
Get in the Presence of the Holy Spirit

And God's Representative on earth today is the Holy Spirit. And when you're in His Presence, see Him bless you, how can you build up such a pressure to hate your neighbor? How can you build up a denominational difference in your heart? Say, "If they wasn't Pentecostal, if he was Oneness, if was threeness, if he was--had belonged to the Assemblies, if he belonged to the Church of God, I could fellowship with him." How can you do it in the Presence of Almighty God? How can the Holy Spirit be falling upon a congregation, and then make denominational differences? How can it do it? Let off the pressure. Trouble, we've built up our pressure, because we're so denominational minded. Oh, America is rotten with it, denomination, drawing fences, creeds. What do you care about them creeds and fences? Get in the Presence of God. Get in the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Let off the pressure then.

Letting Off The Pressure - 62-0518 - William Branham


By one Spirit...

This Bible is the Letter of God. And every promise in It belongs to you, if you can believe It and accept It in the right kind of an attitude. It's in you, the hope of glory, Christ. Notice. Now how do we come into Christ? First, we receive Him by faith, believing. Secondly, "by one Spirit, then, we are all baptized into one Body," I Corinthians 12; by one membership? by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body. That is believers, that's already believed on the Lord Jesus Christ are baptized into the Body of Christ by one Holy Spirit. That's a little against my Baptist teachings, but that's the Bible. I'm a Baptist as long as it stays in the Bible; after that I'm the Bible.

What Is That In Your Hand? - 55-1120 - William Branham


He'll make you strong

Get weak so you can get strong. It'll conquer every devil. It'll put the learned to shame. It'll bring men and women who God has called, and that only. Remember, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man; eight souls was saved." In the days of Elijah there was seven thousand only had it. Oh, just think of where we're living now. When John came on the scene, the little church was certainly in the minority, but there was empty vessels to pour the Oil in. Hallelujah. God, let us empty ourselves up. Get empty, friends. Get weak. Deny your own ability. You out in radio--not radio, but out in--that hear these tapes, wherever they come, empty yourselves out. Pour yourselves out upon God's altar as a sacrifice. Let the Angel come with a coal of Fire, fill that vessel with the power of Almighty God and get... Then He'll make you strong; He'll give you grace to stand.

Perfect Strenght By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham


It's Him

How many of you believe with all your heart? You believe? If you believe, you can receive. Nervousness is nothing for God to heal, lady. You believe He will heal nervous conditions. There's just a whole group of this people suffering with the same thing. How many out there suffering with nervous condition, hold your hand. See what I mean? There's too many to call. But them demons are calling one to another, black streaks running everywhere. The devil knows he's defeated. He knows if he can only get those people... If them people will only believe God, it'll leave them right now, every one of them. They'll all be made well. See, it's truth. It's not something that you have to wonder about. He's here. He's resurrected from the dead. Can you believe it? If you can say, "Amen" to Him, "Amen" with all your heart. God lives and reigns. It's a sin for you not to believe. You're disbelieving God. It's not me; it's Him. He knows all about you.

Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever - 55-0806 - William Branham


What then?

160-243. But when you say, "Yes, my Lord, I hear Your Voice. I don't harden my heart. I don't care, Lord. It's Your Word and I believe You. Take me, Jesus, just as I am, without one plea, but that Thy blood was shed for me, and there I promise I'll believe, O Lamb of God, I come." Lay your hands upon His dying head, say, "Lord, I'm a sinner, and You called to me."
"All the Father has given Me will come to Me, and I'll raise him up at the last days."
"Yes, Lord, I come. I harden not my heart as they did in provocation; I truly believe."
Then what does He do? He gives you His Life (Zoe), Eternal Life. And if God could raise us from the dust of the earth, where we come from... Did we come from the dust? Everything you see come from the dust. And if God could make me what I am today without having any choice, just because His desire was to make me, and give me the opportunity to face Calvary and make my decision, and I made my decision and believed on Him, how much more will He raise me up. If He made me what I am without a choice, then I took a choice and took Him in. When He laid His hands by Himself and swore by Himself that He'd raise me up in the last day, I rest assure.
I have Rest. Not because I worship on Sunday, not because I worship on the sabbath; that has nothing to do with it. I worship because I've entered into His peace and rest (peace, rest, love, joy). Let the storm strive; my anchor holds.

