Ghost, then walk up to Father. You become a part of God, the very nature of God's in you. You're a son of God; you're a daughter of God.

Fellowship With God Through Reconciliation - 56-0120 - William Branham


Be sure of that thing

The day of Pentecost they waited till they had Scriptural authority. That's right. 'Fore they claimed anything, they knowed they had it. They didn't say--say, "Well, I--I felt a little sensation." They felt it, saw it, and everything else. They knowed it was there. They seen it moving in them, working in them, talking through them, everything. It was there. They didn't have to presume nothing. It was there talking for Itself. And a man, when he's borned again of the Spirit of God is the same thing today. You don't presume. "I--I believe we received the Holy Ghost when we believe." No, you didn't. You don't... You could do it, but just because you believed... If God didn't fill you with the Holy Ghost, then He hasn't vindicated you yet. You haven't got it. See? That's right. Don't presume you've got it. Be sure of that thing. You don't want to take a chance on it. No, 'cause you'll be lost. Just don't presume. Just stay... Go, stay till it's over with.

Presuming - 62-0117 - William Branham

Darker it is, the better the light shines

4. What if there wasn’t a real Christmas? If there had not been a real Christmas, well, things wouldn’t be the way they are tonight. If there wasn’t a Christmas, there wouldn’t have been no salvation. And now that we’re facing Christmas, again, it’s too bad that we have changed it, the real meaning of it, being the birth of Jesus, until just, well, it look like that Santa Claus has taken the place of Christ in Christmas, and some fiction of a Kriss Kringle coming down a chimney, with a sack of toys on his back, that visits the whole world in one night. And I don’t know what you think about it, it’s all right if you want to tell your children that; but I was taught, thought the Scripture said, “Thou shalt not lie.” And then someday they’re going to ask you, “Is this Jesus the same thing that Santa Claus is?” when
they find out there’s no Santa Claus. So, I best think it’s best, myself. That might not be your idea. I’m not telling you how to raise your children. But I^If they catch you lying on that, then they’re going to say someday that maybe this Other is a lie, also. So just tell them
the truth, straight truth, and then they’ll know how to, what you mean. So, no matter how bad the outside looks, and what they’re doing out there, that should not bother us from making Christmas what it should be. See?

5. I think that the light shines the best in the darkness. Darker it is, the better the light shines, sometimes just a small light. Where there’s much light, it’s not noticed. But the darker it gets, that small light will shine that much stronger. And remember that there’s no darkness can exist in the presence of light. Light is so much more powerful than darkness, until it cannot stand in its presence. Darkness cannot stand when the sun starts to shine, because the sun is so much greater, the sunlight, that it just presses the darkness out, and it’s no more.

We Have Seen His Star And Have Come To Worship Him - 63-1216 - William Branham


God is behind every move

God sets a time and has a purpose for everything that He does. There's nothing happens just accidentally to those who love the Lord and are called according to His calling. See, we are predestinated. And everything works just right for that; because He cannot lie, and He said that was so, that everything has its time, its season, and it has its way; and God is behind every move. And sometimes you think that everything's going wrong. It's up to us. Those things are put upon us, trials and wonderings; it's testing to see how we will react on a action.

The Reproach For The Cause Of The Word - 62-1223 - William Branham


Keep your eyes on Christ

210. So, Elijah, walked right on down to the river, with Elisha. And when they got down to Jordan, death, last stage of the journey, old prophet reached over and pulled off his mantle, struck the waters; and the waters divided hither and thither, and the two walked across as on dry land. The preachers stood off and looked at them go across. Amen.

When they got on the other side... Now, after... Oh, I hope this soaks into the Branham Tabernacle, plumb down to the marrow of the bone. Not when he was at Gilgal; not when he was at the school of the prophet; neither when he was on this side of Jordan; but after he'd crossed Jordan, followed him every step of the way...

You're willing; you say, "I accept Jesus as my personal Saviour. I'll quit my bad habits." But come down to Jordan, where you have to die out, where all the things of the world, all your friends and everything, has forsaken you. Keep your eye on Him alone.

213. Then what? He said, "I'm going to go with you, right on through Jordan." Amen. I like that. Why? "I'm going to be a witness of this," and he passed through Jordan.

Notice. Here it is. I want you to get it. After he crossed Jordan, then he said, "What will you that I do for you?" That's what Christ wants to know of the church tonight. "After you're separated from the things of the world, after you become a new creature in Christ Jesus, after you're born again, filled with the Holy Ghost, crossed over Jordan, all the things of the world dead, behind you, now ask what I can do for you." I like this.

215. He said, "That a double portion of your Spirit come upon me." That preacher knowed what he was talking about. "A double portion, 'cause I want to witness that much more."

He said, "You've asked a hard thing. But if you will see me when I go away, it shall be. What you asked you shall have." Now, brother, you talk about a preacher watching the other one; he was really watching him.

That's what the Church ought to be doing tonight for a double portion of the Spirit, is watching Christ, watching the Holy Ghost, the way It moves. Notice.

218. He said, "You've asked a hard thing." But he couldn't keep one eye on the world and one eye on Elijah. He had to put both eyes right straight on Elijah and follow him. Right.

The trouble of it is tonight, we got too many Christian people, professing Christians, got one eye on the world and the other one on the cross. You'll fall, as sure as the world. Let your eyes be single; let your heart be single; let your thoughts be single. Amen. Brother that rubs in, but that hurts, but it's good.

220. We, as little kids, we used to have to take castor oil all the time. Mama, back there, she used to give me castor oil, and I'd hold my nose and gag. She'd say, "Honey, if it..."
I'd say, "That stuff makes me so sick."
She'd said, "If it don't make you sick, it don't do you any good."
So maybe, there it is. Maybe, the Gospel, can It be applied the same way? If It don't stir you all up, It won't do you any good.

Keep your eyes on Christ. Keep moving on. Don't care what the world says. Keep moving on. "They that are sons of God are led by the Spirit of God." Is that right? "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh (or the things of the world), but after the Spirit." No condemnation, walking on.

Witnesses - 53-0405E - William Branham

Then God can't fail

53. And then, the other side, we get these feelings and we think then that we're insufficient, and we don't want to do it; but then if we just listen to the call of God, that's the very thing that God wants us to get into, that kind of a shape so He can. When we are insufficient ourselves, then we are subjects to yield to God's Spirit. As long as we think that we can do it, then we can't do it. But when we get to a place where we know we can't do it, then we yield ourself to God and He does it. So then if it's us trying to do it we'll fail, but if we'll just yield ourself to God then God can't fail. There's only one thing that God cannot do, and that's fail. He can do anything else but fail. But He cannot fail. So as long as we're trying in ourselves and depending on our own abilities, and so forth, why, we'll do nothing. But when we get to a place where we know we're nothing, then God can use us.

Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham


You hear what He says

Yes, that's the reason Moses knew this Voice had spoke to him was a Word Voice. He knowed that God had told Abraham, "Your seed shall sojourn for four hundred years, but I will deliver them." And he knowed the four hundred years was up and he was called to do it. Men and women, God promised in this last days that He'd pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. He promised He'd send the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and He'd call a Bride without spot or wrinkle. He promised to do it; He'll do it. Don't listen to these hireling shepherds; they'll lead you astray. The Holy Spirit is the Shepherd to feed you sheep food from His Word. It always comes by the Shepherd. He is our Shepherd. Listen to Him; you are the sheep of His fold; if you are, you hear His Voice, not what somebody else says; you hear what He says. A strange voice, you know nothing about it.

Why It Had To Be Shepherds - 64-1221 - William Branham


He will do it the way He wants to do it

115. Take a hold of God's promise, say, "God, You promised to save me." Hold on to it. Stay right there till you're saved. "God, You promised to fill me with the Holy Ghost." Stay right there till you're filled with the Holy Ghost. If you're sick, say, "You promised to heal me. I'm staying right here till You heal me." There you are. That's the way to do it. Stay with it.

116. God is infinite. He is unchangeable. He cannot change. And He does it in unexpected ways, but hold on until it comes. Don't tell God what, how you want Him to do it. He will do it the way He wants to do it. See? Don't tell Him how to do it.