161-248. Have you got that experience tonight, friend of mine that's setting here in this hot tabernacle? You didn't come to hear me. No, you come to hear the Word. Listen, my friend.
Now, if you haven't got that Rest, you can find It right now. You don't have to come up here at the altar; set right where you are. Be sincere, and say, "Christ, just speak to my heart. I know it's hot. I'm--I'm just all lathery and sweaty. I'm awful. But, Lord, truly I may be sweating with pain worse than this before morning."
And the doctor may shake his head, say, "It's a heart attack. He's gone." Then what?
What then? When the great Book is opened, what then? You heard that song: "What Then?" When the ones that's rejected the Message, will be asked to give a reason, what then? What Then? Think of it now, real deeply. While we bow our heads, think of it.

When the ones that's rejecting this Message tonight,
Going to be asked to give a reason, What then?
What then? What then?
When the great Book is opened, What then?
When the ones that's rejecting this Message tonight,
You're going to be asked to give a reason, What then?

Hebrews Chapter 4 - 57-0901E - William Branham


We're different

97. One time there was a great plantation, it was told me, that they had many slaves. And a broker come by, said, "I'd like to look over your slaves."
Said, "I've got about a hundred here. Look them over."
And he noticed them all. They were sad. They'd been brought from Africa. They'd never go back. They whipped them and make them work, because they didn't want to work. They were sad. They were away from papa, and mama, husband, babies, and all. They never would see them no more. They was in a strange land. They never would see their loved ones no more.
But they happened to notice one young fellow there. My, his chest was out, his chin up. They didn't have to whip him around. He was right on the mark every time. That broker said, "I'd like to buy that slave."
He said, "He's not for sale."
He said, "What makes him so much different?" Said, "Is he the boss over the rest of them?"
Said, "No, he's just a slave."
He said, "Perhaps you feed him better than you do the rest of them?"
Said, "No. He eats out in the galley with the rest of them. He's just a slave."
Said, "What makes him so different from the rest of them?"
Said, "I once wondered myself. But I come to find out that over in the homeland his father is the chief, the king of the tribe. And he knows that he's a king's son. He conducts himself like one."
Friends, we're in a sinful world. Women, you're daughters of a King. Brothers, you're sons of the King. Let's conduct ourselves as sons and daughters of the King, right in this world. Don't be like them, fashion after them. We're different. We come... We're from another... We're aliens here. We're pilgrims. Let's conduct ourselves, act different, be different, be like up there in heaven.

98. Some few days ago wife and I, 'fore we come out here, went to a supermarket. We found a woman had a dress on. Meda said, "Isn't that strange, that lady?" She said, "Billy, I want to ask you." Said, "I know some of them women. They sing in choirs here in these denominational churches." Said, "Why is it our people..."
I said, "Honey. Look, look. We are not of the world. See? When I go to Germany, Germany has its way of doing. I go to Finland, it has its way of doing. I go to other nations, they have their way." And I said, "America, it has its way."
But I said... She said, "Well, aren't we Americans?"
I said, "No, honey. We're not Americans; we're Christians. We're living here, certainly. As a nation, this is ours." But I said, "We're from above. Then our women must act like up there. We must conduct ourselves like up there. That's the reason we don't act like the people of the world. We're different."

From That Time - 62-0713 - William Branham


Eighty-four cents

You know, people are very fond about this body. Oh, my. I was standing not long ago to a great big museum. There was two young men standing there looking at the human body, a man weighing a hundred and fifty pounds, worth eighty-four cents in chemicals. Eighty-four cents, could you imagine that? You'll put a hundred dollar suit on eighty-four cents, ten dollar Stetson hat on the top of him. Some of the sisters will put a two hundred dollar mink coat around eighty-four cents and walk down the street. If it'd rain it would drown you. Taking care of that eighty-four cents... That's right. That's all your body's worth. But you got a soul that's worth ten million worlds. What about that? Amen. What about that soul? You'll certainly take care of the eight-four cents, but what about the soul that's worth ten thousand worlds? What about that? Brother, it behooves you to consecrate your life to Jesus Christ, walk after Him, love Him, make ready for His coming.

Jehovah Jireh - 56-0224 - William Branham


You've got the promise

Luke 24:49 said, "Behold, I send the promise of the Father upon you: but wait up at the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with power from on high." How long? One hour, two hours, ten days, four months, six months, didn't make any difference: until. How long's that? Just until. When you ask God for anything, stay right there until. Amen...?... Stay until. Until what? Till it happens. Claim it. Believe it. Hold on to it. Go in action. Testify about it. Yes. Testify. Don't be afraid. Get in action. They were in the upper room what? Praising and blessing God. What for? The promise; they knowed it had to come. There you are; get in action. Go to praising God till the promise is fulfilled. You've got the promise.

The Influence Of Another - 62-1013 - William Branham


His Word is Light

20. The sun is the king of all lights on this earth, in the natural light. No matter how much artificial light that we can have, and how many great electric rays we can produce; when that sun rises, all the rest of them dim out.
That's the same thing it is with the Word of God. When the Word of God rises, all superstitions, denominational fanaticisms and things, spread away, and it shows it just exactly what it is. God in the beginning said, "Let there be light." The Light only comes, the true Light, the King Light, comes by the Word of God. God separated the light from the darkness in the beginning. And the Word of God made manifest always separates the Light from the darkness.
People can rise up with this, that, or the other; isms can rise, communism, fascism, and all other isms can rise; superstitions, cults, whatever it might be, might rise. But when that King Light of the Bible raises up, all superstitions and things... But, you see, we know it's there, but until It's a vindicated, proves Its Light, then we have no right to argue against That, because It shuts all other light out. Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the Truth." His Word is superior over all man's words, over all, anything. His Word is Light.

23. And we know that in the beginning it must've been foggy and dismal and dark, as the world was turning, and when God knowed that He had a need of light. Now, His seed was already in the earth, because He'd planted it there. Now He needed light to bring forth that seed, to make that seed live, because the seed was already there.
Just like it is in each age, God has foretold us what would take place in each age. The only thing He needs is the manifestation of the Light of God upon that Scripture to make it live for that age. Just a... And it will do it as long as the Light can get to the Word. If the Word's germitized, It'll make it live if it's a promise for that day.
You might plant wheat at one time, or grain at another time. Some come slower than other, because it depends on the season.
God's Word comes in season, the law and the grace, and so forth, as we've went on down through the ages. And each time it's lit up by the manifestation of the Light spreading forth the--the Life that's in the Seed.

27.By the Word of God the sun shines today, because the very sun that we're enjoying is God's Word made manifest. This very sunlight that we see outside is nothing but God's Word, when He said, "Let there be light."
And what if He'd said, "Let there be light," and there was no light? Then it wasn't God spoke. When God says, "Let there be," there will be. And so we find out that the sun that we now are enjoying is the manifestation of God's Word spoken in Genesis.

Turn On The Light - 64-0125 - William Branham


They're all children to Him

Preachers are called, prophets, and teachers, and evangelists, and pastors, and so forth. They have received the Holy Ghost, and then a gift to do these things with it. But God don't have any little bitty children or great big children. They're all children to Him. That's exactly right. And your rightly position is setting right now in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, with every power. You say, "Brother Branham, I'm the least in the church. I'm just a little bitty fellow." But remember, when He ascended on high... See, you're raised with Him; you're in the body; and you're with Christ right now, seated in heavenly places. If you're the skin on the bottom of the feet, every devil's underneath you. That's right. That's exactly right. The church... Where the head is, the body's with it. And if we be buried, died, buried in Christ, then we're raised with Him in His resurrection, and set in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, with every fire of hell under us. Amen. Right. No matter how little you are, every devil's under you.