The Unchangeable God Working In An Unexpectable Way - 62-0120 - William Branham


That's what Christmas means

It's Christmas. All the tinsel up-and-down the street of Santa Claus, a German fiction, a Catholic dogma... There's not one ounce of it true. And it takes the place of Jesus Christ, in the hearts of too many Americans. Christmas don't mean Santa Claus. Christmas means Christ. It's not some man with a pipe in his mouth, and coming down a chimney. Teaching your children such as that, what do you expect them to grow up to be? Tell them the Truth, not on some fiction--fictitious story. Tell them there's a God of Heaven Who sent His Son, and that's what Christmas means. And He's near coming again. And as the pressure begins to come to the earth, the devil has put out his things, by eyes, what you can see, the tinsel, and so forth. God's put out His, which is Spirit, that you can't see, but you believe.

Where Is He King Of The Jews? - 58-1221M - William Branham

Dedicate all you are

Mary, the mother of Jesus, in the city of Nazareth, the meanest city there was in the land, but out of there God chose a little lady to give birth to His Son, an incubator, a womb that had to--a baby had to be born by. He took such a person to do it. God works through human beings to redeem human beings. He can take you, work through you to redeem humanity, if you'll completely dedicate everything you are. If you're a young woman, dedicate your morals. You're a young man, dedicate your morals, dedicate your mind, dedicate your thinking, dedicate your heart, dedicate your soul, dedicate all you are and let Christ work through that. What a glorious thing.

God's Gifts Always Find Their Places - 63-1222 - William Branham


The Gentile's Message started by a visitation of the Pillar of Fire, and it ends the same way

In this Christmas times when people are shopping, and dancing, and drinking, and celebrating something that they know nothing about, like they was celebrating Washington or Lincoln's birthday, and not worshipping the... They still got God in a manger, when God's not in a manger. He's raised from the dead, and alive forevermore, living among us, proving Himself, as the same God that the Nicene fathers carried, and down through the ages has come since the day of Pentecost. The same God that met Paul on the road to Damascus; he was a missionary to the Gentile and a messenger from God to the Gentiles. The Gentile's Message started by a visitation of the Pillar of Fire, and it ends the same way.

Paradox - 61-1210 - William Branham


It's the atmosphere of the people

And it's the atmosphere that brings the miraculous, and wonders, and powers of God among the people. It's the atmosphere of the people. And when people get to a place they're reasoning, and wondering, and stewing, and thinking, and all tore up, and don't know where they do stand, half of them not even Scripturally taught, how can you expect the atmosphere to be right? You can't do it; it won't be right. It's got to be in one accord, one place, and settled down with one motive, one thing, then you're going to see something happen.

The Supernatural - 56-0129 - William Branham

Always keep humble

He that humbles himself, God will exalt; he that exalts himself, God will bring to abase. He'll bring him down. Always keep humble, and be little in your own sight. No matter what God does for you, just see how much more humbler you can be all the time. More God blesses you, just keep getting more humble all the time. He can continue to bless. But when you get to a place that you think, "I've got it," you haven't got it, you're on your road out. That's right. See? You lose your influence. You lose the--your strength of your testimony.

Influence - 63-0112 - William Branham


Think upon these things

26. In order to stay with God, stay gentle. God is gentle. In order to stay with God, stay with love. God is love. Stay meek; stay self... Don't never be self-sufficient. Always rely upon Him. Never use your own mind. Take His thoughts. Let His thoughts be your thoughts. And take them into your carnal mind and repeat them over, say, "O God, take all my doubt away and let my thoughts be Your thoughts."
And you sick people do that as we're speaking. Just take away, cast away the thought of sickness. Take God's healing thought. Let them become your thoughts. Think upon these things, the Bible said, if there be any praise, if there be any virtue.

Spiritual Adoption - 56-0923 - William Branham


But is our heart saying it?

Oh, there it was. And when they walked into the fiery furnace, under trial, under a test, they held true to the end. But God was there just in a spare of a moment, and He delivered them. They knowed that they were prayed up; their sins were confessed. They knowed they'd met every requirement, and yet He seemed to be silent. He's only silent to test you, to see really what you are, what's on the inside of you, see if you really mean from your heart what you're saying with your lips. Let that go deep. We can say with our lips, but is our heart saying it?

Elijah And The Meal Offering - 60-0310 - William Branham

Gospel glows in humility

You know, the trouble of it is, you're trying to get Hollywood in the church. The thing you ought to be trying to do is get Hollywood out of the church. See? You're trying to make your building so pretty; you're trying to make your denomination so big, till it'll attract the attention of the people. We can't go over on their side. We got to have them on our side. Everything's shiny, remember, Hollywood glitters with worldliness, while the Gospel glows in humility. There's quite a difference between shining and glowing. The Gospel glows in humility, and meekness, and humbleness, and power. While, Hollywood shines, and everybody hurrahing and hollering, and going to it. See? We don't need that.

A Testimony On The Sea - 64-0307 - William Branham


We should watch what we do

I believe it was Paul that said, "We are written epistles of God, read of all men." When you're on the street, and when you're at your work, and wherever you are, somebody's watching you. And especially after you have said and made your confession that you are a Christian, they'll watch you much closer then, and that gives an influence to--to the people that's around about you. And we should watch what we do. Because if we produce the wrong influence, then we bring reproach, not so much upon ourselves, but upon what we claim to be, Christians, we bring it upon Christ. And no one, if we would think, you would never want to bring reproach upon Christ. But the wrong act, at the wrong time, will certainly cause a wrong reflection towards the person that's watching you. And everybody is watched, when you profess to be a Christian.

Influence - 63-0803E - William Branham


Be careful

And you people with these saw-blade tempers, that's always spouting off in the mouth at somebody, can't put up, and things like that. Be careful. You're guilty if you speak a word against your brother that's not right, not just. Go around and tear down... You don't have to stick a knife in a man's back to kill him; you can break his character and kill him, kill his influence. Speak against your pastor here, say something bad about him, you just might as well have shot him; told something that wasn't right about him, well, it'll kill his influence with the people and things like that, and you're guilty of it. What Jesus said.

Hebrews Chapter Seven #2 - 57-0922 - William Branham


It should put us into action

Why, when the Angel met Mary that morning on the road to the well and told her she was going to have a baby, knowing no man, it put her into action. She went quickly, telling everybody that she was going to have a baby, knowing no man. She didn't care what it meant or what the people said. She had actually met an Angel of God, and it put her into action. She was conscious that the Holy Spirit was upon her, creating in her a life. Oh, if we could only realize that, that the Holy Ghost is upon us, creating in us a faith, trying to present Hisself in so many different ways and gifts to create a faith for a raptured Church. It should put us into action.

Influence - 63-0803E - William Branham

God has to call you to be a christian

You can never make yourself something that you're not. If you're just impersonating Christianity, no matter if you're preaching the Gospel, you need an altar call in your soul. That's right. If you're just trying to act like that person that's a Christian, you're miserable yourself, knowing in your heart that you're not. And if the fruits of the Spirit don't follow you: long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience, then you need an altar call in your heart. You just feared hell and started off trying to be a Christian. God has to call you to be a Christian. God called Abraham. Give him... elected him.

The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With His People - 54-0306 - William Branham


God bless you, and make you a blessing to others

22. Maybe some of those poor Israelites... They left garlic and onions to eat Angel's food, and was complaining about it. They had left the muddy waters of Egypt to drink from the fountain of life, and were complaining about it. They had led--left the boasting physicians of Egypt to be with the great Physician, and was complaining about it. They left a bunch of people that believes the days of miracles were past to be with a bunch of people, believed that all things were possible, and still complaining about it.
Isn't that just like the church today? Come out of Egypt, come out of the world, out here in this glorious Church of the living God, the firstborn, and 'cause we have little trials, God asked us to believe and to hold on. We still complain about it.
Now notice, another thing they had done. They left the people back there that had no signs, to live under the Pillar of Fire and a Cloud, and was complaining about it. No wonder their water supply was cut off. That's what's the matter with the church today. There's too much grumbling about things, complaining. Be satisfied and keep moving on, pressing on.

23. And when the water supply got cut off, God asked them to go to speak to the rock, that it would bring forth its waters. Now tonight, the only thing you have to do, is speak to the Rock and it will bring forth His water. And if you're on speaking terms with Him tonight... How many's on speaking terms with the Rock tonight, let's see your hands. Fine.
Now, I want you to speak to Him about your condition, about your body, and He will bring forth the healing waters of Life, flowing through you freely that you could be healed tonight. Do you believe that? God bless you, and make you a blessing to others.