Convinced Then Concerned - 62-0118 - William Branham


He is the Dynamics of the mechanics

156. Just reminds me of a fellow in Florida not long ago. He was talking, said he had a Chevrolet car that went out on him in Florida, and said he took it to the garage. And this mechanic was going along there, and he got everything set together, and he couldn't get it to start. And it was nervous running around all over the building picking up this, and the man standing, said, "I'm waiting on my car, sir. I'm late. Can't you get it?"
He said, "I'm doing all I can do," real nervous and carrying on. And he walked along.
Directly a well-dressed gentleman walked up and looked at him a few moments, and he said to the mechanic, after he let him butt his head around a little while; he said, "Why don't you just touch this? You're not getting any current."
So he said, "I never thought of that." So he just turned that other little thing, ever what it was there, and he got the--the current in; the car started.
He turned around and said, "Who are you?" You know who he was? The chief engineer of the--of the General Motor. He made the thing. He designed it.

162. In this hour, brother, when we wonder what's the matter with our revival, what's the matter? We got the material and everything; we got the mechanics, but where is the Dynamics? That's what we need to move Jesus Christ in on the scene. What's the matter? I tell you, there's One here today (Hallelujah.), called the Holy Ghost, that can touch the Dynamics. He is the Dynamics of the mechanics.

Turn On The Light - 64-0125 - William Branham


Would you...

No matter how many atomic bombs they have, how many hydrogen bombs, and how much they speak of this and this is going to happen. Don't be scared. God's at the wheel. He knows just how to steer. He knows just how it's coming out. So we don't have one thing to fear, but be just a lovely, little carefree child, who's looking up to Father every minute, and depending on Him to lead us, guide us, and to take us into our destination by His grace. And by loving Him that way, you wouldn't do nothing to harm Him. Why, if you'd do anything to harm Him, or all through the night, your hot tears would run down your cheeks in repentance. Because you wouldn't hurt Father for nothing. Would you... You wouldn't hurt your little baby; you'd hate to do that. You'd hate to hurt the feelings of your wife or your husband. How much more your Lord and Saviour? Would you, if you love Him...

Gifts - 56-1207 - William Branham


Fear not, little sister

165. Now, it reminds me of another little story. Not going back to stories, but a friend of mine was standing in Carlsbad, New Mexico, when we was there holding a meeting up at Carlsbad. And there was a bunch of people went down into this cave.
Oh, I--I never did like that stuff, down there where it's deep, and about a mile in the ground. I--I'm satisfied up here. So they went down through... I want to go higher, not lower. So I...
They took... This fellow, went down in there. And he was a man friend, and his little girl and little boy went down with them. And they went way down into a big basement, oh, I guess, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of feet below the surface of the earth, went down there. And the man there by the switch, all at once [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] turned off the switch. And it was so black and dark till you couldn't even see your hand moving down in front of your face. A little girl, a little thing, was real scared. She begin to scream to the top of her voice, "Oh, it's dark! It's dark! It's dark!" hysterically screaming.
Her little brother happened to be standing. He screamed out in the darkness, he said, "Fear not, little sister, there's a man here who can turn on the light."
Hallelujah. What's the little Church going to do? Don't worry. There's a Man here today that can turn on the Light; that's the Lord Jesus Christ (Oh, yeah.), the Lord Jesus Christ.

Turn On The Light - 64-0125 - William Branham


Just a little testing time...

Truly, Lord, we teach the people, there's nothing good in man, not one thing. "What is man that Thou art mindful of him?" But it's the grace of God that's appeared to us. And we trust only in His merits, and not in our own. And we worship Thee, most holy God, for Thy goodness to include us in Thy great Kingdom and in Thy great plans. We receive Thee into our hearts by faith. And by grace, we believe that You've give it to us for the glory of God, for the service of God.

Now, Lord, heal the sick as they come up to be prayed for, this morning. Give to them that joy, that they long to be well. Let them know that this little light affliction, was put upon them, is just a little testing time. God knows all about it. He did it to see what we'd do about it. How God may they step right out there and claim that finished work. May You... May they not provoke You by be running here and there, and in and out, "Well, I don't know this, that..."
Lord, may they take a straight stand, say, "Lord, You was the One Who saved me. You was the One Who did these things for me. I believe You, and I'm trusting You today." And I pray that You'll grant this to the people in Christ's Name. Amen.

Hebrews Chapter 3 - 57-0901M - William Branham


He's my Friend

102. I've been through depression. I've been through prosperity. I've seen it, altogether. But I wouldn't turn loose the hand of Jesus Christ for all the money and the wealth that you could pile on the face of this earth, and everything else. He's my Friend when I'm broke. He's my Friend when I got plenty. I love Him when I'm hungry. I love Him when I'm filled. I love Him when I'm in sorrow. I love Him when I'm happy. I love Him because I love Him, because He first loved me. Amen. Hallelujah.
When I was sick, laying, dying, He was my Friend. When I'm feeling good tonight, happy, He's still my Friend When I'm laying yonder, dying somewhere, and my chilly veins coming up my arms like that, He will be my Friend then. And when these brittle threads that I'm walk--walking on, breaks, and I plunge out into Eternity, He will be my Friend then. When the ages roll on, after ten thousand years, you've sung your jubilee songs, He will still by my Friend then. Yes, sir. When there's no more moon, no more sun, no more earth, He will still be my Friend then as the ages roll on. Oh, how we ought to love Him.

104. What is your job? What is whatever you've got? What's your popularity? What's your... Who are you anyhow? That's right. Who are you to turn your back on God? Who are you to refuse to, oh, disobey one Word that He would say? Who are you to turn your head to God's Word, because--'cause some preacher or somebody else told you that It was for some other day? Who are you to believe man instead of God? You believe God instead of man. That's the way to be friends with God.

Unpardonable Sin - 54-1024 - William Branham


It's a seed

Say, "Well, Brother Branham, the doctor told me I was dying. I got cancer." That may be so. The man's telling you all he knows how. But only thing he can do, he's got five senses to work with, two of them he can use. What is it? One sense is feeling, the next place is--is seeing. Seeing and feeling, he can feel something, or see something through an x-ray. That's all the man has to work with. That's all he knows, but he's doing the best he can do. But don't look at that, he's come to his end. Look up here what This promised. Say, "How can it be done?" God said so. That settles it when God said it. That settles; it's eternally settled forever in heaven: His Word is. And His Words was made flesh, and is flesh today in you, if you will let It come flesh. "If ye abide in Me and My Word's in you, then ask what you will and it will be done," St. John 15. See, we want just let them Words stay in here. Believe it; it's the truth. It's a seed. It will--it will bring to pass everything that He promised.

Perseverance - 62-0218 - William Branham


Your prayers...

And remember, at the great day of the judgment, your prayers will be counted just as much in that revival, as my efforts would be to go bring them. We're co-workers together in Christ Jesus. Is that right? Your prayers...
Remember Dwight Moody, what he said when he was converted down there? That little old wash woman been praying for him. Who got the credit? The wash woman. She was the one led Moody to Christ. John Smith, Calvin, Knox, many of the great reformers, was all come by prayer.

Speak To This Rock - 53-0512 - William Branham


If you'll think of where you're going...

Sell out. Get right with God. Either be what you are or don't be at all. God's Bible doesn't teach it, then get away from it. If It does teach it, stay with it. It reminds me of this, for instance, what if we were going to take a little trip in thirty days from now to another land? And in this land, the climate was so wonderful, till we'd never come back no more. And over there we would never have to die or get old, but we would just be there forever. Could I imagine seeing you going around to the ten cent store buying up a lot of junk to take with you? You'd be trying to get rid of what junk you had. And when you just flusterate yourself with joining one church and then the other, you accumulate more junk. But if you'll think of where you're going, you'll get rid of a lot of that doubt and nonsense. You'll have real faith.