Take The Rod And Gather The People - 50-0827E - William Branham


That's the first thing

159. I hope I can show you something tonight. And we got a pool of water here ready.
He saw something he'd never saw before. And he said, "I better investigate It." So he turned aside, and the Word of the Lord came to him. Glory. Hallelujah. The Word of the Lord came to him. Now, before he could go, he had to act upon the Word of the Lord.
And remember, the Word of the Lord always performs miracles. He said, "Where will I know that You're with me and sent me?"
Said, "What's in your hand?"
He said, "A dry stick."
"Throw it on the ground," the first command God give Moses. "If you want to know that I'm God; you got a stick in your hand, throw it on the ground."
Gideon said, "Where is the miracles of God?"
He said, "Lay that bread on the altar; I'll show you Who God is." And He touched it with His staff; and the smoke went up, and he--it was consumed.

164. Moses said, "Who will I say that sent me? How do I know that You're God?"
He said, "What you got in your hand? I'm the Creator of life. I'm the miracle-working God." And before Moses could ever see the power of God that performed all the things, first he had to obey God. He throwed the stick on the ground; it become a snake. Whew. Oh, my. What? Is... Obedience comes first, before you see His miracles.

166. These so-called churches around the countries today, say, "Well, where is all the miracles? We'll give a thousand dollars for anybody that'll permit--will produce a miracle." You, poor, deliberated, backslidden, twice dead, plucked up by the roots, how are you ever going to see a miracle until you become one? Glory. A miracle of God's grace to take an unbelieving doubter and fill him with the Holy Ghost... Jesus said, "Except a man be borned again, he can't even see the Kingdom of God." If you want to see a miracle, become one. Let God work on you first. He's got some overhauling to do, some different lenses to put over your eyes, because you're blind, dead in sin and trespasses, spiritually blind, double dead. That's right. God has to give you Life, touch your eyes so you can see, perform a miracle, and make you a miracle, and then you can see the miracle-working God. That's the first thing.

If God Be With Us Then Where Is All The Miracles - 61-1231E - William Branham


He knowed it was coming to pass

Now, it had been a long time since Elijah had make this prophecy. He'd been in glory long. But he would--he'd made this prophecy, and he knowed it was coming to pass. And then Micaiah knew that Elijah was a man of God, and here was God up in heaven holding a council up there how to bring the word of Elijah to pass. And if you've got the Word of the Lord, and will speak the Word of the Lord, and don't doubt the Word of the Lord, God will hold a council meeting to make your Word come to pass; because it's not your Word; it's His Word. It's His Word, if it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, if it's truly THUS SAITH THE LORD.

Micaiah The Prophet - 61-0426 - William Branham


It'll be Word of God on top of Word

And like a baby formed in its mother's womb, when the baby comes into the--to the mother's womb, by the little germ, it crawls into the egg. It doesn't form one cell a human, the next a dog, and the next a cat, and the next a horse. It's all human cells because it's building off of an original human cell. And when a man has been borned again by the Word of God, predestinated to Eternal Life, called the Elected, it'll be Word of God on top of Word, Word on Word. Not a denominational creed and then a Word, and a creed; and it won't work. You can't have that leaven in It. Only one Eternal Life, Jesus Christ the Word.

Leadership - 65-1207 - William Branham


Don't look at your symptoms, look at the promise

Jonah in the belly of the whale, hands tied behind him, backslid, on a stormy sea, in the whale's belly in the vomit, talk about symptoms, he had them. If he looked this way, it was whale's belly. He looked that way, it was whale's belly. Everywhere he looked it was whale's belly. Now, you're not in that bad a shape. But what did Jonah say? He said, "They are lying vanities. I won't believe one of them." He said, "Lord, once more, will I look to Your holy temple." He didn't see the whale's belly; he was looking for the temple. Don't look at your symptoms, look at the promise. How bad you're sick, look Who great a Person give the promise. God said so.

Jehovah-Jireh - 57-0612 - William Branham

But the devil has to find a weakness

The devil cannot create nothing. The devil only perverts. He can't create; he perverts. And first he has to have a way. Ask the doctor. If your body was perfect and like God made it in the beginning, it would be impossible to get sick. But the devil has to find a weakness somewhere to pervert. That's the same thing with your soul. Reason you don't believe in Divine healing, the devil found a weak spot in you, and he perverted it. God is the Healer. And we're off-springs of God, sons and daughters of God believing it like our Father believed.

Life Is The Healer - 57-0611 - William Branham


Stay away from it

Stay away from it. Don't see how --how close you can get to it without sinning; see how far you can stay away from it. That's the thing to do. Don't never see how close you can go to sin; see how far you can stay away.

Like Scotchman was that was going to go over the mountain. They had three drivers there. One of them said; he said, "Well, that great cliff," he said, "is that the road up there?"
He said, "That's the road."
Said, "Well, how wide is that road?"
He said, "That road is just ten inches wider that the wheels of the carriage in places."
Said, "You better choose a good driver."
He said, "I must ascend the mountain, go over it."
One man said, "I can drive my horses at a gallop, and with a--take my whip and drive my horses at a gallop, and stay within two inches of that rim all the way around without falling."
The other driver walked up and said, "I can stay within three inches of that rim and go around it at a full gallop."
The other fellow was just standing there, picking on his thumbs. Said, "What about you, sir?"
Said, "Sir, I might be able to do that, but I don't want to take that kind of chance. I stay just as far against the side as you want to."
He said, "I'm your passenger." That's right. And that's the way it is. Don't see what you can do to get by with it before God; see how far you can stay away from sin, and all shapes, and orders, and unbelief. And abstain from everything that's ungodly. Get away from it. Stay away from it.
And I think if a man's ever been over in Canaan's land and tasted the good things of God, you don't have to worry much about he or she about it. They'll stay away from it, as long as they've ever tasted them good grapes of Canaan.

Micaiah The Prophet - 61-0426 - William Branham

He demands a complete separation from any doubt

Now, Abraham was just an ordinary man--wasn't something special. God never called him, as far as we have any record, until he was seventy-five years old. His wife, which was his half-sister, being sixty-five years old at the time, they'd probably lived together since they were very young, and she was barren, had no children. God called a complete separation: to separate himself from the rest of the world, and from all of his people, and from all of his kindred. There was a special thing for him to do. And when God expects you to do a special thing, He demands a complete separation from any doubt. You've got to come to full obedience to obey what He says. God demands it. You can't do it no other way. And that... He always sets an example, and that was his example of a complete separation: from all of his family, all of his kindred, and so forth, to walk a life separated to God.

The Patriarch Abraham - 64-0207 - William Branham


But down in their hearts they admire

People know it when you're anointed with the Holy Spirit. They might in their heart, or in their--in reasoning, say, "Oh, there, that guy is crazy. Oh, I--I..." But down in their heart they admire you (That's right.), down in their heart. They might fuss with you, 'cause they're trying to agree with their reasonings; but down in their hearts they admire, unless their soul's so seared till they have nothing but reasonings. For if you're a real Christian, living a true life, and living the Word and God's with you, everybody will admire it, if his soul's still in touch with God. Amen. That's the reason I think fussing about denominations is uncalled for. Sure it is.

Inspiration - 56-0128 - William Branham


By the revelation of the Word

By revelation of the Word, God's Word before It was even written, "Abel by faith offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than that of Cain, which testified that he was righteous," the Word reflecting Itself through him by his offering. Oh, Cain went and got fruits of the field; he thought that Eve eat an apple. Most the theological seminaries has changed that now to an apricot. It was an adultery. And anybody knows that, that knows the Bible. Sure it was. Notice, the serpent's seed was produced by the first Eve's getting away from the Word. The second Eve done the same thing at Nicaea, Rome. And what has she got? A bunch of denominational children. That's right. Oh, morally good, sure, fine. But what about it? Dead, through their creeds.

The Harvest Time - 64-1212 - William Branham

They was ready to push into the promised land

Now, if we can find our position and know that it's God's Word that has promised it... That's the reason Joshua and Caleb had no fear that they could not take the--the promised land. Because all the rest of the nine came back, or the ten, and said, "We can't do it. Why, those cities walled high, and we look like grasshoppers up side the people. They're so big and they're armed," and said, "We just can't do it." See, they were looking at the sense of reasoning. You can't look at the sense of reasoning; you've got to look at the promise of God. Now, God had already sent His Angel, and the Angel was in the camp moving on. And the revelation of God had brought the Word of God manifested. And now they was ready to push into the promised land.