Faith Is Our Victory - 58-1004 - William Branham

The best armor

4. You know, the best armor that America has in this present crisis is God fearing, praying people. That's the best. It's worth more then all the bombs and tanks that we could produce. God will always fight for His people. Let us...
If this whole nation with one accord would throw themselves to God in sackcloth and ashes of repentance, and come back to the old fashion pathways that our forefathers trod, there couldn't be a bit of harm come to us. I believe it'd be worth more then all the ammunition plants and things that we could make (That's right.), and all the bombs that we could have. There's nothing as great as prayer. God holds all the future in His hands.
Someone asked me not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, what do you think about the future?"
I said, "I do not know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future." So that's the thing, if I can keep acquainted with Him.

Looking To The Unseen - 50-0816 - William Branham


Come out of kindergarten

Someone said the other day, he said, "Brother Branham, people regard you as a prophet. Why in the world don't you teach those people how to get spiritual gifts? Leave off of the way them women dress and those men act. Leave off of it. You got no business saying it. Teach them great, deep, spiritual things." I said, "How can I teach them algebra, when they don't know ABC's?" How can you give them a college education, and they're not even out of kindergarten? Don't even have common decency to clean yourselves up, and act like Christians, and dress like Christians, and live like Christians, and then talk about spiritual gifts. Come out of kindergarten. They presume that's all right, but it's wrong. You shouldn't do it. Your mothers didn't do it that was in Pentecost years ago. But they do it. And you men how do you stand, let your wives do that? You're still in kindergarten. See? That's right. You presume it's all right, but it isn't.

Presuming - 62-0117 - William Branham


He's the Boss

And he would--he'd get better, and then have it again, and then get better, and have it again. He said, "Lord, what's the matter, You don't take this away from me?"
He said, "My grace is sufficient, Paul; just keep on." It'd keep...

He said, "Now, if it... If I was just perfect, and everything perfect" said, "then when I went along, oh, I'd get puffed up and say, 'You see, there's nothing wrong with me. The Lord takes care of me, brother, hallelujah.'"
Then you're getting self-righteous. See?
God has to give you a little something once in a while to kinda meeken you up a little, you know (That's right.), kinda make you realize that He's the Boss. Oh, isn't He wonderful (Yes, sir.), just glorious.

Hebrews Chapter 3 - 57-0901M - William Branham


God will bring it to you

You want God to send the power upon you, go to praying and believing. The Holy Ghost will bring it to you, healing, salvation, whatever you have need of God will bring it to you. I can see a bunch of people that was cowardly, a hundred and twenty. Oh, little, old, cowardly people and there they was. They went up a little old step one time, because God said, "Now, don't you preach any more; don't you sing any more; don't you testify any more until you've been filled with the Holy Spirit. Then He's going lead you to all nations to preach this Gospel." And they climbed up in the upper room and stayed there, cowardly, the door was locked, the windows locked, praying real low to themselves, and hiding out from the Jews until the Holy Ghost fell on them. "There came from heaven a sound like a rushing mighty wind, filled all the house where they was setting. Cloven tongues set upon them like fire, and out doors and windows both they went into the street led by the Holy Ghost. And that Fire what was kindled on the day of Pentecost is still struck our hearts from that day till this. Men that wants to be led by the Holy Spirit...

Led By The Spirit Of God - 56-0723 - William Branham


He moves in the heart

Sometimes God's ways are so hard that--to the human mind to comprehend, you just think that it's ridiculous. And faith is ridiculous to the carnal mind. It's crazy to anything except God and the one who has the faith. Then by faith, we see, we believe things that our eyes, our mind does not declare, just because that we believe it.