The Believer's Position In Christ - 55-0116A - William Branham


I'd rather be wrong in my doctrine and right in my heart

I don't care if the man's wrong. If he's wrong and sincere in his heart and you're right in your belief and--and you're wrong in the--acting the way you're acting. I'd rather be in his place than be in yours. That's right. I'd rather be wrong in my doctrine and right in my heart. God will respect it more. So if a man is wrong, what of it? Help him. He needs help. Love him. If you can't love your enemy the same as you love those who love you, you're no better off than the publicans. That's right. That's what the Church has failed to get. I hope you get it tonight. I hope you see what I'm talking about. It's back to love, redeeming love. All the other things are fine, but we got to come back to fellowship with one another. And people said I fight organizations. I do not. I fight that system in there that's breaking up brotherhood. I've always done it. And I always will do it.

Getting In The Spirit - 61-0428 - william Branham


You live the way they did

Sometimes we can't wait from one night to the other. Sometimes we can't wait from one revival to the other. We have to go out and entangle with the things of the world. How we ought to be ashamed of ourself. Before we come here to confess and get into that Blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin, we should focus ourself down to see that one true living God standing there Who made the promise that heavens and earth will pass away, but His Word cannot fail. Stay right there upon that. Then you're not tossed about with winds of doctrine, carried about from place to place, from pillar to post. But you know where you stand because you've been zeroed in with God. You see your own life hitting that target just like those apostles did. You live the way they did. You were baptized the way they were. You see the same results that they seen. You see it operating in you. You're zeroed. I don't care what the company says and what the denominations say. You're zeroed, because you know that you're hitting the target. Amen.

Look - 63-0428 - William Branham


But your soul will be with you through eternity

Cast down reasonings. Cast them down. God don't want you to have reason. Reason always tries to find a way out. Faith don't reason. Faith just believes. Your mind, what makes you reason. It's a liar. The lie detector proves that. God's Bible, first, proves it. But your soul is immortal, brother, sister. Your reasoning power will leave you when death strikes you, but your soul will be with you through eternity. Won't you believe God's Word today and accept Him?

The Uncertain Sound - 55-0731 - William Branham

The only way in the world, we'll ever be able to make it at the day of the judgement

Now, here's what God did for us in Christ. God manifested in flesh, took His own Son up to Calvary, and there He killed His own Son on Calvary's cross to make a covenant with the human race. And when He did, He nailed Him to the cross, the dead sacrifice, it was, and pulled out of Him the Holy Spirit. "Into Thy hands I commend My Spirit," Blood running from His side, and hands and feet. And God pulled out the Spirit from Him, and shoved the body down in the grave, raised it up on the third day, and set it on His right hand, and sent the rest of the agreement back to the Church, which was the same Holy Ghost that was upon Christ come upon the Church. And the only way in the world we'll ever be able to make it at the day of the judgment is for that same Holy Spirit, that was upon Jesus Christ to have to dovetail, as His Wife through the Body. Amen.

The Calling Of Abraham - 55-1116 - William Branham


Then the still small voice come

32. Listen, brother, you might have a lot of noise, but I wonder how much spirit's behind it, is what I'm a wondering. It isn't noise that makes spirit. I've seen people that could jump, and run, and shout, and--and play bands, and run up-and-down the platform, and didn't have enough real true faith to stop a toothache. That's right.
It's that still small voice of God that operates the power of God, that makes things real and brings Life to the church. That's what I'm speaking of. It ain't noise that counts; it's the vindication, the Spirit of God that makes the difference. It's been here each night performing signs, and wonders, and miracles among the people. It's true.
I don't see how Pentecostal people, who claim to have kissed the cup of the golden blessings of Jesus Christ, can set still hardly when the Holy Ghost is a moving in such things. But it's because it ain't got a noise behind it. The noise went first, then the still small voice come. We've had those times; it was all God's way.

What Hearest Thou Elijah - 59-0412E - William Branham


One little thign like that will do it

Now. But if there's a question... Men come, said, "Do you think it's wrong to smoke?" "What are you asking about it for?" If it's a question in your mind, leave it alone. For anything you don't do by faith is sin. That's right. Got to be by faith. So how can you smoke and have faith? See, it's right in your own conscience shows you that you're wrong. So if it's uncertain, you better leave it alone, 'cause that might be the one thing that keeps you out of the Kingdom of God. "Oh," you say, "Brother Branham, one little thing like that?" One little thing like that will do it, just disobeying one commandment of God.

The Uncertain Sound - 62-0714 - William Branham

That's when you know it's going to happen

160 That night he went home, said, "Oh, Jochebed, think of it, we're going to have a baby. Oh, and he's going to be the deliverer. God's going to send him. Oh, it's going to be wonderful.
"Oh, but I'm so..."
"Oh, quit worrying. Quit worrying. My, God's on the--God's on the hearing end now. God's got ears; God can hear. God has got hands; He can deliver." Said... Oh, he had a lot of faith.
You know when you pray through, you get an answer, you really get a lot of faith then. Oh. Did you ever pray for anything that you knowed God was going to do it for you? You little girls do that, and you little boys? Yeah, Sure. That's when you--that's when you know it's going to happen. All right.

Teaching On Moses - 56-0513 - William Branham


You have to believe the supernatural, because you're supernatural yourself

There's got to be a time where you got to quit babying people. You can't sissify them. That's what the trouble today. Preachers is handling the Gospel with--with ecclesiastical gloves on. That's what the trouble of it today. What we need today's a raw, flat Gospel to tell you you're a sinner, going to hell. If you haven't got the Holy Ghost you're out of the Kingdom of God. That's right. You can't believe the supernatural, because you have never been borned again. And when you're borned again you have to believe the supernatural, because you're supernatural yourself.

The Resurrection - 53-1205 - William Branham


And together we love God

And many times I've heard people quoting the 23rd Psalm and saying, "They... Yea, though I walk through the dark shadows of the valley of death." If you'll notice, it isn't the dark shadow; it's the shadow. Dark isn't in it. "The shadow of the valley of death." Now, it could not be dark and yet have a shadow. For there has to be a certain percent of light before it can be a shadow. If it was perfectly dark, there would be no shadow. So "Yea, though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death."
Now, there has to be enough light to make a shadow. If it was dark in here my shadow would not be on this pulpit. But being that there's light, then it makes a shadow. See? So death is dark in a certain way, but it's only a shadow. See? "The valley of the shadow of death..." So there has to be a certain amount of light in death to make it a shadow. Aren't you happy that that's so, that there is light in the valley?

Someday we're all coming down that way, friends. Every one of us are on our road there tonight. And each time our heart beats, is one time less than it'll ever beat again. It's just got so many beats it's going to make in this journey. Some... It'll make its last beat one of these days. Then we've got to go down through the shadow of death. So we're happy that we have been promised that the Morning Star would meet us there to light up the valley and give us the--a light to cross the river.
I've got to come that way sometime. That's why I want to put all my life for the Lord Jesus, everything that I can do for Him. And I can only serve Him as I serve His people. You can only love Him as you love each other. I can only love Him as I love you and you love me. And together we love God. And we become His children, in that I serve you, you serve me. And that's we're serving God. Jesus said, "Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these little ones, you have did it unto Me." So if we want a blessing, let's be a blessing to someone else, and a blessing will return. Like casting your bread upon the water, it'll return. And that's true. In all walks of life you'll find that. You usually reap just as you sow. So let's do good. Talk good and be kind. And people talk about us, we'll say good things and kind things. And good things will come our way, if we'll give them out.

Law - 55-0115 - William Branham


That's the way you want to believe it

Now, I don't want to scare you, and I--and I--I--I don't think it's that way; but I just want to tell you what He said, and you know it yourself. "As it was in the days of Noah wherein eight souls were saved by water..." Eight souls out of the world be saved by water.
Well, you say, "Oh, my, there is no need of me trying." That shows you haven't got the kind of faith you need. "If there's just going to go, be one, that'll be me (Amen.), 'cause I believe." See? That's the way you want to believe it. "Be me." Sure. I want to live so close to Him that I know He's going to take me when He comes; I believe it. So if there--if everybody else misses it, I'm going to be there by His grace, 'cause He promised me that, and I know that I--I'll be there, 'cause He can't lie, and I know my soul and life bears record, and I try to live daily just like He was coming, so I--I'm--I'm going to be that one. That's the way you want to feel. If there's going to be eight, I'll be one of that eight; going to be five hundred, I'm going to be one of that five hundred. Don't know about the other fellow, but I want to be one of that five hundred. You see? See?
That is the way you want to remember it. See? And if you don't remember it like that, there's something wrong with your faith. See, you're not sure you are saved yet then. You're just guessing at it. Don't do that.

The Third Seal - 63-0320 - William Branham


Then it'll vulcanize with Him

Temperance doesn't mean: stop drinking alcohol here either. No, no. Temperance doesn't mean alcoholic cure, not in this case. This is Bible temperance, Holy Spirit temperance. That's just one of the lust of the flesh. But we're talking about Holy Spirit temperance. That means how to control your tongue, not be a tattler; how to control your temper, not fly off every time anybody speaks cross to you. Oh, my. Boy, a lot of us are going to fall off 'fore we get started, aren't we? See? Then we wonder why God's not in His church doing miracles and things that He used to do.

Yes, sir. See, add these things. Add temperance to it. Oh... Temperance how to answer in kindness when wrath is spoke to you. Somebody say, "You bunch of holy-rollers down there." Don't jump out and roll up your sleeves now. See? Not that, but talk with godly love. Temperance, kindness, is that the way you want to be?
When you're riled upon, rile not back. Let Him be your Example. When they said, "If Thou be the Son of God, turn these stones into bread," He could've done it and show He was God; but He had temperance. When they called Him Beelzebub, He said, "I forgive you for it." Is that right? They pulled handfuls of beard out of His face, and spit in His face, and said, "Come down off the cross."
He said, "Father forgive them; they don't even know what they're doing."

When He had the gift... He knowed all things, for in Him was the Fullness of the Godhead bodily. They had seen Him perform miracles by telling people what was wrong with them, and so forth like that. They put a rag around His head like that, around His eyes, and hit Him on the head with a stick, and said, "Prophesy; tell us who hit you; we'll believe you." See? He had temperance.
Now, if you've got it like that; add it to your faith. If you still blow up and sass, and fuss, and stew, and carry on. Huh, uh. You ain't got no... You can't add that, 'cause it won't add.
See, it won't vulcanize. You couldn't take a piece of rubber, you know, and vulcanize it to a piece of iron. It just won't work. No, it's got to be flexible just like the rubber is. See? And when your faith and your temperance becomes the same kind of Holy Ghost temperance that He had, then it'll vulcanize with Him. You're added to it.

The Stature Of A Perfect Man - 62-1014M - William Branham


That's what God wants tonight

46. My friend, that's what God wants tonight. That--that's what Christians ought to be tonight, to display the love of Jesus Christ regardless of what the circumstances is. Think of it. As a Christian you might belong to the finest church there is in this country, but has God ever come to your heart to give you love that would stand in the face of people who would call you holy-roller. You'd take your stand with the church of the living God. If they said you'd lost your mind because you accept Him as your Healer, you'd still stand and give the praises to God that love in you. If not sure, friend and backslider, God's here to give it to you. Think of it while we bow our heads.
Just before we pray, I want to ask a question. I want you to think sincerely. "Oh," you say, "Brother Branham, I--I--I've been a Christian for a long time." Maybe you've joined church a long time ago. Maybe you--you might've have danced in the Spirit some time ago. You might've spoke in tongues some time ago. You might've been baptized by a certain creed in the church. You might burn a candle every night and say a rosary. But I want to ask you something: Really, do you love Him, that you could display your love, that has stood between... Your death to do so.

47. I want all that's in here that really knows... Be sincere, 'cause you're in the Presence of God. All that's in here that knows you haven't got that love in your heart, but you want God to give it to you, would you just raise your hand to Him. That's right. God bless you. Sure. Hundred and fifty, two hundred, I guess, say three hundred hands up. "God give me that love. Give to me the love of Christ like that mother deer had." It just was her love for her baby... You say, "Brother Branham, isn't the love of God greater than that?" Far greater.
"A mother may forget her suckling baby, but never can I forget you. Your names are engraved on the palms of My hands." Sure, by a Roman spike. "God so loved the world that He gave His Son." Would there be some more who's made up your mind since then? God bless you here, sonny. God bless you, lady. God bless you, sir. That's right.

48. Someone else that hasn't raised your hands: "God, be merciful to me." Say, "Does it do me any good if I raise my hand, Brother Branham?" Sure, if you needed a change from death to Life. God bless you, sir. Be sincere now. God bless you, little boy.
Some more up in the balcony area. God be with you. God give... God bless you there, brother. "Give me Thy God." Oh, bless us. I'm a church mem... God bless you, and you sister, and you sister.
I'm a church member, Brother Branham (God bless you), but I haven't yet got that love. There's no need for me to be thinking it, 'cause I haven't got it, but I want something real. God bless you, brother here against the wall.
Out in the vestibule. Would you raise your hand anywhere out there. Sinner friend, or backslider, or just a cold lukewarm church member. Say, "Be merciful." God bless you, sir. That takes a real man to do it. God bless you for it.

49. Say, "Does God see?" Sure, He sees you. God bless you, young man. Fifteen year old. "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, and we today..." God bless you here, young man.
We just tried to join church, and we maybe shout a little, or dance a little, or speak in tongues. That's all right. I have nothing against that. But, brother, if you haven't got the love of God to go with that, it's no good.
Paul said, "Where there's prophecies, it'll fail; where there's tongues, it'll cease; where there's knowledge, it'll vanish. But that which is perfect is love, when it comes it'll endure forever."


We should worship Him every hour of our life

30. Now, the preaching of the Word, we enjoy it, but that's not the main thing. That's not. We should not worship the Lord just after we get through preaching the Word, as we usually do, just worship Him. That's wonderful. But we should worship Him every hour of our life. When we're at work, we should worship Him. Every time the opportunity presents itself, worship the Lord by testifying of Him.
If you see, some of you ladies, see a woman in the wrong, worship the Lord by taking her and saying, "Sister, there's a better life than this."
31. You men at your work, when you hear a man using the Name of the Lord in vain, get a chance to one side and slip over, and take him by the hand, and say, "You, there's a better life than this. You shouldn't use those words." And tell him in a meek, gentle way. All those things is a worship.
And when we see someone sick, and the doctor says there's no more can be done, we ought to worship the Lord by telling them, "There's a God of Heaven that answers prayer."

Hebrews Chapter Two #1 - 57-0825M - William Branham


That's the foundation

Now, listen close. Here's how you get into this fellowship. "How do you get it, Brother Branham? How do you ever get into this fellowship?" Through the shedding of the Blood, not from some experience. No, sir. Not from some mental emotion. No, sir. Not from some bodily exercise. No, sir. Them things are all right, as good as they may be, but yet that's not the foundation truth. Leave that set over here to one side, till you get back here right, back here, till you get to the altar, and all old things pass away. A peace that passes all understanding comes in, till you can hate no more, you can envy no more, until something that makes you love the worst enemy you ever had, not imagination, something that'll keep you from talking about the neighbor that persecutes you, something that'll make those... love those who despitefully use you. It'll make you pray for those who are indifferent and ugly towards you. That's the foundation.

Fellowship By Redemption - 55-0403 - William Branham

But are you ready to be shaved off?

43. I was preaching the other night on the--the Lamb and the Dove. And when the Dove came down and settled on the Lamb, what if the Lamb would've snorted like a wolf? What would've happened? The Dove would have take her flight.
And that's what's the matter with you people up here in Canada. Not only that, but around everywhere. You were lambs, but you got to arguing and fussing and drawing denominational barriers, and the dove just took her flight and went away. That's right. You don't have the love like you ought to have. They don't have it in America. I don't know where it's at.
But long ago, you remember when your heart used to be so tender and pure before God? Oh, you didn't mind the troubles, "My, it's all right. Just let it go on." But when... The first thing you know, when you got that temper up, said, "I'll get back at him," the Dove took her flight. The Holy Spirit cannot stand nothing but gentleness. God's gentle, and peace, and loving.
No matter how--how much you know, how much theology you know, and how you can stick your chest out, and how well you can preach, that doesn't mean nothing. If that gentle, quiet , loving Spirit of God doesn't rest on you, it's all gone. You're nothing.
No matter how many gifts you can show, no matter, though... Paul said, "Though I can speak in tongues like men and angels, I could have enough faith to move mountains, and not have that gentle, meek love, I am nothing." That's where your trouble lays. See? That's it.