Reasoning? Why, it would never reason to be right. So we can't reason it out, or study it? We'll just only muddle our minds up. And there's only one way to do, is to have faith that what God promises, God's able to perform. That settles it.
Don't try to... Say, "Well now, how could it be? We're living in a modern time." Keep that out of your mind. Don't even take the second thought. Just take Him at His Word. You make that decision right now, that what God says, God can keep. It's not my business to figure it out. Because if I do that, I'm working then in the intellectual realms. God don't move in the head; He moves in the heart.

Time Of Decision - 59-0418 - William Branham


He stands out

The whole world has become contaminated. All's on television and things, is some old vulgar, dirty stuff. And you try to pattern yourself like that. Won't you take Jesus' example? Won't--why don't you let Him... Why don't you listen to His Word? Won't you do these things that's right? How many here will honestly say that you know you haven't got the Holy Ghost, look at yourself in the mirror, and know you haven't? No. And just look at your own life, and the way you do. Not because you belong to church: "I belong to Methodist, Baptist, Pres... I..." That's all right. I ain't saying nothing against that. But I'm asking you, do you know Christ Jesus? Is He living in you? If He does, He'll identify Himself there. If He's there He's bound to let Himself be known. You can't hide Him, He stands out.

Jesus Keeps All His Appointments - 64-0418E - William Branham

The devil will always point them out too

Jesus knew, before these apostles could ever go out and be a correct witness, that they had to experience what they were witnessing about. Wouldn't that be nice today, if every seminary did the same thing, if every Christian did the same thing? Would just come to church and say, "Now, I'm accepting Jesus as my personal Saviour. I'm going to stay right here till I get the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and then I'm going out to be a witness." See? Things would be different, don't you think so? We wouldn't have that loose, scattered testimonies. People testify and say they're a Christian, and go out and live other lives. And the unbeliever comes in and sees that, he say, "Well, look at there. Is that the way they..." And the devil will always point them out too. You can just depend on that. He's a businessman. And don't underestimate his ability in his business realms, because he knows what it's all about.

Witnesses - 53-0405E - William Branham

It must be a personal witness

The Bible said no man can say Jesus is the Christ, only by the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost has to witness it to you: must be a personal experience. I hope you see that. No matter how much you go to church, how well your name is engraved on its stained windows, or whatmore, or on its book, it'll never mean nothing to you, until you are a witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ by the infilling of the power of the Holy Spirit. You are taking somebody else's word. Why, I'd say... "Well, Brother Branham, I know that Jesus is the Christ, 'cause the Bible said so." The Bible is right, but what do you know about it? See? It's an individual affair with every individual. It must be a personal witness that every person must have in order to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, is when His Spirit bears record with your spirit, in the Spirit of the new birth, borned again and you cry, "Abba, Father."

Witnesses - 54-0303 - William Branham


God always answers

8. Now, the thing is with the people, is the way God appears. Many times we want to make an idol out of God. We ask God to do something, and then He must do it just the way that we ask it, or we'll say He never answered. When we do that, we weaken our faith in God. And we weaken our testimony when we do not take Him at His Word.
God always answers. No one never asked... Jesus said, "Ask and you shall receive; seek and ye shall find." Everyone that asks will receive. Everyone that seeks shall find. Everyone that knocks, it'll be opened to them.
Now, that's the only way that I've always found it, that I can get anything from God, is take Him at His Word and believe it the way He sends it.
Now, if we do not take it just the way that we think it is... We've built God as an idol. He's got to answer just according to our ways, or, "Well, it's just no good. He didn't answer us." God answers in many ways. He answers in peculiar ways, times, and everything is odd.

9. We'll take, for instance, Moses. Moses was eighty years old. He was almost, you might think, too old for God to deal with. He was an old man, unexpected in his age to be dealt with with God. Another thing, he was under the Mount Horeb, a unexpected place. God met him at a unexpected age, at a unexpected place, in a unexpected way. God didn't meet Moses the way He usually met men. He met Moses in an unusual way, in the way that He chose to meet Moses in.
That's the way he answers our prayer, in the way that He thinks is best. And His way is always right. If we ask for anything, and it doesn't happen just the way God--or the way we think that God ought to let it happen, then that makes us lose and fall back. Let's ask God, stand firm on the Word, and say It's true, and it--just receive it the way He sends it. That's the way you got to believe God.
It may come disguised; it may come in another way, around about way. But no matter what way it comes, if we have asked we shall receive. God said so. And that settles it forever, if God says so. Now, when you get to taking God like that and believing it...