44. Now, Abraham, meek, gentle... "Tell you what, Lot, brother, if you want to take the best part, go ahead and take it. That's all right. I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few."
You remember when we used to sing that?
Though I started in with Jesus, and now I'm going through.

Did you ever sing that here in Canada? Sure. What went wrong? Let's go on through. Just keep humble; just keep walking; keep in love with everybody. No matter what they say about You, go ahead, be a lamb.
You know, a lamb is a odd animal. A lamb has... It's got its own wool; that's its God-given rights. But it's willing to lay upon a block and not kick. If you never sheared any sheep, I have... And it'll let everything be shaved off of it, give its rights, and forfeit it, because it's meek, it's gentle.

45. Are you ready to lay down and give all your rights as a Canadian? You say, "Well now, look, Mr. Branham, I--I've got a right to get back. I... He done something to me. I--I've just got a right to go bawl him out." But are you ready to be shaved off and forfeit them rights? "Oh, I tell you what I ought to do to that old denominational church of mine." That may be so, but are you ready to be shaved off? God wants lambs that's willing to be shaved off and become creatures of God.
Notice, Abraham up there with Sarah, his wife. No doubt but many times the meal barrel got way down to the bottom. But they still served the Lord. They were in the perfect will of God, though they had to suffer just a little bit to make ends meet.

46. Nearly every one that really truly serves God meets them kind of times. Sure we do. And when... Sometimes you wonder how you're going to get the kiddies some shoes for school, how you're going to make this bill and that bill. Don't worry. There's only one thing to do, is rest on His promise. I've never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread; so it doesn't matter.
Oh, how we could stop here and sow testimonies of the great power of God.
One day, while, Abraham, sitting in that condition... He raised up his eyes and looked one hot day, and he seen three Men coming, walking, had dust all over their clothes. And Abraham was spiritual. He recognized immediately Who that was. And he run out and fell down by the side of the Man's feet and said, "My Lord, stop by a little while and set under the tree. And let me bring a morsel of meal. And refresh Yourself, and then you may go on. For this purpose have You come to Your servant."
What? They looked like Men. But you know Who it was? It was two Angels and Almighty God. That's what the Bible says.

47. Someone called my hand on that one time and said, "Brother Preacher, do you mean to tell me you believe that was God?"
I said, "Almighty God set down there as a human being, and Abraham went and killed a calf; and God eat the meat of the calf, drunk the milk from the cow, and eat butter and corn bread. The Bible said God Almighty did that, and Angels with Him."
You try to limit God. You try to limit God to your theology; you try to limit God to your--my way of thinking. Why, He will never do it. Well, my God is so great, how did He do it? Why, it was easy. When you see this picture here, you'll never doubt the resurrection. Why, God could just reach out... What are you made out of anyhow?

The Working Of The Holy Spirit - 56-0816 - William Branham


Whatever you got, put it to the use in God's service

And Brother Mercier and Brother Goad was up, a while ago, and said, "Brother Branham, I notice what you do. You put your whole heart into it."

I said, " That's the only way you can do a right kind of a job for the Lord, is put everything you got right to the forefront for Christ; all your strength, all your soul, all your heart, all your mind, everything that you got." When you're doing anything, do it right or don't do it at all, see, just leave it alone. You're going to be a Christian, put everything that you've got to Christ, that's, your time, your talent, your every thing.

I just noticing this young fellow. That's your wife, Brother Burns, is it, that playing and singing there, that young couple. And--and it isn't a piano, neither is it an organ, but it's some kind of instrument, they make a strum it and pick it, and do something for the Lord. If you could do that, and sing, that's, win souls. Do something, no matter. If you--you can whistle, well, whistle. Just do something. Just testify or do something for the Kingdom of God. Whatever you got, put it to the use in God's service.

Hebrews Chapter #1 – 57-0821 – William Branham


It brings an atmosphere

35. That's the way God did it for the woman with the blood issue. Her darkest hour, and then along came Jesus. It was the Hebrew children's darkest hour, then God rode in on the winds of time, and fanned the fire away from the Hebrew children. It was in Abraham's darkest hour, when he drew back the knife and laid his own little boy back, and pulled his head back, and his heart in his mouth, as it was. His own son, and he pulled the knife to cut his throat, because God had said so. It was the darkest moment when God, Jehovah, appeared on the scene, said, "Abraham, stay your hand. I have provided already."
"You done what?"
"I've provided already a sacrifice."
Abraham said, "I'll call this place Jehovah-jireh, for the Lord has provided." And about that time, a ram begin to bleat in the wilderness, hooked up with his horns all wound up in some vines. Where did that ram come from? He's a hundred miles from civilization. The animals, the lions, and the wolves, and things, and the hyenas, a roving the prairies there would've killed it. And besides that, he's plumb up on top of a mountain where there's no water, no springs, nothing for it to eat. And the spare of a moment, here was this ram hooked in the wilderness by his horns.

36. What was it? Jehovah God spoke that ram into existence. Sure He did. It wasn't a vision. He killed the ram; blood came out of it. It was a real ram. Sure it was. And the blood poured out of it. And the--the ram come into existence one minute and went out in the next minute. It was God's provided way to give a blessing to His child that had trusted Him to the end of the road.
God is able at this minute to speak every cancer out of this building, open up every blinded eye, to set everybody in the freedom and liberty. God has provided a way. He's made a way. He sent His Son Christ Jesus. And the Holy Ghost is brooding over us today. The Holy Ghost is all over us. It's blessing us. It brings an atmosphere.
Why is it you can take a hen egg and put it in a brooder house? The mother hen don't have to be over the egg to hatch it. Just so it has got some warmth over it, it'll hatch.

God Hath A Provided Way - 56-0108 - William Branham


We should be tackles

When you're playing a ball game (as it's football season), the thing we want to do, is not everybody try to take the ball away from the man that's got it; it's trying to guard that man. Protect him; let him get through. We're trying to make a goal. See? But could you imagine a team so untrained as to find one man--their own man with the ball running to the field goal, and then instead of trying to knock the enemy away from him, the opposing team, to let your own man that's got the ball take off with it, every man trying to take the ball out of his hand? Why, you're bound to lose. And today, we have the same thing. When we see God come on the scene, and going to bless a certain thing, let's keep all the enemies away from it. Let's use our influences as--as tackles, not runners, tackles that protects the runner, lets him pack the ball through, because there's no opposition; all you have to do is just keep running. And we should be tackles.

The Influence Of Another - 62-1013 - William Branham


Give us that undying love

226. O God, what love that Paul had, he said he would become accursed, that his people might be saved. O Father, God, give us love for one another like that. Give us that undying love, that decency, that respect for one another, to be Christian enough to look over each other's mistakes, to look over... Because a man has been blessed of God; and he might make a mistake. O Father, let us not look at that mistake, knowing that that's a precious brother that maybe Satan did trap him into something. But if he did, we pray, Lord, that You'll help he or she out of that place, that we'll have love in our hearts to go after the lost sheep and bring them back to the fold. Grant it, Lord. Forgive us of our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us. Grant it, Lord. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Respects - 61-1015E - William Branham


That's the place where God reveals His secret things

Have you ever come to the place in life where Christ meant more to you than all the arguing you could do about your church? Has Christ meant more to you than all the world? I don't mean from an emotion or a mental work-up; I mean from the depths of your heart, that something's settled in there, that something's taken place, that you don't know how it come, but you're hid away, and your whole motive is to serve Jesus Christ. Have you entered that place, my dear brother? Have you come into that place where you don't care what anyone says, not to go out and act smart, but till the love of God is so anchored into you, that you can't see nothing else, you're whole motive is to do the will of God, love for everybody, flowing free from everywhere? What a place to live. That's the hidden place. That's the place where we got to come to, my brethren. That's the place where God reveals His secret things. That's the place where God does the placing and the calling.

A Hidden Life - 55-1006A - William Branham


God gives complete deliverance

53. And the member of the church, he's called to be a member of this certain group, then he would not compromise. If the church believes that we should not gamble, then that member should never touch a deck of cards. We don't believe in drinking; he should turn his head completely from drinking. If we do not believe in gambling or smoking, the member of this church should never touch such a thing. God gives complete deliverance. When we... He will do it if we'll completely surrender ourselves to Him. If we will completely deliver ourselves into His hand, then God can live in us, Christ the Hope of glory. He can reflect Himself from us as we get ourselves out of the way; then our thoughts are His thoughts. Could you imagine Christ smoking a cigar? Could you imagine Christ drinking or playing cards? Then if your spirit is part of His Spirit, He wants it to be upon your confession. But you permit the devil to come in and take over, and all the time in your heart way down deep you know you're wrong when you do those things.
And when one member would talk against the other member; you know that's wrong. You're commanded to pray for one another, not to talk against one another, but to love one another. And if someone is down, let's pick him up, help him. Now, that makes us a--a--a unified group of believers. Now, when we don't obey that, then we don't obey God and we displease God. And therefore, our church, our people cannot prosper, the church cannot go on, is because we're disunified together. As Jesus said, "A little leaven leavens the lump."...

A Total Deliverance - 59-0712 - William Branham


We must stick together

57. That should be the motive of every Christian and every person in the church is for to unify ourselves and stick together. Whatever the church votes for, that's what we should stand for. Then say, for instance, they want to change something in the church. Well then, if the trustees wants to, or somebody else wants to, the deacons, they want to change something, that comes before the church, the church then together... And if our--if our idea here seems to be a little different than what the whole church does, let's sacrifice that idea, because that's the only way we can stand united. And if this church will just go on the way you're going now, and be united together, God will... It's unlimited what He'll do if we'll stick together. We must stick together. That's how we want to be, so complete with one another, and then so complete in the hands of God.

58. And then we've got to have a man that we believe that preaches the Word of God. If the man don't do it, then get somebody who does do it. That's the way we must stand. If the trustee board won't stand for what's right, then it's your business to elect somebody who will stand for what's right. And then when you do it, stay by it. It's up to you. Stand by it. And all together we're standing for one Thing; that's God.
If a member makes a mistake, don't turn him down; help him, raise him up, get together, have a hearing with one another. That's what the Scripture said. When we make a mistake, let's go before God. Before we can go before God, we got to go before the person we hurt.

A Total Deliverance - 59-0712 - William Branham


We could not save ourself

We're all born in sin. We could not save ourself. We could no more save ourself, than we could take our boot straps and lift ourself over the moon. We could not do it. We're totally helpless. And therefore, God would not condemn you on those basis because you are a sinner. He'd condemn you because you refuse to take the way of escape. So therefore, it isn't God; it's yourself. You condemn yourself. And when you condemn yourself, there's nobody to pity but yourself. That's all. We're... You--you must pity yourself, because you haven't accepted God's provided way of escape. Now, when God makes His ways, just wonder wh--how He feels when He makes a way for us, for our healing, for our salvation, for our comfort, for our peace, and all these things, and we just walk away and leave them. It must make Him feel terribly bad.

Why? - 61-0125 - William Branham


He is God's heart

48. Now, here's--here is the power of... Let me, while they're lining up the people, let ask this. How many here, believes that the most essential thing in the Kingdom of God is love? That's right. Now, I'm going to give you a little secret. If you love people, people will know it. Did you know that man is a creator in himself? How many believes that? He's a son of God in his fallen condition.
Today, while we were out looking at the skyline of Chicago, you can see that man's more than an animal. You've never seen an animal building a--cities like this, and making beautiful boat harbors, and so forth. He's a creator.
Was you ever around someone, that you just love to be around? Did you... You've had those people. What is it? It's because of their atmosphere, that they create around them. You've been in nice people, but yet, you couldn't stand to be around them. It's their atmosphere. It's love. Love goes out deep; it does great things. And Jesus Christ is the Love of God.

49. I used to think that God was angry with me, but Christ loved me. And I come to find out, that Christ is the very heart of God. He is God's heart. Jesus Christ is God's heart. Now, love overcome. Love hides sin, or gets rid of sin. "God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son. Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have Everlasting Life."
Now, love hides sin, or love heals the sick. Now, you can act like you love people. You say, "Well, I--I, Miss Jones, I--I don't get along with her good, but I love her." Miss Jones knows better than that. Sure she does. You just don't do it. No matter how much you try to act like you do, you don't. And that's the way it is with--with Divine healing, with anything else. You can't impersonate it; you've got to have it.

A Personal Experience With God - 54-0724 - William Branham


Intellectual faith

Intellectual faith... That's the reason people doesn't get healed, is because they only have an intellectual view of it, what their mind conceives. But the mind will reason. The mind will say, "It cannot be. I am no better." My sense of sight says that, "My arm is no straighter than it was yesterday." My sense of feeling says, "I don't feel any different than I did yesterday." Reasoning, mental theology will reason out, say, "Well, now wait a minute, I believe that's foolishness." See, you're reasoning. That intellectual faith will do that. But when once that faith comes down into that compartment down here, it'll never question this up here, at all. It's absolutely a fact, and it'll agree with every Divine Word of God.

Fellowship By Redemption - 55-0403 - william Branham


Just believe it and walk on

And when I was mowing this grass, I run in, forgot about it, there was a hornet's nest back there. And I hit that fence with this mowing machine, and I was covered over with hornets, them great big fellows; they'll knock you down when they hit you. At first I was scared, truly. No shirt on... And something or another happened. I--I was sorry I hit those fellows, not because that I was afraid I was going to get stung, but really, it sounds juvenile, but if we could just be more juvenile. If we could be more childlike, it's the simplicity of God that turns college students around. Be simple in those things. Just like a baby, just rely and believe. Don't try to push yourself; just relax and believe it. That's all. Don't try to work yourself up, "O God, hallelujah, rebuke." That's no--no good. No, just believe it and walk on. That's all.

So when that happened, I thought, "Them poor little fellows up there in their nest now, and here I done hit the fence and knocked them out of their nest," that big old mowing machine I was pushing. And I said, "You're little creatures of God, I'm sorry that I hit this fence. I'm--I'm sorry I disturbed you. Now, I'm God's servant, and I'm praying for His sick children. I got to hurry and mow this yard. So now, you rush right back into your nest; I won't bother you no more, in the Name of the Lord Jesus."
I started my mower off again and stopped it. I'd pull the string and started off like that and them bees just a humming all around my naked shoulders, and they took a beeline and went right back into their nest, without stinging at all. Love. I can't produce it; I can't work it up; God's got to give it.

There's where it is tonight. God has to give it. Then love produces a fellowship. Now, when God said back there... The day that sin had separated that Divine love , God told Adam and Eve not to eat these certain fruits, and they did, and sin brought separation. And sin by separation brought hatred , malice, strife, envy. Is that right? What happened? They separated from Divine love .
And when you separate from Divine love , then you can't overlook your brother's mistakes no more. You got to bawl him out for it. That's right. You can't overlook sister's mistakes no more. Because you've got away from that Divine part, that love part. But if you really love the Lord Jesus, if sister or brother, does something to you, "Oh, well, that's all right, they didn't mean to do it." That's the kind of love that Christ had, "Father, forgive them; they don't know what they're doing."

The Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham


The faith of a blind beggar stopped Him

56. ..."Oh!" Bartimaeus said, "That's Him. That's the Son of David. Oh, Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me." There He goes, in a crowd of thousand, maybe seven or eight thousand people, screaming one thing and another, "Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me. Have mercy on me. I believe that You're the prophet that was to come. O Thou Son of David."

57. Now, he could not touch Him. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] I could preach on that right easy. Oh, what faith in God will do. Who has to be a bishop, district presbyter, Doctor LL.D. Jones?
No, sir. A beggar, ragged, blind, but had faith enough. Look at the burden on Him, with all that facing Him. No doubt but on His clothes was the stink of rotten fruits, and things they'd--vegetables, they'd throwed at Him. But He kept His head. He was facing Calvary. All the whole world was laying on His shoulders, but the faith of a blind beggar stopped Him and made Him stood still. Amen. The same mighty host of the Lord that stopped the sun for Joshua. Joshua stopped the s-u-n by faith; but blind Bartimaeus stopped the S-o-n by faith. And that same faith will bring Him from glory, where He controls the solar system, and the universe, will bring Him down into this tabernacle tonight, that same childlike faith.