Unchangeable God - 60-0326 - William Branham


He found Somebody Who could pardon him

89. Now, we find out that Mary found resurrection and Life. So did Jairus, the little priest, a secret believer, that when he saw Jesus and looked upon Him, he found resurrection and Life.
The hungry people looked to Him one day and found sustaining bread, a type that the hungry today can find the Bread of Life, not find a creed. You don't find a founder; you don't find a reformer; you find Life when you find Christ, the Bread of Life.
The dying thief looked to Him in the hour of distress and what did he find? He found His pardon. Who else could he look to? The Roman government wouldn't pardon him. No one else would pardon him. But he looked to Jesus in his distress, and he found Somebody Who could pardon him.
My brother, sister, tonight if you're hanging like he was then on the balance of condemnation; and knowing, if you'd die tonight as a lukewarm church member, or a lukewarm Pentecostal, or whatever you might be, you know where you're going. Look to Him tonight, the One Who can set you free. One tonight, if you're just only a membership only, and don't know what the resurrection of Christ means to live in a human heart, look to Him. He's God, and He alone. You'll find pardoning like this poor, thick, sin-sick thief did, hanging on the cross.

Looking Unto Jesus - 64-0122 - William Branham


He will take us right through

And something that we invent ourself. Now, they got a man whirling around in space. They all holler about that you know: "We got a man in space." Why, that's nothing. We Christians have had one in space for two thousand years. That's right. They're...?... hollering about that. That's nothing new. That's old to us; we knowed that all along. So, see? See, that's just how far ahead we are. They just don't realize it. Yes, building great big roads and super things like that and trying to make the earth a better place and so forth; they don't realize that the meek's going to inherit it. So there--there you are. So just--just... See, God's got it all figured out for us. That's only thing we have to do, is just hold onto Him and just go right on if have all believing. That's all He asked us to do. He will take us right through.

Putting On The Whole Armor Of God - 62-0607 - William Branham


Why do you hunger?

503. But all this mystery is revealed only, as He promised, to His Bride. Hell is against this Truth, of the revelation of this mystery. But the Bride is standing on it. That's Her stand.

504. Why do you hunger, Church, why do you thirst? It's the Father trying to reveal this hidden secret to you. But you let so many things get it out of you. You let your job, you let your wife, you let your husband, you let your children, you let the cares of the world, you let some pastor, you let somebody else get that out of you, when you know that way down in your heart you're thirsting, hungry. It's God trying to reveal it to you, see, the revelation. The last day is here.

Christ Is the Mystery Of God Revealed - 63-0728 - William Branham


But you know, where you belong after that

You know, He's the Lily of the Valley. Opium comes from lily. We know that. Oh, how it is. When those pipe dreamers get a hold of opium, they think that's something. Oh, they ought to get inoculation of this one time. One does for all the time. It's not a pipe dream, but it's a reality of heaven that'll anchor back in your soul by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. It puts you to sleep--not asleep, but dead to the things of the world and alive in Christ...?... Christ living forevermore. It does something to you that no one knows nothing about but you. You was the one that got the serum. You was the one that got the inoculation. You know what it's all about. Why? You felt it, you knowed it. You seen what it did to you, done something to you. You're branded. Amen. You know where you belong.

We used to brand calves. There's a woman came out, one time, on a horse, and she said, "Aren't you ashamed to do that, that poor little fellow, putting that brand on him?"
I said, "It hurts for a little bit, but he knows where he belongs." Amen. That's the way it is.
God makes you hurt for a little bit, but you know where you belong after that.

The Way Back - 62-1123 - William Branham