Blind Bartimaeus - 61-0124 - William Branham


He is using it

75. All these believers, as we could go on for hours, all these were like a bunch of change out of your pocket, in God's hands. You pull out a bunch of change. There is pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half of dollars, dollar, all in coins. Now, that's what the world is, in God's hand. There is some people that just can have a penny's worth of it, and God can only use them in a penny way. That's all they can buy. Don't reject them. If they can't believe the real Truth, don't turn them down, don't kick them out and say they're not in It, because God uses pennies sometime.
76. Lot was just a penny, Abraham was a silver dollar, so it taken a hundred Lots to make an Abraham. And so will it take... A hundred carnal believers will never stand in the presence of a genuine Christian that's separated from the carnal things of the world, living in Christ Jesus, where the Word can flow through him.
77. He can only take a penny's worth; that's all he's got. So you see people that say, "I don't believe in healing. I don't believe in these things," just know it's a penny, but just let him alone. See? Just a penny's worth, and so that's all he can buy. Don't stop him; just let him alone. Remember, that's just all the farther he can go.
Joseph, he was separated from his brethren.

78. Yeah, I didn't mean that hardly in that way that I said it, see. I mean, if he just, "Well, I belong to this, and that's what we believe." It's just a penny, go ahead, see; just a penny.
Say, "Well, the Lord bless you, my brother."
79. See, he is copper; he can never be silver. That's it, so just let it go ahead. God can use him. Oh, He is using it. I'd rather see him down there in a church than to see a barroom standing there on the corner. Wouldn't you? Sure. So just let it alone. God can use it, anyhow; maybe not very much, but He'll use what He can use, as much as they'll let Him use.

God's Word Calls For A Total Separation From Unbelief - 64-0121 - William Branham

God's Word went right on

Many people say, "Well, it doesn't make any difference just what I believe, as long as I am sincere in what I believe." Well, if that be so, the Mohammedan is saved; the Buddhist is saved, and all the rest of them; the heathens is saved. For I say that they can outshine us any day, when it comes to prayer, fasting, sensations, or so forth; they can outshine us. And salvation does not pertain, or it is not based upon, any other thing but the Word of God; God's got to say so. Salvation cannot be based upon any church, or any creed, nothing but the Word of God, for it's God's Word. God's Word is so perfect, that not one iota of It will ever fail. All the heavens will fail; the earth will fail. John said in the--on the island of Patmos, "I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away." But God's Word went right on, just the same.

God Keeps His Word #2 - 57-0307 - William Branham


We'll know one another

God is a God of variety. He has big hills and little hills. He has plains, rivers, mountains, grassy spots. He has little trees, big trees, white flowers, blue flowers, red flowers. He has... He's a variety and to His people are a variety; and He makes it all to His pleasure. Look at the--look at the earth. You can see what God loves, and that's what it'll be in the resurrection. Oh, I'm so glad of that, aren't you? To think that someday we'll see Him as He is. Someone said not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, will we know--will I know my mother?" "You'll not only know your mother, but you'll know every mother. You'll know everybody." "Oh," he said, "now, that's ridiculous." "Oh, no, no. On Mount Transfiguration, Peter, James and John had never seen Moses or Elijah, but when they was under that inspiration, they recognized them as soon as they appeared and never seen them." Is that right? But we'll know one another. Don't you worry about that, you'll know it.

Abraham - 56-1208 - William Branham


He knows everything

Jesus died for one purpose: and that was to save those who God foreknew would be saved. That's right. God knew there was going to be somebody saved, and there had to be a preparation, or a way made, for them to be saved. If there wasn't, salvation wasn't possible. So God foreknowing that people would be saved, knowing who they were, He had to lay a plan down. Now, you'd say to me, "Brother Branham, then God knows exactly who will be saved?" Correctly. "Why does He say, He's not willing that any should perish?" He isn't. He isn't willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance. But the order to be God, He has to know who will do that, or He wasn't God. 'Cause He is--He's omnipotent; He's omnipresent; He's omniscient; He knows everything. He's at every place, and all powerful.

Making A Way - 56-0304 - William Branham


If you've got faith, you're saved because you are a believer

32 Now, He cannot heal you, or cannot save you, or do one thing for you, until first you accept it, and believe it, and confess it. That's right. You've got to confess it. Not, you got to feel it, you got to confess it. He's not the high Priest of your feelings; He's the high Priest of your confession (That's right.), what you confess.
Now, if you'll get prayed for, or set in this building this afternoon, the Holy Spirit would move in here and you'd feel His blessed Presence, and hear His Word going forth, saying, that He healed all and so forth like that, and seeing the power of God. Here it go forth, and knowing it's for everyone, and you'd walk out, say, "Well, I feel just as bad as I did we I went in." He couldn't do a thing for you.
And you say, "Well, I'm... I--I accept it now." And then in the morning you get up and say, "Well, I still got that headache; I still feel as bad I did." Then you've dropped right down. You'll never live above your confession. Let the saintliest person in this building right now, just make up in your mind that you're not a Christian any more, that's when you become not a Christian. See?
When you go out, and say, "Are you a Christian?"
"No, I used to be, but I--I'm not no more." You're fallen from grace right then. See? It's faith. See? It's either faith or unbelief. You're possessed with those two powers, either faith or unbelief. If you've got faith, you're saved because you are a believer. If you haven't got faith, it--you're a sinner.

At Thy Word Lord - 54-0221 - William Branham


That soul is a part of God

A animal doesn't have a soul... But a man has a soul. And therefore, that soul is a part of God. And even in its fallen state, yet it's the most greatest specie of all the species of the earth, is the man. And then get him in connection with his Maker, he becomes a superman almost, because he's a son of God. He becomes acquainted with his Maker, with the Creator of all things. And then when that man there, acquainted with his Maker, becomes a part of his Maker, becomes back into fellowship with his Maker, every Divine Word becomes a living reality to him, and he believes it. No wonder people can't believe Divine healing today. They haven't got nothing to believe with. Until God comes into the human heart, a man is not much better than a brute. His reason, he will think it all out, "How can this be?" And explain it all away. But when God ever takes His position in the human heart all the reasonings fade away, and God becomes first. Amen.

Fellowship By Redemption - 55-0403 - William Branham


You'd never want to be a hog any more

I was just thinking. I don't know whether I ever did quoted this or not. Brother Charlie... Sometime ago I was down in Kentucky with him, and he said, "Brother Branham, do you think in the millennium you and I will squirrel hunt?" I said, "I don't think so, Charlie." He said, "Well, we liked it so well," said, "do you--you think we will when we get in the millennium?" I said, "No, won't be nothing killed in the millennium." And he said, "Well, we just like it." I said, "Charlie, what if I could convince you that one time you were a hog, and you'd raised to a higher being, to being a human being. Would you ever go--want to go back and enjoy the pleasures of a hog?" Said, "No." I said, "See, you'd be so much higher than the hog now, you're human, you'd never want to be a hog any more." I said, "Now, multiply that by ten thousand, and that's what you'll be when you are changed from here to what you will be. You'll never want to be human again." That's right. It'll be something different. I'm so glad just for the thoughts of it, knowing that someday we will climb higher.

That Day On Calvary - 60-0925 - William Branham


You get under the Blood of Jesus Christ

The devil knows how to get his program in. He taught all you holiness people, "Well, you shouldn't go to picture shows." You taught your children out here not long ago, but the devil put one over on you. He just brought the picture show in your house. That's right. That's right. Said, "Oh, that's all right." See he has... You know they used to say that the devil went out of fashion, but he didn't go out of business. That's right. He's still in business, and he's just so much shrewder now than he used to be; in the ways that people get shrewd he does too; and he just slips in right in. See? Brother, I tell you if you ever slip for cover, you do it now, and that's right. You get under the Blood of Jesus Christ. It's a disgrace how that all such things as we have and our world in it's condition today is eighty percent of it come right out of Hollywood, and yet that's the example of the world. That's where the pace is set for all the modern world, is out of Hollywood.

Has The Lord Spoken Only To Moses - 53-1130 - William Branham


Don't be afraid to fill it out

Everything He's got in His Kingdom belongs to us. He just takes the whole big Book full of checks, and signs His Name on the bottom of them, say, "Here you are, son. Anything you need, go get it." Amen. Don't be afraid to fill it out. Fill it out and hand it in, say, "Thank You, Lord." Hallelujah. It'll come to pass. "Whatsoever things you desire (Mark 11:24), when you pray, believe you'll receive it, you shall have it." Sign out the check, say, "Lord, I need healing." Tear it off, say, "There You are, Lord, I ask in Jesus' Name for healing." Say, "Thank You, Lord," and walk right on, believe for the healing. That's right. Like them crows sending down that food to Elijah. There it is.

God's Way That's Been Made For Us - 52-0900 - William Branham